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mhmm It isn't exactly new like Wolfengang said. It came out of beta in the US in summer 2011 I believe. I think they are just starting to push the media for it to get it more popular. They are just now kicking off beta for the Xbox version http://wt360e.com/


We have had a few topics about it before, but they are somewhat outdated since the game has been changed tremendously over time.


I've put in a lot of time and a good amount of money, but I am in one of the top 15 clans in the game and I get some pretty sweet rewards.


It is fun, but there's a bit of a learning curve to it and it is hard relying on teammates to do stuff. I would recommend getting to at least tier 4-5 before you make any decisions.


*disappears back into the dark*

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Has anybody downloaded and played the new free tank game that is being advertised on TV?





I was wondering if it was any fun.


I am going to check out this new game after I check out another new game called Enemy Territory. Anybody knows that game?  :D

Edited by Novice
fixed reply formatting :P
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I remember hearing about this game from Unlawful Sniper a few years ago after he quit playing ET to play it.


I tried it out but it didn't appeal to me. It was a slow 2GB download too.


If you like driving around in a clunky tank trying not to get killed you might enjoy it.

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i just saw the commercial for it like 2 weeks ago. I had no idea that it had been out for some time. This game would require me to play less ET and that would be a crime.

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