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is compatible with win764bits?



Doesn't matter.


You need to boot from it (I tend to use an usb stick to boot it)

Works perfectly fine in my case, but maybe you need to use a cd for it.

  • Clan Friend


  1. downloaded with extension dm_83 renamed to 84
  2. new profile with default setting
  3. used etmain folder
  4. used cfg with this...

com_maxfps 999
timedemo 1
demo radar


Any1 can give me cfg to me for test?

It's the same demo I use for my benchmarks. I could give you a config, but 11fps is way too slow to be fixed with a config, it would be still unplayable.

btw, /com_maxfps 0 removes the fps limit, you don't need things like com_maxfps 999, but it's the same...


I think you should benchmark only your cpu and memory first, without using your gfx card.


finally pc burned and now believe that my headache will pass, sent the technician to do a cleaning and replacing the thermal paste, and now is not giving video signal, as the pc burned his hand, negociarei a discount on a pc again.

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