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Posted (edited)

In ET I'm using around ~45cm/360 at the moment and I plan on raising it a little before settling down. In other games I use around 27cm/360 with accel.


"6. low dpi are good to avoid the so called 'negative acceleration', but on linux there is no negative accel, and on windows too in most situations (unless you are a really low senser who plays with 43fps and 640x480, but with 125fps and widescreen I don't have any negative accel even with 2000dpi, unless I do a veeery quick 180 turn)."


Negative accel is not necessarily a bi-product of the games flawed input method. Many mice have poor sensors and they will either cease functioning or drastically decrease in performance at higher speeds. Hilariously, most 'gaming mice' as they're marketed, suffer from these issues.


citation - esreality mousescore


And the OS is largely irrelevant concerning negative accel--except that my guess is the Linux ET client uses Linux's equivalent of Raw/WM_INPUT by default, whereas you need a tool to force the game to use it on Windows. The Windows ET client uses a highly flawed method of grabbing mouse input by default and it can produce artificial neg. accel easily with higher DPI sensors (as you said). Typically, though, negative accel is viewed as a hardware limitation.


Other than this, I see no reason to lower the dpi unless there is a proof that a specific mouse performs better with that specific dpi value.


While there are plenty of mice that perform differently at different DPI's (from memory, see: Zowie, A4Tech mice) you're largely correct here. Normally, it will not have any great affect on sensor performance. Nor will it have any great affect on your aim, unless you're using too little for your sensitivity. The arguments I've reviewed positing higher or lower DPI as 'fundamentally better' for your aim have always turned up lacking.

Edited by NickdoesET
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  • Clan Friend

Negative accel is not necessarily a bi-product of the games flawed input method. Many mice have poor sensors and they will either cease functioning or drastically decrease in performance at higher speeds. Hilariously, most 'gaming mice' as they're marketed, suffer from these issues.


citation - esreality mousescore


And the OS is largely irrelevant concerning negative accel--except that my guess is the Linux ET client uses Linux's equivalent of Raw/WM_INPUT by default, whereas you need a tool to force the game to use it on Windows. The Windows ET client uses a highly flawed method of grabbing mouse input by default and it can produce artificial neg. accel easily with higher DPI sensors (as you said). Typically, though, negative accel is viewed as a hardware limitation.

Yes when I play with Linux I use in_dgamouse 2, which is a built in equivalent of direct input, even though when I play on windows my mouse seems to be a bit more responsive, maybe it's placebo because I use windows only when I play in slac servers, where I get higher fps than 50 slot jaymod servers, so that could be the reason, or maybe it's because Linux direct input has a little delay, I don't know...


As regards the 'gaming mice' you couldn't be more right, I have a G5 (old model) and it has a negative acceleration if I move it really really fast, it's hard to notice it, because the movement needs to be extremely fast, I have tried it on the desktop with an ultra low desktop sens, so I can confirm the benchmark in that site you linked, but I never move my mouse that fast in game.


About windows and negative acceleration, I'd like to add that a couple of years ago I had made a little test by writing a little program which played an alarm whenever the arrow on the desktop touched the border. Then I started et and played some games. (the mouse arrow is not visible, but it's still there and moves, that's the way et reads your mouse movement, by putting it back to the middle every frame and reading the offset next frame, I think you know that, but I say it for people who don't). Well, with 2000 dpi, 125 fps and 1680x1050 res I managed with my sens (I think 0.8-1 at the time) to play whole games without ever hearing that alarm sound.


It triggered only when I moved my mouse extremely fast (on purpose), sometimes when the server had a lag spike, but never during normal fights/gameplay, even when I turned 180 when I was being backshooted. So I came to the conclusion that high sensers can safely use high dpi without triggering that negative acceleration. (Of course the lower the fps and video res, the higher the chance to hit the border between one frame and another)


The price.


Default sensitivity always worked fine for me.

I won't say that the only difference is price, well my mouse (G5) wasn't definitely worth the price :), but cheap mice could skip if you move them very fast, plus they don't work well (or rather at all) on some surfaces (glass mousepads?), not to mention (if they are 'really' cheap), the quality of mouse feet (I had to replace them twice already, and I could have bought a cheap mouse for that price), the whole ergonomics / number and position of buttons, etc.

But yes, they are a bit overpriced after all. ;)

Posted (edited)
Yes when I play with Linux I use in_dgamouse 2, which is a built in equivalent of direct input, even though when I play on windows my mouse seems to be a bit more responsive, maybe it's placebo because I use windows only when I play in slac servers, where I get higher fps than 50 slot jaymod servers, so that could be the reason, or maybe it's because Linux direct input has a little delay, I don't know...


When comparing Linux/Windows gaming performance, even with games that have a native Linux client, you're opening a massive can of worms. What I can say is that I doubt what you're noticing is entirely placebo, although it very likely could be. Nevertheless, there's simply too many places to look if you're wanting to resolve that problem. If you were set on figuring it out though, I suppose you could start by comparing them on a localhost, just to rule out frame-rate differences. That rabbit hole is seriously deep though; prepare to waste a lot of your time combing the innards of your distro! =p



It triggered only when I moved my mouse extremely fast (on purpose), sometimes when the server had a lag spike, but never during normal fights/gameplay, even when I turned 180 when I was being backshooted. So I came to the conclusion that high sensers can safely use high dpi without triggering that negative acceleration. (Of course the lower the fps and video res, the higher the chance to hit the border between one frame and another)


The sensitivity you mentioned is around 25cm/360, so I wouldn't expect you to get too much negative accel @ 1680x1050 with any normal mouse movement. If you would have tried to play on a 6x4 or 8x6 CRT, though, you might have run into trouble with 2000dpi. =p


If anyone is curious, they can punch their settings into this site to see whether or not they should be using RInput to avoid negative accel trouble:




It has a calculator that tells you how fast (in m/s) you can move your mouse before running into negative accel. If you're using a lower sensitivity range (30-60cm) with high DPI (>800) you definitely need to check up on it.

Edited by NickdoesET
  • Clan Friend

If anyone is curious, they can punch their settings into this site to see whether or not they should be using RInput to avoid negative accel trouble:





well according to ESReality mouse score, my mouse has problems above 1.30 m/s, so if I can get 125fps all the time I could stay with 2000dpi, but with fps drops (servers with many players) I should probably switch to 800 dpi, or I'll get a lower maximum speed than the phisical limit of the mouse (at least without dinput)...

  • 2 weeks later...

9.2 on my end. Highest so far if I read previous posts correctly. But my mouse is very crappy too. 300dpi I think ;).

But playable for me. Would be funny to trade mouses with other players at some point.


First i played 2.36 but 3 weeks agoI needed a new mouse and I had to turn my sens on 1.15 to skill but today my new mouse is broken (stupid me) and I get my first mouse back and now I play with 2.36 again

  • 1 month later...
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