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moving the tracker


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ok i seen lot of  topic where  joe and some other guys are getting how should i say this mad or upset or a little pissed that  some of this guys are not using the tracker  and it hard to find if you don't no where to look for it so i was think moving the  tracking on to the main bar and out of extra so it easier for us to find and for the ones who don't no where to look for it 

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yes but they would need to make a topic or pm someone  and i was just think it would be a wast of everyone time 


Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime.



As for "joe and some other guys are getting how should i say this mad or upset or a little pissed" I don't blame them. I'd get pissed off too having to repeat myself 5 times a day, every day, when someone can simply search for an answer, and find it.


Forum activity would also eliminate this issue, which is a requirement of membership here. That doesn't just mean: *log in* ok I'm here! Then update your status message to tell us you bought new socks, then *log out* Ok time to play on the server for 10 hours!

Forum activity would mean most, if not all admins know the answer to the question posed by a server regular, and we can readily assist them in finding tracker, or posting in the correct section.


Yes, occasionally someone can miss a thread, I'll give you that. But when we have the answer posted in probably 20+ threads, and someone didn't search for "missing level" Well yeah.. I'm going to get pissed off too.


I'm just glad I'm not in their position. After a while, it gets really old, and I'd probably end up making somebody cry and rage quit, and more than likely end up with a lawsuit against me for mental damages and distress.


In short: Increase forum activity. Search. Learn. No need to move tracker.

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Im a perfect example. Im a very active member in game and forum. And i started playing stopwatch and didnt have my level. At that time yesterday i asked anti. I said i know im supposed to post this request in tracker. So i asked can you tell me where it is?


Very simple to find. The key also is testing the admins patience. Instead of making useless/numerous post demanding rank requests. Its organized very well and neatly ordered.


I caught yoyo on silent, told him my post in tracker where my guid was. And i had rank within 15min.


Tracker location is fine. People are just to lazy to ask for help! lol.

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add it to the rules would be a good test for trails i seen in almost all  the topics where they are getting  promoted that ask a staff to set your level  it would be a good test to see if they really have read the rules then they would know where to find it 

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ya but see that my point  they should not need to ask they should be able to find it  and where it at now is like omg where is it i can't find it  lol but i can see your point  to but then again i still think moving it would be better or add it to the rules  or have a  post about where to find it is a good thing 


Well if someone doesn't ask, and has no desire to look for it, they obviously aren't willing to help themselves, so IMO they don't deserve help, and have no business using it in the first place.

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