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    COD4 #3
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  1. I'm a huge fan of the Golf's (especially GTI's) and also the the Audi's. I looked long and hard about getting a GTI, but what put me off was the mileage-cost ratio. In the end I went with a MINI S, but wouldn't work for you...only 3 doors!
  2. Woop woop, good man and congratz, well deserved
  3. Hey man, welcome here
  4. Can I just point out that that screenshot shows me at a KDR of: 8.8?
  5. Happy birthday both of you :3 Krayzie, get your a** back on server will you
  6. Can I just say that in regards to this, when we start getting tougher wars etc, it is possible for opponents to check out our website, see our base designs on here, as people do post them etc...I doubt opponents will be doing it now, but if we start coming up against feeder clans etc then they do A LOT to win...cheat, scout, 'sabotage' etc... Just something I'd like to point out... P.S. I'll be back warring sometime either next week, or the week after next!
  7. Stocking up on resources ready for the update aren't I...+ really busy atm with work and stuff so not a lot of time...after the next few weeks should have a bit more time.
  8. Don't give yourself too much of a penalty, otherwise you really will never come back ;P
  9. GG Bowly
  10. I reckon something will kick/sink in, and they'll start winning games again. Just depends how long that'll take depending if they get the top 4 this season. Pretty much an open spot for another team atm. Tbh the title is open atm. Can't see United winning it this season...I think it'll be between City and Arsenal. Think Arsenal will do their usual title-race collapse so I think it'll be City this year.
  11. Hmm, then I've no idea what my name has been changed to. Tbf I can't remember half the details I left it with. Like the old pword, email or whatever else :/
  12. Yup, I emailed them and they said they had no record of it. Plus I was ranked in Castle Wars, and several skills, and am no longer visible on the highscores etc.
  13. I remember this game...used to be a beast! Then I went inactive and my account got deleted Castle Wars was the way forward.
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