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When playing i noticed many players can choose their class weapon team

without going into limbo menu

How to do that ?

Any help will be much appreciated :wub:


I have a config that lets me do that.


A bit complicated to explain, but here goes...


[ and ] keys choose axis or allies, and ' key twice puts you spec.


press alt + 1 to become soldier w/ panzer, alt + 1 + (1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5) to pick other soldier options.

press alt + 2 to become medic

press alt + 3 for engy with smg and alt + 3 + 2 to become engy with k43

press alt + 4 for field ops

press alt + 5 for covert ops/k43, alt + 5 + 1 for sten, or alt + 5 + 2 for FG42


For spawn points, use ins, del, home, end, pgup and pgdn. Experiment to see what does what (varies between maps) The "end" key is always default spawn.


You can ignore every thing else in the config.





rename your current autoexec to autoexec_old.cfg

Place zip file into "etmain" folder.


Modify autoexec.cfg to suit you.


  • Clan Friend

I have a config that works on etpro, it works on silent mod too, but since they added all those extra weapons, all weapon indexes got screwed up :s (and I'm too lazy to change it for that mod only)


But if you don't play for the objective, there is no need to use a script imho.

Because most times in pub servers you don't need to switch class at the last second before selfkilling. Most times I just do /team r 1 or /team b 1 and I rambo medic all the time :P (yes, without akimbos)


Ok thanks parrot i will try it :kiss


np bro

  • 3 weeks later...

U can also try this one ... works fine in jaymod.




on the NUMPAD key '1' select allies

key '2' select spectator

key '3' select axis


once you have selected the side you want these next set of keys are then active, if you dont select a side it will tell you to pick a side first..


the keys above the 'arrow keys'


'insert' selects engineer with thompson/mp40 with dual akimbo's (if you've not got enough xp for the akimbos it will select a single pistol)

if you want the garand/k43+akimbos press the key again.


'home' selects medic with thompson/mp40 (same applies with akimbos as before)


'pgup' selects field ops with thompson/mp40 + akimbos if you have them.


'delete' selects soldier (press to cycle weapons) + thompson if you have lvl4 if you want akimbos then tou will have to goto the menu to select it, but i don't know any lvl4 soldier who doesn't use machine gun lol


'end' er does nothing


'pgdn' selects covert ops (cycle weapons again) + akimbo's as above



hope you understand all that it's easy once you learn the keys OR bind the keys you would like to use instead it's easy to edit..


just add this to your autoexec.cfg



// Spawnscript (Class-selection)




// Selection Binds - The keys bound to perform certian actions.

bind KP_DOWNARROW "vstr ts" // Team Spec

bind KP_END "vstr tb" // Team Allies

bind KP_PGDN "vstr tr" // Team Axis

bind DEL "vstr so" // Soldier (SMG, Flamethrower, MG42, Panzer or Mortar)

bind HOME "vstr me" // Medic (SMG)

bind INS "vstr en" // Engineer (SMG, Rifle + Grens)

bind PGUP "vstr fo" // Field Ops (SMG)

bind PGDN "vstr co" // Covert Ops (Sten, FG42 or Rifle + Scope)


// Config - Intro Basically. Join a Game, ESCape out of Limbo menu and Select a Team.

set ts "team spectator; set co vstr no_t; set so vstr no_t; set fo vstr no_t; set en vstr no_t; set me vstr no_t; echo ^2*^7spectator^2*"

set tb "set co vstr b_co; set so vstr b_so; set fo vstr b_fo; set en vstr b_en; set me vstr b_me; echo ^2*^7allies^2*"

set tr "set co vstr r_co; set so vstr r_so; set fo vstr r_fo; set en vstr r_en; set me vstr r_me; echo ^2*^7axis^2*"

set no_t "echo ^2*^7You ^2need^7 to pick a team.^2*"


// Allied Class Selection - If you picked a Team, its time to pick a Class


// Soldier

set b_s1 "team b 0 5 8; set b_so vstr b_s2; say_team ^2*^7sold^2/^7panzer^2*"

set b_s2 "team b 0 31 8; set b_so vstr b_s3; say_team ^2*^7sold^2/^7mg42^2*"

set b_s3 "team b 0 35 8; set b_so vstr b_s4; say_team ^2*^7sold^2/^7mortar^2*"

set b_s4 "team b 0 6 8; set b_so vstr b_s1; say_team ^2*^7sold^2/^7fthrower^2*"

set b_so "vstr b_s1"


// Medic

set b_me "team b 1 8 37; say_team ^2*^7medic^2/^7smg^2*"


// Engineer

set b_e1 "team b 2 8 37; set b_en vstr b_e2; say_team ^2*^7engy^2/^7smg^2*"

set b_e2 "team b 2 24 8; set b_en vstr b_e1; say_team ^2*^7engy^2/^7rifle(grens)^2*"

set b_en "vstr b_e1"


// Field Ops

set b_fo "team b 3 8 37; say_team ^2*^7fops^2/^7smg^2*"


// Covert Ops

set b_c1 "team b 4 33 8; set b_co vstr b_c2; say_team ^2*^7covops^2/^7fg42^2*"

set b_c2 "team b 4 25 8; set b_co vstr b_c3; say_team ^2*^7covops^2/^7rifle(scoped)^2*"

set b_c3 "team b 4 10 8; set b_co vstr b_c1; say_team ^2*^7covops^2/^7sten^2*"

set b_co "vstr b_c1"


// Axis Class Selection - Same as above, just different values.


// Soldier

set r_s1 "team r 0 5 3; set r_so vstr r_s2; say_team ^2*^7sold^2/^7panzer^2*

set r_s2 "team r 0 31 3; set r_so vstr r_s3; say_team ^2*^7sold^2/^7mg42^2*"

set r_s3 "team r 0 35 3; set r_so vstr r_s4; say_team ^2*^7sold^2/^7mortar^2*"

set r_s4 "team r 0 6 3; set r_so vstr r_s1; say_team ^2*^7sold^2/^7fthrower^2*"

set r_so "vstr r_s1"


// Medic

set r_me "team r 1 3 38; say_team ^2*^7medic^2/^7smg^2*"


// Engineer

set r_e1 "team r 2 3 38; set r_en vstr r_e2; say_team ^2*^7engy^2/^7smg^2*"

set r_e2 "team r 2 23 3; set r_en vstr r_e1; say_team ^2*^7engy^2/^7rifle(grens)^2*"

set r_en "vstr r_e1"


// Field Ops

set r_fo "team r 3 3 38; say_team ^2*^7fops^2/^7smg^2*


// Covert Ops

set r_c1 "team r 4 33 3; set r_co vstr r_c2; say_team ^2*^7covops^2/^7fg42"

set r_c2 "team r 4 32 3; set r_co vstr r_c3; say_team ^2*^7covops^2/^7rifle(scoped)""

set r_c3 "team r 4 10 3; set r_co vstr r_c1; say_team ^2*^7covops^2/^7sten^2*"

set r_co "vstr r_c1"


// Initiate Script - Makes it work.

vstr ts

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