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    Full time being awesome

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    =F|A= kentikins
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    COD4 #3
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  1. Did some digging and tried multiple different console commands. The one that solved the problem was: /cg_chattime 12000 ​Don't know why this had changed after he reinstallation.
  2. The settings like the resolution is not the problem, my settings are exactly the same as it was when they were working on my macbook but i'll play around with different resolutions to make sure.
  3. I recently installed cod4 onto a new hard drive but the in game chat is missing. Commands typed into console don't show up either. Anyone else ever come across this and how do I solve it? Thanks in advance.
  4. General tip: Use intego's Washing Machine programme. It's similar to Clean My Mac. It generally just got rid of all unnecessary files and made my mac a lot faster. I think Washing Machine/Clean My Mac are the mac equivalents to Tuneup Utilities.
  5. Both? I'm not really quite sure myself, all depends on the map, the situation and sometimes just the way I'm feeling.
  6. Happy Birthday kentikins!

  7. Nope, the password programme does not need to be installed onto the computer, just appears as a disc:
  8. Should of explained things a bit clearer. The hard drive is brand new and I use it to backup my mac. As I'm going to Uni, I just wanted to know as the hard drive is password protected will I be able to unlock it and transfer items from the hard drive on to a PC and vice versa. I don't currently have access to a PC so I can't test my hard drive.
  9. I've been give an WD My Passport Edge which is specific for Mac. It's got some software locks and encryption. Anyone know how compatible it is with Windows?
  10. I'm not at halls, I'm just renting a house with some other students. Thanks for the advice.
  11. Going to University in 10 days and I got most of the essentials. I'm living in a private house with 4 other people so if you're in University or finished, What stuff did you wish you bought with you (or any other tips)? Thanks in advance.
  12. ... but whose the best out of you four?
  13. AK-47 with bandolier, stopping power and deep impact. Just got used to it, has high damage and just generally versatile. Recoil makes kills harder at long distances though.
  14. Maps for beginners looks good to me
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