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    Hardcore ET
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    Guns, politics, video games, Football, COD 4, fishing, trapping, hunting, programing, speech and debate, soccer, and tons more.
  • Location
    New albany, IN, USA 47150


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  1. Hey Guys, Davidjb7 here. So I was just on youtube watching my favorite youtuber Seananners and he was playing cod4 prop hunt... ON THE FEARLESS ASSASSINS SERVER! It said it was supervised by SSG and supersniperguy!
  2. As some of you know, several weeks ago I blew up on the server and really made a fool of myself and the clan. In regards to this the administration has taken appropriate steps to demote me a level. I however do not think that is far enough. So I am officially leaving the clan. I will still be active on the forums and servers, just not in a member capacity. I have realised that for 2-3 years I wanted to be in the clan so badly and spent way too much time trying to adjust myself to fit other peoples standards. In some ways I matured, in others I simply suppressed my emotions. I have enjoyed my time with FA immensely and will sorely miss it and the camaraderie. There are other reasons behind my leaving as well, being an MIT freshman with 17 credit hours and a 34 hour a week job is beginning to wear on me. Also, I would like to note that I was in NO way pressured to leave the clan and the administration handled this issue with grace far surpassing what I deserved. I could not have asked for better guys to have helped me grow. Thanks so much for the good times, don't be a stranger or feel weird if you see me on the server. I am the same guy, just a different name. Yours truly, David Jon Bloom
  3. L M G s....... Nuf Said. No, I hate lmgs the most, but also campers, tubes, and especially those dang n00bs who use all 3..... Because there are those people.... Also, I am so sorry TC. I know that was directed at me.
  4. Oh really? I didn't know that. Huh, learn something new every day.
  5. As far as I am aware FA doesn't consider ranking hacks as actually hacking so you could do that. I have never done it before but I am sure you could find a youtube video about it.
  6. Hey guys, I am going to a two week leadership camp in the rocky hills of Colorado and will not be online at all over that time. Don't think of me as afk, but more like a spectator watching your every move. XD Have a great week ya'll. Thanks.
  7. I was looking at a demo today and I found an old one, thought it would be fun to pull out. Sorry Vyder, I was so sure you hacked! XD Too good. Hope you all enjoy. Archive.zip
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  8. Can we switch a couple things on the promod server? 1: Turn it to Softcore. Most promod servers are and it makes noscoping much easier. 2: Turn on Kill-Cams, without the ability for us do anything (Banning, Kicking, etc. . .) we need to at least be able to watch the Kill-cam and make sure they aren't hacking. Also, as it is SnD it doesn't affect the gameplay. 3: Regarding the Admin Abilities, is there anyway you can enable normal admin commands like on Beginners? I feel like that would greatly increase peoples confidence in the server. Thanks.
  9. After playing promod for 3 years I would suggest always going with the m40a3. It is weaker as many people have pointed out, but when you can fire two rounds from it in the time it takes to fire one in the r700 it is worth a lot. And if you want to be a good sniper you shouldn't go for the "One shot anywhere" gun. Go for the weaker one and improve your accuracy and then move over to the better one if you want to. I always play with this setup. M40A3 Gold Deagle (Very fast rate of fire, a good way to escape those 1v1s with SMGers.) Smoke (To avoid those LMG campers) Bandolier (Enough ammo to get a nice 20 kill streak if you are good.) Stopping Power (The One shot kill in Softcore) (The equalizer in Hardcore) Steady Aim (This might come as a surprise, but when you hop a corner and there is suddenly a mofo with a M4, being able to rip off a shot and know where it is going to land is a great advantage.) Hope this helps. I would also suggest playing on Promod servers (Like a nuketown only one) and then switching to softcore, AND then to hardcore. Because if you just jump into hardcore you will get wrecked very quickly. More enemy damage per shot, means less time for you to react.
  10. I will be on dear. Maybe even TS3.
  11. Not going to sleep after that....that is amazing but disgusting!
  12. No idea buddy, hope you enjoy wherever you go.
  13. Why is it just Lu and I? You guys need to get on here
  14. Are you gonna do the file links for the HnS as well?
  15. Speed, every time I log on it quits Cod4?!??! Any ideas?!?!?
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