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words of wisdom that may bring a smile


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There once was an indian tribe named the 'HaKaWee'
(like in 'where da heck are we'?)
anyways...every tribe had a mascot,
usually an animal of natural element.
The Hakawees had many,  in fact one for each direction
Running bear, was North,
Swift deer was for South,
Falling rock east, and flying eagle west.
One day as the sun set, falling rock did not return home
they waited many moons, and still he was gone.
So, the Chief sent out brave's in each direction,  to find and return
the lost mascot to their tribe!
Many many moons passed, and running bear returned...
but he could not find him.
Many more moons and eagle returned, without their falling rock also...
and then again they awaited,
& Swift Deer came home, without results.
So they waited and waited and  they never gave up hope!
This is why still today...you can see road signs that say
"watch for falling rock"

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