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Perks and max rank


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How u guys get more perk once you reach level 20? Do you guys prefer to make new character or just reset them?

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I am leveling a few more characters. Some of the trees have alot of great things in them (engi for example) and you need to spend most of your points in them so hybrid classes may fall short. For how easy it is to "grind" levels i will probably just end up make 4 characters, 1 for each class.


*edit* and dare did i see you on a server yesterday? :)

Edited by *Evil*Stevedawg
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*edit* and dare did i see you on a server yesterday? :)


Could be .. me and my friend are noobing up with 20 fps lol.. it really sucks to play with 20 fps.. as soon as map ends my fps jump to 70 around.


I got to get the new machine to keep up with new games.

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Im at lvl 20 and play on with this character.

I have nice abilities for all classes but most for soldier and medic :)

BTW is it possible to give up a ability and get one of the tier 5 ability (the last unlocked ones)

Because when u demoted to lvl 19 the last abilities could be locked again?

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Could be .. me and my friend are noobing up with 20 fps lol.. it really sucks to play with 20 fps.. as soon as map ends my fps jump to 70 around.


I got to get the new machine to keep up with new games.


Ouch, yea my fps are pretty stable at 200, which I still don't know how to lock out.


I don't play enough to have a character at level 20. They are going to add 4 more levels soon. I think the xbox and ps3 already got it a few days ago (I'll have to re-verify). However the plan Steve is using is pretty cool, that will help me not putting all my points in random classes... The problem is that I play for objective, so I always switch class to what the current objective is. Except when I see that there is only 1-2 medic and that there is 4 players of the needed class. So this means I need a character that has almost everything. So what I did is put all my points in the stuff that matters for the objective only for the class that I'm playing. So my Eng doesn't have the turrets, however I have everything so I can build faster and what not. For the medic class, I get everything I can for healing and boosting... That's the main class I put with my character.

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No you can't. You have to go out of the server, change and then connect back.


This is why I need a multiclass character.

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You can set your server config to give what ever abilities you want, via level ones can have everything. This solves the need of unbalanced while leveling up, which the first 10 levels suck when u have hardly anything good. Imo a pub with settings like that would attract more attention. Although as you level up new chars, u can play on other servers how you like.


Imo if you are looking into custom settings, find out what you like, and what you don't, disable the lame via downed fire, possibly self revive, and stuff like that. I kind of like self revive though, it enforces gibbing.'


Also to address the multi class, I prefer maxing 2 chars with the necessary abils. I allready have 4 level 20s and working on a 5th (<3 timescale trick while it worked). But I'm rocking med/eng, med/soldier, med/covy, eng/soldier, and working on covy/engy and after that soldier/covy. I like to build an offense/defense combos first, in which covy/soldier are mostly used on offense more than defense, meds are used on both sides, and engy's are used more on defense. Covies should never be used on defense imo because all they bring is caltrops and those do crap for dmg compared to what the other classes have. If anyone knows a brink builder I can link the best and necessary talents for each.

Edited by Raider-
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The issue, if you can't change character during the gameplay what's the point of it? I can max out new character too but I want ability to use perks which I need during same map and which my team needs. If I am engineer I use turret, extra landmine and fast deployment perk and such.


If I am covert, I use couple of others and same with soldier. They should allow to change characters in the same map.


I reset my levels like 3 times from level 20 to see what other perks do. I don't mind using 3 characters if they can be changeable in same map and if not whats the point?

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The point is the same as WoW where you build up a "tank" class or a "medic" class and play with it (sorry I'm not use to the WoW terms, I think tank and medic are classes, but I'm not sure). Max it up and make it perfect for that particular class is the goal. When you feel playing Medic, you use your medic character, when you prefer playing other classes, you just do it.

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The point is the same as WoW where you build up a "tank" class or a "medic" class and play with it (sorry I'm not use to the WoW terms, I think tank and medic are classes, but I'm not sure). Max it up and make it perfect for that particular class is the goal. When you feel playing Medic, you use your medic character, when you prefer playing other classes, you just do it.


Well that sucks tbh.. I don't want to play medic through out the whole map when my team needs more soldiers.. But now i know why most of the people don't change class once they join server and then my team looses.

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The thing is though, only certain abilities are really necessary for each class. For Medic, 2 pip and metabolism, or 2 pip and lazarus are all you really need. For Soldier, heck you don't really need anything there, soldiers require the least amount of abilities to be useful. If anything, flash nade. Engies, improved damage buff and 2 mines, don't bother with turrets unless engy is your primary. Operative, com hacks and cortex bomb, or caltrops and cortex bomb, or emp and cortex bomb, or turret hack and cortex bomb. Operatives have a lot of options, but if you don't have a cortex bomb, you limit your trolling abilities, and your suicide push capablities.

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The thing is though, only certain abilities are really necessary for each class. For Medic, 2 pip and metabolism, or 2 pip and lazarus are all you really need. For Soldier, heck you don't really need anything there, soldiers require the least amount of abilities to be useful. If anything, flash nade. Engies, improved damage buff and 2 mines, don't bother with turrets unless engy is your primary. Operative, com hacks and cortex bomb, or caltrops and cortex bomb, or emp and cortex bomb, or turret hack and cortex bomb. Operatives have a lot of options, but if you don't have a cortex bomb, you limit your trolling abilities, and your suicide push capablities.


I use molo's too. Short distance combat, they are effective. I also use Kevlar west and extra magazine :)

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You can change classes and weapons at will at any CP that you own. Every spawn has 1-2, and in the map there is a supply and a health CP. To change chars you must go to main menu and reconnect, so know what you want to play. That is why I recommend pairing offense/defense classes together first. Start building your characters with medic paired with each class (x3 chars to do this med+eng, med+soldier, med+oper), then engy with each class (x2 to do this, Eng+soldier, Eng+oper), then soldier with each class (x1 sold+oper). If you set a custom config to your server you can activate and deactivate what ever abilities you want for everyone on server to make a fair playing field like ET has.





I use the General +2 classes of the following per char. It is always better to have maxed chars instead of a small portion of each.


General- (5)+3 optional Grenade shooting (Pro), Battle hardened, Supply increase, Supply rate increase, Silent running ||| spare points can be put into sprint reload, sprint nade, combat awareness in that order.


Medic- (7) Supply increase x2, Health pip increase, Self rez, Lazarus, metab, speed ||| Optional Adren (can protect planting soldiers, but remmeber you can only have 3 usable abils, so you would have to remove one of the following: speed, metab, lazarus)


Soldier- (8) Flashbang (best nade), Grenade mastery, increase ammo, Frag damage, Frag Radius, scavanger, kevlar, armor piercing (Requires 1 self buff per life to work) ||| Optional- Satchel charge, Mediocre because it uses one pip per plant and you can lay up to 3 which blow at same time. Reason I don't use it is because soldiers are better off using the grenades which do alot of damage and are better utilizing pips


Operative- (6) homing beacon,Comms hack, Caltrop, Sticky, Cortex bomb (sooo many frags), Emp nade ||| Optional adds- Firewall CP, Hack turret, control turret


Engineer- (7) Extra Kevlar (10% dmg reduction, to those you give it too), Improved Weapon buff (normal is 15%, improved is 33%), light-medium-gatlin turrets, Extra landmine. ||| Optional- Gear head, upgrade CP

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