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Nvidia GTX 285M Drivers Failing


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I'm just curious if anyone else has an Nvidia GTX 285M graphics card and has run into this problem:


I have a GTX 285M, and have been keeping up to date with the latest drives for it. Currently running v270.61. The problem is every once in a while the display adapters fail, and I get the blue screen of death. It doesn't happen a lot, like I said, only once about every 2 weeks or so. After reboot, everything seems to be fine (for a while). At this point, I think I'm going to have to roll back to an earlier release for the drivers.


I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this problem too, and if you rolled back drivers for your GTX 285M, what release are you using?



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If the problem started as soon as you updated drivers then yes roll back and check it out. Also could check the hardwares health- temps etc.

Good luck.

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If the problem started as soon as you updated drivers then yes roll back and check it out. Also could check the hardwares health- temps etc.

Good luck.


Thanks for the reply. Doesn't seem to be a overheating issue, or a GPU or Memory usage issue either. I think its purely a driver thing. Thats the hard part: its done it on the previous driver release or two that I had as well. Now I'm just not sure how far to go back in regards to what version I should use. I guess I'll check the manufacturers website (where I purchased) and see what their recommended driver versions are. I just have a feeling that they are going to be really old since I bought this PC over a year ago.



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i was having problem with the gtx 470,but after new version of driver...got the old one and now is all good again...weird but true! <_<


Hmmm. I definitely think this is an Nvidia driver problem. I've made sure all my drivers are updated, so I don't think its related to another driver such as audio or anything. My brother is having the same issues as me on his PC. (Identical to mine.) Me thinks a graphics driver roll back is going to be the fix.


Thanks to everyone who replied! :thanks

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