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Minecraft Odd FPS and texture pack problem


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Hey guys, I'm not sure what's going on here but it all started just yesterday when I tried out the CraftBukkit 1.7.2 build-- so here's the long story. I run a private LAN minecraft server for parties I host from time to time, and I got a lot of requests to try out the CraftBukkit 1.7.2 beta build. So I got that working, created a new profile for 1.7.2 and gave it a shot- and it lagged like hell. So I reverted back to 1.6.4... and it still lagged balls.

Today, I completely reinstalled Minecraft (deleted the %appdata%\.minecraft folder and re-downloaded minecraft from the launcher, and created a new local world... and it had the same problem. I'm getting like 30fps, which is absolutely ridiculous considering my CPU and graphics card specs, and that I previously got like 150fps.


Thinking that it might've been Optifine's or my texture pack's doing, I reinstalled Optifine Ultra C6, and tried it... with no difference. Added my texture pack, and again... no difference. At best I get around 90fps- but that's while looking up at the sky.

Here are my specs:

Windows 7 Pro SP1 (fully updated)

RAM: 8.00GB
CPU: AMD Athlon II x4 620
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD6750 (with 2GB of DDR3 VRAM)

Minecraft is vanilla (1.6.4) with Optifine C6 Ultra. OpenGL set to "fancy", all textures set to "fancy" (as they were before), Performance set to "Max FPS", Optifine is set to use Multi-core.
Texture pack is Soartex Fanver 2.6.1
Java is 1.7.0_45 64-bit (I used 32 bit, and gave 64-bit a shot thinking it might help)

Now I can live with 30fps graphics, but what really pushed me to the edge was I noticed that my glass is no longer smooth. But rather, some blocks are, and others well... aren't. The attached screenshot shows this well.


Any and all help is very appreciated! Once I get this working right again, I look forward to playing with you on F|A survival! ;)


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OK I did a bit more digging, and I've (at least) found the source of the glass issue. It seems to be an issue with Optifine and Soartex not agreeing with the "connected textures", regardless of whether it's set to fast or fancy, so I think I'll just turn it off for now to save my self from the madness... I tried using MCPatcher, and I'm getting the same issue, so off it goes. I'm still not at my "optimal" fps rate however.

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And in the past 100 minutes, I've managed to solve my glass problem. I figured out the issue straightaway when I was placing glass blocks across biome lines and... it used yet ANOTHER texture in the Taiga biome as the plains and forest (see screenshot). So looking at the change log I was able to determine that it was the addition/change to CTM in Soartex. Sure enough, I swapped out some properties files within the texture pack zip and... viola. It works like a charm now.

post-9897-0-31997000-1388388250_thumb.png post-9897-0-12984800-1388388402_thumb.png


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not all texturepacks works well with optifine ... as u already knows :P


as for spaxbdcraft - it's my fav texturepack and i never had issues with it :D

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