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    Beginners #2
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Community Answers

  1. File Name: blackops-wormsteam-wolfensteintweaker-etpackinst-aoesoundpack File Submitter: DarKMyst File Submitted: 01 Apr 2016 File Category: Soundpacks some older files, but maybe usable. Added Parazit-clan adminfiles. Click here to download this file
  2. application denied, dont agree with reason..but alla that`s life huh?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bo0m


      Nah my status update was just a sarcasm about your denied aplication. Idk i was not on server long time so can't say anything, buz..

    3. Platonic


      Remember the part about not being ready yet. You didn't feel ready yourself, needed more time to learn about commands and even teams. Now you have that time. I think that's the most constructive way to take it :)

    4. ancientmule


      we have members that tried to apply 2 or 3 times before we accepted as trial.

      learn and try to get to know the regulars and the members in the server you play, that will help in a future application if you are still interested in joining.


      GL and remember always have fun and let other have fun aswell..

  3. A bit late reaction, but i am not that long trying to be a member of F|A...... , but in the old days ( about 10 to 12 years ago, we as the SpiDarClan used to go with gameservers.com. That for only one reason...........money.! They were at that moment the cheapest . But...as mentioned before , there support was almost none. ! Days and days waiting for an answer on a ticket. ID3 was a good one, but moeneywise we couldn`t hold them as host very long. Just some memories from an old goat. Love you guys DarKMyst.
  4. Good luck with your exam boom!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bo0m


      3 captains said I passed, doctor said no

    3. bo0m


      Then I told them next time I come to repeat this exam i would bring small tank of gasoline and flair

    4. bo0m


      And set them all on fire xD

  5. Hello guys, A mate of my just installed ET from the F|A downloads section. He is running win 10 64bit and first could not run the game. Then i told him to run it as administrator and the game is running now and he can connect to servers. But every time he reconnect after a break, he looses all his keybinds. Kind of important for him because he is a lefthanded player. Any suggestions? P.S. Is there a difference when you rightclick on the ETicon and right away tell it to run as administrator, or do you need to change the properties of the start icon?
  6. 861 downloads

    some older files, but maybe usable. Added Parazit-clan adminfiles.
  7. Hello people, I was cleaning up an old disk and found some old ETfiles. ( soundpacks / ET tweaker , etc. ) If someone is interested i can upload or send them ( it is abourt 25mb, so uploading will be a problem ) They are old, so maybe you can`t find them anymore and would like to use them or if it is garbage, just put them where they belong.... Regards DarKMyst
  8. Be Safe and happy where you go and return and try to get your helmet back.lol.

