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Base 12


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"Axis have just managed to build a working V2 rocket. The prototype is waiting for its transportation in base 12. This is the last chance for Allies to destroy the prototype before it is transported to safety."


This is a fun map to play, possibly better later on when teams aren't 15 vs 15+. Here's a link to it: http://www.antman.info/wolf/maps/


Oops I guess I should have given more specifics on this map. It would be nice to see it on Jay1 or 2, especially 2 since I play there more often but that's my preference. I checked the download section and its not in there, if you check the link i posted it has the download file as well as a few SS. I read in a previous post that our map rotations were gonna (possibly) change based on time zones and server activity. This would be a fun map to add to one of the smaller map rotations, actually it might work with more ppl on as well. I've played it numerous times, fun yet challenging as well.

Edited by Chuckun
Merged to keep all info in OP.
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If you want to request new map for any of our server, please follow below procedure.


This is the place to make your request. Just make sure to follow these simple procedures to make sure we see your request.


1] Start your own thread / topic with Map Name in the title. If you want to suggest/feedback 5 maps make new topic for each map. Don't put all in one topic. If the topic of that map exist, don't create new one. Just use same topic. Duplicate topics will be moved to invalid suggestion section.

2] Specify for which server you want that map.

3] Post the download link of that map from our download section. If that map doesn't exist in our download section, upload the map and then post that download link.

4] Post links or additional information about the map, just the name alone doesnt tell us much about it, so dont expect us to research the map you want.

5] Describe/explain why the map you are suggesting is good for server.


I guess /lock .

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Rex please update your request with all relevent information or I'll class it as invalid and decline.


To keep it all tidy, update the original post, don't reply with extra info :)


Thanks buddy



Edit: @Zuthus.. May as well just tell him to provide all info rather than suggest locking it :P If a complete b/s request is made saying "I want a new map im bored" then i'll deny it right away.. But as it stands he's provided some info, just forgot to mention which server he wants.. And a longer description would be nice.



To keep it all tidy, update the original post, don't reply with extra info :)


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Rex please update your request with all relevent information or I'll class it as invalid and decline.


To keep it all tidy, update the original post, don't reply with extra info :)


Thanks buddy



Edit: @Zuthus.. May as well just tell him to provide all info rather than suggest locking it :P If a complete b/s request is made saying "I want a new map im bored" then i'll deny it right away.. But as it stands he's provided some info, just forgot to mention which server he wants.. And a longer description would be nice.





Sorry Chuck, I was just adding more as you responded. Totally forgot I could have edited my other response in with my original post.

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No probs rex :)


As it happens, I like this map, so you have my +1.. Not sure how it'd pan out on big servers though.

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This looks like a neat map, I give +1 as well.

Just one question though Rex since you've played this before. How easy is it to rush this map?

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This looks like a neat map, I give +1 as well.

Just one question though Rex since you've played this before. How easy is it to rush this map?


Good question. If it's too easy to rush it, it's porbably not a good map atleast for jay2. Way too many unmature players, who always rush when ever possible.

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Ahh yes the rush this map question, well it can be if a covert ops blows up a barrier or lets an engy in with a uni but then again isn't it the axis responsibility to defend the obj? Especially the axis Engy's.


Anyways, here's how the map normally goes. Allies attack and try to blow up main door, if done then they acquire the forward bunker. They can also dyno a side access path to get them inside to get the flag or get to the command post which can be an allies spawn point too. Once Fwd flag is acquired then allies have to blow up 1 of 2 entry points, 1 by dyno the other by satchel. Only 3 possible paths to get in to objective which are easily defendable for the axis. Allies need to attack, plant at the rocket and defend the obj which is not as easy as you may think because the axis spawn in a room just above and right next to the rocket/obj.


I don't think the main wall is double jumpable but I could be wrong, not sure on that feature. Maybe if you stand on somebody you can lol!



Hey Kevin check out this link of a couple pics i took of you and some others not long ago, you might remember.


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It definitely is the responsibility of the team to guard obj. Ya can't cure stupid, lol.

Pictures are fukkin awesome though dude! MENDOOOZZAAAAAA!

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