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Everything posted by Caboose*

  1. Il CABOOSE lI <---- thats a capital i first, followed by a lower case L, then CABOOSE, space, lower case L then capital i. or you can let me know what your gamertag is by replying on here
  2. haha thank you guys so much for helping, but I am too 'noob' to play on here haha so I guess I will stick to playing Black Ops 2 on my xbox Please if any1 on here has xbox live please feel free to add me Il CABOOSE lI <---- thats a capital i first, followed by a lower case L, then CABOOSE, space, lower case L then capital i. or you can let me know what your gamertag is by replying on here
  3. I was just wondering how I save my xp when I do return to play again after leaving... I even have to keep changing my controls everytime I come back to play on the FA servers. pretty much a noob at this all over again haha any help would be very much appreciated
  4. well, its been a very long time since i played ET or been on the site here. but i am back, and my name changed again :D

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  5. I was just wondering where and how i would download ET. i have a new computer now and i havent been on here or played in a very long time. i thought well hope that there is still that starter kit thing to download for ET from your site. if any1 can help that would be awesome hehe nevermind i found it my name used to be Elmo* or aRs3n1c+iSaNiTy or something close to that
  6. Caboose*


    Hello Ladies long ass time to talk ya? man I've haven't be on the forums in a long time just thougt I'd come by drop a aline just to make sure you all know im still here hehe anywho my nickname is RedBull on the servers... can't change it on here for a while well let me know what server every1 plays on eh! later! From: This Guy!
  7. aye hows it going buddie?

    thnx for the add man...

    i go by RedBull on the servers

    mostly #2 server for me


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  8. hehe my name is RedBull now :P

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    1. KARINE


      Hi RedBull =)

  9. wow... its been some time since i've be on here lol haha i no longer go by Elmo* or the name on the forums here... got a diff one, AGAIN anywho just want to say hey and love the servers woot woot later guys, see ya on the servers ya? RedBull
  10. OMG i just got COD Black Ops for my live... and it is awesome love it haha
  11. hey whats happening man?

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  12. I was just wondering what games every1 plays on their 360... let me know and you should add me on live i've been switching from Halo Reach and Medal of Honor waiting for my Black Ops to get fixed scartched it... well anywho, let me know guys n gals add me aRs3n1n 007 Thanks, Elmo*
  13. well i made my donation through some PayPal... now it says its pending until Dec 20th. so i was just wondering about the things that come with giving a donation. i get the VIP membership after you guys recieve the money? i was just wondering, cause this is the only server i play on and would like to keep them going starting playing on Hardcore so see ya on there hey! thanks, Elmo*
  14. yea i dont like the ps controllers either... i found a 360 controller that has a builded in fan so your hands dont get sweaty haha
  15. well I love my Xbox so heres my xbl: aRs3n1c 007 feel free to add me woot woot!
  16. just saying that i love Xbox 360 so much hehe FPS games are the best! my favs: Halos 1,2,3, ODST, Wars, and Reach! Medal of Honor and of course all of the Call of Duty's right? anywho... just wondering who all here has Live for xbox and what games do ya play on live? and whats ya account name... we should game on live just let me know hey... thanks!
  17. hey hey hey

    which server do you play on the most?

    dont see ya on #2 much no more...

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  18. well I made my donation... and I just wait for it to go through now ya? anywho, hope to see you all on the servers! later!
  19. well i have decided to have my name Elmo* again lol but it will show up as aRs3n!c on the forums for a while... and I was just wondering about making a donation, do you guys take paypal? I love these servers tryna play on them all haha when ever i get a chance or when im not playing some Halo Reach, Medal of Honor or COD on my xbox... anywho let me know about the donation please and thanks see ya'll on the Servers pCe!
  20. Caboose*


    I had a few things i would like to ask.. first i was wondering if it is possible to not see smoke and that while playing ET? just thought i'd ask cause there were a few times when i was laying down in some smoke and this dude killed me with like all headshots... second was after getting killed, can you fix it so that a grenade drops after they kill you??? seen it happen acouple times. but with how noob i am they could have just pulled a nade out quickly but who knows right? well i could use any tips and maybe some good tricks to improve me game ya? woot woot love these servers <3!
  21. finaly back playin on ET :D woot woot... carefully hey guys, im pretty noobish :(

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  22. hey yea i think i just might but quick question though... i cant remember which server i was on but i lost all my xp on the other servers. will this happen again? Thanks, aRs3n!c+!n$aNiTy
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