  9. I digged something out of my past ET. This was something we used then ( about ten years ago ) in the SpiDar clan. Not a suggestion, just old memories. I specially like the last line.!! Server Rules 1. TKing Friendly fire is a fact of war and something that one has to accept, accidents do happen. TK is just another thing that adds to the realism of the game, and it forces you to stop and think before you fire, making the game a lot more interesting. We don't have any rules against accidents, but should restrain ourselves and think before we fire. The problem then is people who TK on purpose, that is, people who intentionally fire at their team mates. This is not acceptable and it is a kickable offence. 2. Spam / Repeating Messages Spamming the server is not allowed and I have it set to a restriction of two messages per 30 seconds. If there is one thing I can’t stand, it’s someone repeatedly calling for a Medic or Ammo. I’m sure by calling for these you can accept the fact that twice is enough to hear it, if you disagree then hard luck I admin the server. I know this can be a little bit of a nuisance when in just general chat, but in my opinion your in the server to play and have fun, team speak, msn and yahoo messengers are for chatting. 3. Swearing (talk/names) & Racism Swearing is something we can’t really control, as there is too many ways around the spellings. All I ask is try not to use it. This is a game we all love to play and although you can get frustrated at times try to remember that there are probably children playing also. What we won’t tolerate is someone continuously swearing, we won’t mute you but you will be warned if you continue to use it you will be kicked. Racism in anyway will not be tolerated. If it be your name you will be asked to change it, not doing so will get you kicked. Using racist remakes against a fellow player will get you kicked. This game is for FUN, bring your politics elsewhere we don’t want it. 4. Spawnkilling This is probably the hardest subject to cover as all players have a different view on what is and isn’t spawn killing. So to try and keep it as simple as possible here are just a few pointers on what is not allowed in our servers. ⦁ Entering the opposing teams spawn is not allowed, it’s not much fun to just spawn and be killed straight away, so stay out. Exceptions to this rule are passing through the opposing teams spawn on route to your objective (e.g.: Goldrush) . Spawning just as an opposing player is passing through is in my opinion just bad timing for both players and will be judged as so and not regarded as spawn killing. ⦁ Camping around an opposing teams only spawn point is not allowed, again not much fun not even being able to get out of your only spawn. This also applies to a joint spawn, where either team can own the spawn, camping just to kill the opposing team without even attempting to capture the flag is not allowed. ⦁ Ok this one I will deem as more fair play and giving your opponent a fair chance. If the opposing teams spawn is inside a building, don’t shoot them while they are still in the doorway at least leave them exit before shooting at them. Shooting them in the doorway is just like being inside and spawn killing them. By leaving him/her exit the spawn, he/she at least has the chance to strafe left or right to try and survive while shooting back. These few points make the game more fun for all and also for you . If one team is stronger then try to even things up by switching to the opposing team. Offer to change teams with an opposing player of low XP to even things out a bit if you are at a high XP, it makes it more fun for all, there’s no fun in owning a team in every map, and you will find players leaving if they feel they have no chance at all thus leaving you with no one to play against. For members who have the rights to move players do not move them without first letting them know and why you wish to move them, most players will agree to being moved and will probably move themselves to even things up, but not all so ask first. Cheating Plain and simple if your caught you will be kicked and banned, this goes for any 11thHR members caught also but you will also be kicked and banned from the clan. I will also inform Pbbans.com and Punksbusted.com of your actions, plus supplying your GUID and IP so you will be banned from a lot more servers then just ours. You have been warned. If you believe a player is cheating, go into spec mode and follow him from his view point. Make a recording of him as this can be used as proof of his cheating (especially using an aimbot) if he is cheating. Don’t go accusing players of cheating just because you are being owned, if you have no proof then stfu, get the proof then accuse. New Players I personally will not tolerate any player or member calling a new player a “noob”, don’t forget that at one stage you where also a new player to this great game and what right does that give you to curse a new player. Your not so experienced yourself when it comes to playing a new map you haven’t played before and you not knowing what way to go or what the objectives are, so who’s the noob then ?. If anything try to help new players by getting them to follow you so you can show them what the objectives are or what needs to be done to get to the final objective. This will be very encouraging to the new player and might bring him back more often to our server and who knows he could end up being a good player. We all play Wolfenstein because we love the game, but most of all the FUN, so do your best to keep it that way for all and these rules may never be needed to be enforced. Happy Fragging. Darkmyst,Spitfire,Simon,Viking-Stu.
  10. Hi guys, with the danger being annoying, have been wondering about this topic. My experience with a clan and members/players is ................players prefer allies and why? I think because there are more maps where allies attacks then maps where axis attacks. For some reason players like the attacking maps better then defending.!? Please correct me when i am wrong,my experience is from a long time ago and not from a clan with hundreds of members and loads of servers. Maybe you guys tackled this already a long time ago and didn`t see any improvement. I mean mixing the maps so there would be a nice mix attacking/defending. I don`t find it a problem myself,to attack or defend,but it seems to be for others and they prefer attacking and go ( mostly ) to allies. Again, just an opinion from an old guy, with a braincell with an own will. regards DarKMyst ( aka as Marius )
  11. Iam just curious,but wanted to ask this already a while ago. Are admins using a kind of program to control the server and players? I remember from my old clan that we ( clanleaders and admins ) used a program called RCON..We could almost do everything with that bugger. Or is it making a list from all commands possible and remember them as far as you need them of course.?
  12. Wat we ontvangen zit in datgene wat we geven.

  13. having backproblems, meaning can`t sit very long. Will be not playing to much.

    1. AnG3L


      Take care , good luck !

  14. looks good to me Zero, thanks for your advise .!
  15. Hello Guys, DarKMyst is my ET nick, the same for BF2. I did play BF2 for a long time, but after a long time of not playing, I discovered i could not login again. Do you guys know if it is possible to get back in the game, but without starting from scratch. I had a lot of goodies with my rank, but now they are useless. Regards Marius ( DarKMyst )
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