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How to compile Lua?


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I am interested in learning about making lua modules. I was wondering if anyone was willing to share any tips on how to compile lua code into the actual dll module. I have MSVB and I use it occasionally for compiling project files and dlls based on VB, but it gives me compile errors if I try to compile lua with it. I don't have a C++ compiler or a lua compiler.


I have read the lua site and downloaded a lot of stuff from it but have not found an actual application I could use. The lua website has what they call "lua compilers" but these are just code (C++ I think, but not sure) to be compiled to make a lua compiler. I'm not sure how to compile the compiler. Noob question to some of you guys I know lol.


I would like to just get an appilcation to drop code in and hit a button and have a dll. If anyone has one or can point me in the direction that would be great. Yes I know how to use google and I have searched for hours already.



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LUA scripts doesn't need compiler or compilation. It's more like scripting language.


Are you asking to learn LUA scripts ? Just little confused.

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LUA scripts doesn't need compiler or compilation. It's more like scripting language.


Are you asking to learn LUA scripts ? Just little confused.


I see lua scripts as "xyz.lua" on etpub forums and I wanted to use them. I can open them up and edit them in Notepad like any other file. Lua is just like C, so it's not that hard to figure out. But I also see compiled lua (as in lua5.1.dll from Silent mod). So I am/was under the impression that I needed to make them into a compiled .dll file for these to work. You have to compile C, so I thought I had to compile lua too. But I could not find a compiler specific for lua.


So there is no such thing as a lua compiler? OK, that explains why I can't find one.


Why do they even name a lua script as a .dll then? That just confuses people like me (yeah not hard I know).


Thanks for the advice.

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In order to run LUA on server you need lua5.1.dll All the lua scripts come with .lua extension.


For LUA scripting: http://wolfwiki.anime.net/index.php/Lua_Tutorials

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Ok here's my next n00b question.


I found a script called stenwar.lua on the etpub forum that I wanted to try out. Already written, should be easy. I have Silent 0.3.3 running. I saved stenwar.lua as a text file with the ".lua" extension in the top level folder (next to ETDED.exe) and in both the etmain and in silent folders. Then in the silent.cfg I have these cvars:


set lua_modules "stenwar.lua"

set lua_allowedModules "53e10356e27ab289b2a5e39bd9125da981515d03"


I made the SHA-1 sig from here:




I copied the stenwar.lua code from the etpub forum and did not modify it in any way. Just wanted to learn how to do it. This is why I thought I had to compile it before. So, what am I missing...



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