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!stfu "power-mute" command


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This is the mighty !sftu command. It is intended for high level admins. It has precedence over !mute. !stfu'd players can not be !unmute'd; only !unstfu will lift the curse.

Feel free to use it, abuse it, destroy, erase, improve it.




// g_local.h



	// pheno: used for shrubbot freeze/unfreeze command
qboolean frozen;
// Weedkiller: used for shrubbot stfu command for precedence over mute
qboolean stfu;






// g_shrubbot.c



qboolean G_shrubbot_stfu(gentity_t *ent, int skiparg)
int pids[MAX_CLIENTS], seconds, modifier = 1;
char *reason, secs[8];
char command[MAX_SHRUBBOT_CMD_LEN], *cmd;
gentity_t *vic;

Q_SayArgv(skiparg, command, sizeof(command));
cmd = command;
if(*cmd == '!'){

if(Q_SayArgc() < 2+skiparg) {
	if(!Q_stricmp(cmd, "stfu")){
		SPC("^/stfu usage: ^7!stfu [name|slot#] [time] [reason]");
	return qfalse;

Q_SayArgv(1+skiparg, name, sizeof(name));
if(ClientNumbersFromString(name, pids) != 1) {
	G_MatchOnePlayer(pids, err, sizeof(err));
	SPC(va("^/%sstfu: ^7%s",
		Q_stricmp(cmd, "stfu")? "un":"",
	return qfalse;

Q_SayArgv(2+skiparg, secs, sizeof(secs));
if(secs[0]) {
	int lastchar = strlen(secs) - 1;

	if(secs[lastchar] == 'w')
		modifier = 60*60*24*7;
	else if(secs[lastchar] == 'd')
		modifier = 60*60*24;
	else if(secs[lastchar] == 'h')
		modifier = 60*60;
	else if(secs[lastchar] == 'm')
		modifier = 60;

	if (modifier != 1)
		secs[lastchar] = '\0';
seconds = atoi(secs);
if(seconds > 0){
	seconds *= modifier;

if(seconds <= 0){
	reason = Q_SayConcatArgs(2+skiparg);
	reason = Q_SayConcatArgs(3+skiparg);

vic = &g_entities[pids[0]];
if(!_shrubbot_admin_higher(ent, vic)) {
	SPC(va("^/%sstfu: ^7sorry, but your intended victim has a higher admin"
		" level than you do", Q_stricmp(cmd, "mute")? "un":""));
	return qfalse;
if(_shrubbot_immutable(ent, vic)) {
       SPC(va("^/%sstfu: ^7sorry, but your intended victim is immune to shrubbot commands",
		Q_stricmp(cmd, "stfu")? "un":""));
       return qfalse;
if(vic->client->sess.auto_unmute_time != 0) {
	if(!Q_stricmp(cmd, "stfu")) {
		if(vic->client->sess.auto_unmute_time == -1){
			seconds = 0;
			seconds = (vic->client->sess.auto_unmute_time - level.time)/1000;
		SPC(va("^/stfu: ^7player is already muted%s",
			seconds ? va(" for %i seconds", seconds) : ""));
		return qtrue;
	vic->client->sess.auto_unmute_time = 0;
	vic->client->stfu = qfalse;
	CPx(pids[0], "cp \"^5You've been un-stfu'd\n\"" );
	AP(va("chat \"%s^7 has been un-stfu'd\" -1",
		vic->client->pers.netname ));
	if(!Q_stricmp(cmd, "unstfu")) {
		SPC("^/unstfu: ^7player is not currently muted");
		return qtrue;
		vic->client->sess.auto_unmute_time = -1;
		vic->client->stfu = qtrue;
		vic->client->sess.auto_unmute_time = (level.time + 1000*seconds);
		vic->client->stfu = qtrue;
	CPx(pids[0], va("cp \"^5You've been power-muted%s%s\n\"",
		(seconds > 0) ? va(" for %i seconds",seconds): "",
		*reason ? va(" because: %s", reason): ""));
	AP(va("chat \"%s^7 has been power-muted%s\" -1",
		(seconds > 0) ? va(" for %i seconds",seconds): ""));
return qtrue;





// g_shrubbot.c



	{"unpause",	G_shrubbot_unpause,	'Z', 0,
	"unpauses the game", ""},
{"unstfu",	G_shrubbot_stfu,	'e', 0,
	"unmute a stfu'd player", "[^3name|slot#^7]"},





// g_shrubbot_mute in g_shrubbot.c


if(_shrubbot_immutable(ent, vic)) {
       SPC(va("^/%smute: ^7sorry, but your intended victim is immune to shrubbot commands",
		Q_stricmp(cmd, "mute")? "un":""));
       return qfalse;

if(vic->client->stfu) {
       SPC(va("^/%smute: ^7Sorry, your victim is power-muted",
		Q_stricmp(cmd, "mute")? "un":""));
       return qfalse;





// G_UnMute_v in g_vote.c




		if((!vote_allow_muting.integer && ent && !ent->client->sess.referee)	
(!ent->client->stfu) ) {

	G_voteDisableMessage(ent, arg);



Don't forget to do the shrubbot copy/paste drill.

I made it just now, but it seems to work fine.



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Thank you. I got the idea from playing on your servers.

Somehow the !mute command are often used in a different way, on busy servers. In a more "light" or "light-weight" way.





Of course, you will have to hard-code my example. You will have to create a new mod. Nudge nudge.

Edit: It would also work with minimum etpub 0.9.1 client .pk3s since the only file affected is qagame_mp_x86.dll.



*boy, I'm so cool!*

No, not at all. More or less, all I did was to copy g_shrubbot_mute & take a good look at ...let me find it again...vs2k8.sln....There it is: "sess.auto_unmute_time"

Edited by Weedkiller
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