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Raining here too. Sadly, it has rained every single day around noon for the last week like f'n clockwork. It will rain every day until the end of this week. Urgh. At least it isn't snowing. Yet.

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Raining here too. Sadly, it has rained every single day around noon for the last week like f'n clockwork. It will rain every day until the end of this week. Urgh. At least it isn't snowing. Yet.

same here and it totally sucks, that's what they call "summer"?


Dang it, how many useless topic like this one I will still have to read? :/

over spam!

it isn't useless, it's still raining ^^
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Rained the whole day.

I hate dutch summers like this :(

Welcome to holland, get used to it, the weather sucks every year again, if it isn't raining, it's way to hot, and if it isnt hot there's 4 months of intense snow...
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Guys, I live in vancouver...It rains 6 days out of the fking week for like 7 months of the year, 1-2 months of snow, and 1-2 months of mild sun...stop the complaning :)


lol there is huge ass thunderstorm outside right now...my house is shaking from the thunderr

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