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Yes, I'm sure everyone has haha, there's some1 in my city that actually built an Arc lol

He's busy building his second one now lol, I see it everytime when I'm in the car n drive on the bridge






One crazy person LOL

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Same thread was opened 10x on this forums. Just more place for redicilous spamz.



PS: If the world will end in 2012 i'll pack my things and move to germany.

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I think, they said 2012, but the hour?! i want know the hour, I don't want stay eating on December 23 thinking about the final hour!!

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Personaly, really don't care if the world ends..everything that is good is being taken away... but look at it this way.. the earth is what like 6.5 BILLION years old. Humans have only occupied the planet for like .01%. our existance is small in that big number. basicly we have only been around for the blink of an eye in universal terms.. If the earth was going to be destroyed. Im sure it would of happened already..

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The calendar Maya was calculated until the year 2012. The only reason why people think it's gonna be the end of the world it's because the one who wrote the calendar died before ending it.


I don't believe in any " Phenomen" it's just something to scare us IMO.

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theres alot of reasons to suspect that "something" will happen in dec 21, 2012, and the mayans used 3 differrent calenders and they were waiting for certain moment in the grand scale of time. look at it like a countdown to the "new" age the age of aquarius. and as for total destruction of earth, i doubt it but i do feel like something grand will happen, i personally believe that Nibiru will maybe come so close to earth that it'll cause drastic consequences

lets plan for the worst and hope for the best

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