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Day-to-Day and some odds and ends

Entries in this blog

The final time

After many hours of thought, I have come to the conclusion that it is time for me to step away as a member of this clan. There have been some personal things I've been dealing with that take precedence and the lack of time I have set aside for the clan isn't fair to the community as a whole. As of today I hereby retract my membership and wish you all happy gaming and further growth as a clan. 



Just time for a blog

Howdy folks! Been a few days, I know. My consistency has gone out the window and I apologize to those of you who take the time out of your lives to read my random babblings. So I'm currently engorging myself with a large pizza and cheesy bread, and a 2 litre of coca-cola. Not healthy I am aware, but due to my active history/lifestyle I require about 4000 Calories a day or else I become lightheaded and all around dont feel good. Ugh main problem with that is when i grocery shop for just myself it




Howdy y'all, I know it's been a few days since i last posted. I have been both extremely busy and quite tired after work. Anyhow, this is whats been up: a friend of mine is pregnant, a buddy just returned from deployment, a divisional dinner tonight at Sushi King in Norfolk, and still no real progress on the healing of my leg. I'm being referred to Orthopedics for MRI's and further testing/therapy. Also, i took it upon myself to become a better individual by enrolling in telecom style anger mana



The Weekend

Howdy all, today was a pretty bland saturday. though it is not yet complete. Today i went to work, took care of some administrative paperwork, went and got my truck serviced, and now surfing the forums. Later this evening is by far the most important part of the night: Alabama vs LSU in college football. I'm a die hard Alabama fan, always have been. Some would even say its the same level of commitment I put towards my friends lol, hoping to also continue the Stellaris campaign myself, Armory, a




So I log onto forums and discord. Its friday. Oh my god was it hilarious. "i was legit concerned of his lactating nipples and one nut" lmfao i never thought i'd hear that in a random conversation. This has by far been the most hilarious and awesome group of people i've met in a long time. I have a Submariner's sense of humor and these peeps definitely share it to an extent. I'm just happy I found a community that is just as random as I can be sometimes. Time to start some gaming for the weekend



Synopsis of Things

As yall have read, it's been frustrating and lots of me bitching/moaning about how the people I work with suck. Well today after sitting down with leadership and explaining why it is exactly that I blew up on them Saturday, they fully understood. I'm back to not having to stay overnight for duty days (mainly because I'm on light duty restrictions, and not in full duty status). Also means I'm in an overall better mood. I'm not one to so quickly talk to someone i've blown up at/ gotten mad at. Als



Solemn Friday

So, as yall know by now I dont exactly have the most favorable working hours. Lately I've gone beyond the call so-to-speak and put in extra hours to help the division get prepared for upcoming maintenance and evolutions. Well all that hard work and extra time was thrown away and credited to someone who didn't do a single thing. Those in the division proceeded to berate me, saying I haven't done anything and im just using my injury for personal gain/getting out of work. After a day like today I r




Ok I dont have a lot of time tonight. Work was annoying beyond all reason, physical therapy I swear is where they send you to make the injury worse, and lastly a good friend is back in the clan. Patience and reason win out. A lot were fighting for him. Glad things worked out. Let's not do that again, with anyone... (unless they are sabotaging servers and shiznit)... you know, uncool things. its 10:45pm my time. 2245 for you military folk. yeah im military but im not in uniform at the moment. Bee




Woke up this morning. It was raining. Started out as a normal day. Inventoried 10,000 repair parts with associated storage locations for the inspection next week. Got a hair cut. Came home and found a burning bag of shit had exploded everywhere as soon as I got online. Holy.... f***..... that just happened. I dont know everything. I wont claim to know, that isnt my place, my call, my fight. Damn. I went to sleep thinking progress had been made, yet it was more so reverted to draconian/ stone age



Making progress.

Alright folks. A little tidbit of advice. If progress is desired, and by progress I mean mutually beneficial success, there is but one integral variable to the equation. That variable is communication. Without communication there is not a chance in hell anything can move forward. Maintain professionalism, maintain poise, and above all, maintain an open mind. It is difficult to hear and accept other's opinions/train-of-thought. I'm not suggesting you alter the way you feel about something, that i



A working weekend just beginning

So. It is official. This weekend sucks. 8 hour work days leading into a strand of 16 straight days of maybe a total of 100+ hours. no overtime. yeah i'm salty about it. Playing DOI on our awesome server though helps blow off steam. Sometimes i wonder if what i'm doing really has an effect on my future. Like.... Is this really what i want to be known for? working with no real social life outside of the people i work with?.... ugh the sound of that frustrates me. Oh well shit happens. Wedding plan



First of many?

Never thought it would happen. Blogging as a 24yr old USN Sailor. Ha! Listening to music and typing. What to say?.... How was my day? The answer is simple: Meh. When it comes to work I've been thrown just about everywhere.... Wait, maybe the reader would like a little background, yeah? OK, I'm a Cajun that was born in Louisiana, and grew up for the most part in Alabama. I'm a southern boy through and through. I have experienced the northern states of New England area and reside in Virginia. I've



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