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Hello FA,


Most clans/communties their TeamSpeak that I've been on had ranks. Ranks like for example ET Member, COD Member, Minecraft Member, Co-Leader, High admin etc. I see our TeamSpeak only has Staff. Is there a reason for this? I suggest you make ranks so people can be identified easier and clan admins have rights to move people etc. if necesarry. I've been a leader in a clan with TeamSpeak before and we had this. It's not hard to make, and you can also make custom icons with it. I am willing to help with idea's or making it if needed. 


Another question is about TrackBase, I see some ET members aren't on the trackbase page, or sometimes it's outdated. (Correct me if I'm not right) Is the TrackBase page kept up-to-date by someone, is there someone who removes trial status when people get accepted, and adds new trials on there?


These are just suggestions/questions!





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Evolution handles Trackbase but people change name ... so it's hard to keep always up to date. 


Also for teamspeak.. feel free to create icons for:


1. Members

2. CoLeaders / Leaders

3. Staff

4. Founders 


4 is enough for us :P All our members are same... COD, TF2, CS, BF, etc everyone falls under same category for us :)

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Evolution handles Trackbase but people change name ... so it's hard to keep always up to date. 


Also for teamspeak.. feel free to create icons for:


1. Members

2. CoLeaders / Leaders

3. Staff

4. Founders 


4 is enough for us :P All our members are same... COD, TF2, CS, BF, etc everyone falls under same category for us :)

Alright I'll do icons, they will be done within an hour!

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Good Idea there. really It would be great.


Just have a question  What Icon is for leaders??? first??

Most to least stars from high to low rank, so leaders and coleaders are 2 stars!
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Staff has more stars than me?


I quit.. <_>


Then I get just one star? Damm this 21st Century!! 

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No, no. That's not how it works. You keep the 5 stars and do all the work, haha!


I would like other way around! I want to keep 5 starts and don't want to do anything :D

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I would like other way around! I want to keep 5 starts and don't want to do anything :D

Hahahaha hey that's not the way I made it!, I thought you made the list like founders, staff, leaders, members. So I did the stars in that order, but if you want you can give leaders more stars than staff ofcourse!

Are they going to be used?

Edited by louNAtiQ
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Another question is about TrackBase, I see some ET members aren't on the trackbase page, or sometimes it's outdated. (Correct me if I'm not right) Is the TrackBase page kept up-to-date by someone, is there someone who removes trial status when people get accepted, and adds new trials on there?





We only add reserved names.


And remove members who havent playd with that name over 2-3 months.Exept Leaders/Co-Leaders.


And then add them back if they become active again.

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We only add reserved names.


And remove members who havent playd with that name over 2-3 months.Exept Leaders/Co-Leaders.


And then add them back if they become active again.

Alright man, thanks for the explanation! Sorry for not seeing your hard work, but I was just wondering.. :)

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