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I only use the tube when I am slightly irritated becasue people have forgotten the function of "auto assign." The past two nights I have played the teams have been heavily stacked, the other team starts leaving and people get auto assigned who were weaning off of the stacked team. If people would learn to not stack the teams and if it randomly occurs that way and they switch to help the other team, then I feel that the tube wouldn't be so incidental to the game. I argue leave them, because the beginners want to have an advatage to the pro mod players and good players that play on the "beginners" server and it helps them develop skill.

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Bump to bring this matter to light.


Why would the hate trio (Martydom, Last Stand and Grenade Launcher) is banned on ALL hardcore except Beginners 1.7? At least martydom is banned but im pretty sure more people would be more than happy to play in a server grenade launcher/last stand free.


On Killbox (No lag no marty softcore 1.7) on the other hand, its a little harder to kill so grenade launcher and last stand is not as effective there (reason why its allowed).

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Rarely ever see anybody complain about it.


really? Cause I see ppl complain about it every time I'm on. Tho they complain about everything anyways.

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i dont see any valid reason why GL should be removed from cod4 #3 (beginners). we have cod4 #1 (1.6 abnerdog) and cod4 #2 (killbox) and some more where GL is not allowed. with different kind of settings (allowed perks) we can attrac a lot of people for different servers and different settings.


some people will always complain. GL allowed or not. the can leave the server if they dont like these perks.

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