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Tweaking for RTCW : ET to gain FPS - Enemy Territory


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Tweaking for RTCW : ET to gain FPS or to lose it for Quality.


Credit for this goes to Ifurita


Increase FPS

CVARs such as the following increase FPS by drawing less of the intended map or less objects (the less you have to draw, the faster your rates). Weaker computers can get a needed boost by eliminating unncessarily drawn items:


r_picmip (default 1) [high picmip alone eliminates tree limbs]

r_picmip2 (default 2)

r_mode (default 3) [changes screen resolution]

r_rmse (default 0) [note]

r_subdivisions (default 0) [adjusts the granularity of faces drawn in curved surfaces]

r_lodbias (default 0) [adjusts level of detail]

r_texturebits (default 16 or 32)

r_colorbits (default 16 or 32)

r_dynamiclights (default 1) [can be turned on and off from the in-game menu]

cg_marktime (default 1250) [can be turned on and off from the in-game menu]

cg_brassTime (default 1250) [can be turned on and off from the in-game menu]

cg_gibs (default 1)

cg_drawgun (default 1) [can be turned on and off from the in-game menu]

cg_shadows (default 1)

cg_simpleitems (default 0) [causes 3d items to be rendered as 2d stencils]

Edited by Fearless Staff
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Thank you ^^


Just one thing about r_picmip2, there is a little story saying that someone was about create a cfg for his game and by ERROR he want to spell "set r_picmip 2" he did it wrong by spelling it "set r_picmip2" without space since then that r_picmip2 become regular cvar...


Oops Nice story!!! but you won't believe it :hmm ok here is something more realistic


r_picmip2 doesn't exist in ET and had no effect in Wolf multi player the only game where this cvar exist is wolf single player but r_picmip2 did the same thing as r_picmip for i.e. enemy player skin... It's the character Textures setting in the Wolf Single player system menu

but people copy past all cfg around and this cvar become popular and make people think it's very important in ET :rolleyes:

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You can edit your first post and medic is right...


Also, you can add set r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" which gives FPS boost over linear.


You can even add s_KHz and use around 11 out of 11 , 22 and 44. People say it lowers CPU usage at 11 but i have never measured. Someone can try it and keep an eye on CPU usage and post the results.



In my theory lower end PC users can use this one:


//set com_maxFPS "76"

//set r_mode "4"

set r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"

set r_ignorehwgamma "1"

set r_picmip "3"

set r_detailtextures "0"

set r_drawSun "0"

set r_fastsky "1"

set r_flares "0"

set r_dynamiclight "1"

set r_subdivisions "64"

set r_lodbias "2"

set r_lodCurveError "125"

set cg_drawGun "0"

set cg_shadows "0"

set cg_brassTime "0"

set cg_coronas "0"

set cg_marktime "0"

set cg_showblood "0"

set cg_bloodFlash "0"

set cg_bloodDamageBlend "0.0"

set cg_atmosphericEffects "0"

set cg_wolfparticles "0"

set s_khz "11"


Also, com_hunkmegs play very important role. You must need to set at 128 minimum and you can set more depending on your RAM. I use 192 imo. hunkmegs will make u map loading faster and will help you with so called rendering lags a bit.


Edit your main post with all good stuf and i will try to publish some of the tutorials on our website.


If you want you can add all in one thread and i will publish it as a single page. ;)

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ok so You want me to take both of my posts and put them in a single thread?


Yes make one single kick ass tutorial with screenshot and explanation and I will update on website. :)

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Alright sounds good, gimme a few days though. i got other things to do, it will be done by sunday or sooner.


That would be awesome. Take your time. :thanks

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