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Getting in the way.


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I think there should be an update where players can run through others (invisibility) so that no one is in the way. This can help with people standing infront of mortars and people sniping. It really slows down the game when everyone is blocking the exits and main objectives.


Please consider ! it would be great and make life easier

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  • Clan Friend

I think there is a similar feature in tjmod, so it should be possible, but it would be weird lol



I meant it should be possible to have this feature in a mod, but not as a setting, which was probably what you asked

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On 1st. thought, y. Totally agree.


There are always some ppl. who havent found out how to use sprint yet or are just not usin it, you loose ur spawnshield, get blocked and killed lately. - Annoying.


That invisibility thing exists already in most TJ mod versions released and its great.


but on 2nd. thought..


When it comes to fraggin I hardly doubt its some nice addition. Think of 2 enemy targets standing in each other. Who ur gettin hits on now ? Does the damage split up on them both and ur not even killin one of them ? The opposite would be that you're killin both ez mode.


Cant think of anyone who wouldnt like to get some "free" double kill but imagine ur one of those guys gettin killed like that - thats just as annoying as blockers are, results are the same.


I personally would rather take some blockers I can maybe avoid with jumping over them or takin some other path than this invisibility feature.


My few sents.



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Yeah I wish something similiar was possible. Personally I just gotta love when Im in fight aiming at enemies head and then some ally comes near me, I get "adjusted" to another place couple of my body width away, with messed up aim and no way to dodge bullets.

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