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ET Using !brb


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As an admin, one of the tasks I see myself doing a lot is moving people to spec because they are afk. Most of the times, it's not a big deal, because a 12 vs. 10 match is not exesively unbalanced. But, many times I play when there are not too much players online (maybe only 8 players online), and here is when being afk messes up the map progression, even the entire map sometimes. When players use !brb, we can balance teams before the match starts, and we don't have to rely on the server moving afkers automaticaly (wich oftenly is not enough to save the propper map progression).

So, a few days ago I made a simple bind that says "Type '!brb' if you are going afk for a few minutes. It would help admins a lot!". A few players are already using this command, which is helping a lot to make teams fair. I wanted to ask you to communicate the existence of this command to the server regulars, and ask them to use it. I think it only exists in silent1 and in hardcore, but still, it would be very helpful if we didn't have to be moving people to spec every time a map starts.

PD: Also, if you are lvl 11 or higher, you should use !ms to put yourself in spec. The difference between using !ms and puting yourself in spec manually, is that when you use !ms, you don't get kicked for being inactive. Please don't stay afk for too long, because it gives a bad image to regulars and other members, and sometimes it screws up the map progression by making teams unfair.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Feder a useful bind, I intend to use more this ;)

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On 1/17/2020 at 12:10 AM, Federicrit said:

I think it only exists in silent1 and in hardcore, but still, it would be very helpful if we didn't have to be moving people to spec every time a map starts.

Yes, this command is available on all Silent mod servers, so Beginners servers have it as well. Players need to be admin level 1 to be able to use it though.


On 1/17/2020 at 12:10 AM, Federicrit said:

Also, if you are lvl 11 or higher, you should use !ms to put yourself in spec.

Nice command to check people playing. It gives you the name of all players on screen.

Be careful though, if you use !ms you can't just join back a team after. First, you will have to use the command !rs  to become a "regular" spectator again before re-joining a team ^_^

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On 2/5/2020 at 9:40 PM, Cross Marian said:

Yes, this command is available on all Silent mod servers, so Beginners servers have it as well. Players need to be admin level 1 to be able to use it though.



On 2/5/2020 at 9:40 PM, Cross Marian said:

Nice command to check people playing. It gives you the name of all players on screen.

Be careful though, if you use !ms you can't just join back a team after. First, you will have to use the command !rs  to become a "regular" spectator again before re-joining a team ^_^

Yes, but the !ms command stops the server from kicking you for being inactive in spec (the server will kick you if you are inactive in spec. I don't know if the server has to be full though)

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I know that the Jaymod servers have automatic !putteam spectator(2 or 3 Minutes inactivity).

It doesn't always work so I !putteam inactive players to spec if I notice...

Yes, Having teams uneven is bad in such a fast progressing game.

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