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Etpro scrim


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Hello everyone. I still learning all about how this community works so i have come with a question this time. I tried to join the Etpro server i already installed SLAC and have and active account. Now is that server for competitions only, because is password protected, and it seems to be empity always, I just want to scrim and i wanted to know what i have to do.

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You should add some players to your xfire :)

you can add sfin,AG,hobbit,jeff,krazy,justice,miktea,all of they play etpro :D

You cand add me too,but i cant play right now because my "game pc" just crash :(

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well normally when i see our members scrimming they go to different servers.... but yeah its normally empty nothing new :P

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You should add some players to your xfire :)

you can add sfin,AG,jeff,krazy,justice,miktea,all of they play etpro :D

You cand add me too,but i cant play right now because my "game pc" just crash :(


oh so thats why youre not playing with us snake =/

well snake is right sinergy, we do some randoms-fun scrims and you are free to join us, were always looking new people to play with us

see ya :hi

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For Beginners(in english).txt


This file tells some general things about scrimming and related stuff.





How to get war?



You can get war from IRC. Channels #5on5.et and #3on3.et and #et.merc are usefull. Some dictionary:



5on5 low hs = they want to play 5 versus 5 game, they search opponent who is low skilled and they have server(hs=have server) where war can be played.


3on3 med/- ns = they want to play 3 versus 3 game, they search med or med- skilled opponent and they don't have server(ns=no server).



Also sometimes you see /q or pmme after these requirements(actually these are needless).

/q = /query(means that you send private message for him, for example just ask "war?")


pmme = private message me. Purpose is same than above.



#et.merc is a channel where you can get a mercanery(merc) for you if you don't have enought players.


merc avi = he is available(=avi) if someone needs player.


need merc = he needs a mercanery, if you are available and you want to play, then just pm him.


need merc, be skilled, pref pl = he needs merc who is skilled(skilled means that you are about from med to high skilled) and who is preferably(=pref) from poland(=pl).





Some terms:



Gibbing =

When enemy dies(health points goes 0 or under) he falls down and cannot move(but he can still see what is happening around him), but medic can still revive him(after revive player has a bit under half health points). So gibbing means that you make more damage to him after he is dead(actually you need to get his health as much to minus as he had max health when he was alive). When player is gibbed, his weapon throws out. Example: Enemy medic has 140hp, you kill him and lets say he has 0hp. He falls down and then you need to do 140hp more damage for him to gib him.


Tapout =

When you die, you can wait to get revived or you can gib yourself aka tapout.


Fullspawn/full =

Taking full means that you die pretty fast after you spawned, so you need to wait pretty long before you can spawn again. Example: You are allies and you kill and gib 2 axis players who spawned 5 seconds ago. Now they need to wait 25 seconds before they spawn again and you can tell to your teammates "2 enemies are full".


Fullhold =

Attacking team can't finish the objective in map's timelimit. Defending team gets 1 point and attacking team gets 0 point.


Fullpull =

You kill whole enemy team(on that spawncycle). Example: Its 3on3 game, and you kill all 3 enemies, so you did a fullpull(if enemies are reviving its not fullpull untill you kill them all again. So to get fullpull, no one enemy can be alive).


Decider =

3rd map. Its played if both teams have same amount of points after 2 maps. Usually 3rd map is chosen by elimination from mappool. If 3rd map is double fullhold, meaning that both teams get 1 point, then they play 2nd decider etc.


Mappool =

Maps that are allowed to play on that match. For example some cups or tournaments can have a specific mappool.


Cointoss =

First teams choose either "heads" or "tails". Then they do /callvote cointoss and then game randomly casts lots heads or tails. Example: Allies picks heads, so axis needs to pick tails. Then they do cointoss and lets say that result is tails, so axis wins cointoss and they can either pick 3rd map or start elimination or let enemy start elimination(depends about rules). Cointoss is usually used before decider.


Elimination =

Teams drop map by turn from mappool untill there is only 2 maps left.





Some general things:



Scrims/wars/matches/(whatever you call it) are played in stopwatch mode. That means that first another team attacks and tries to set a time. Then they swap sides, meaning that team who attacked is now defending. And now that team who was defending is now attacking and they try to set better time. If they set better time, then they win that map. If they don't, then they lose that map. Every map has also a timelimit, for example 15 minutes. If team cannot set a time(meaning they cannot do the objective inside timelimit), then its a fullhold. There are 2 maps played on scrim and team who has more points after these 2 maps, wins. You get points as following:

win a map = 2 points

lose a map = 0 points

fullhold = defending team gets 1 point. Attacking team gets 0 point. (Notice that after defending that team must attack, and if they set a time they get just 2 points(they won map), not 3 like someone might think(fullhold + win map). If both teams fail to set a time, then both teams get 1 point(double fullhold))

If both teams have same amount of points after 2 maps, usually they play decider.



Every map has stages, usually 3 different stages. Example:


Map Goldrush.


1st stage =

Allies need to repair and steal tank.


2nd stage =

Allies need to escort tank to brigde and explode bank doors. Also they can(read: need) build CP(command post) so they can spawn much closer objective.


3rd stage =

Allies need to steal gold from bank and escort it to truck and drive truck through map to near their first spawn.



On some maps its possible to get straight to 3rd stage, like on Adlernest. Lets see:


1st stage =

Allies need to explode controls.


2nd stage =

Allies need to build CP so they can spawn there or from first spawn.


3rd stage =

Allies need to get documents(objective) and escort them to transmitter.


But on this map its possible to get straight to objective through axis spawn and escort them to transmitter via CP way.





Real Life Example about how this all actually works:



I'm sitting on computer, browsing internet when esSe suddenly asks me on xfire "y0 bro, come paly 5on5". I answer him "ok" and he says "come vent y0"(we have a Ventrilo(voice client) server what we are using). I go to our Ventrilo channel and I see that we have 5 players now and I heard dTEC7 saying to Ap0c "get a war Ap0c", Ap0c answering "okido". 5 minutes passes and then Ap0c tells us that "I have a war, my comment"(he puts game server's IP and password to his comment on Ventrilo, so we can copy it). So I copy Ap0c's comment and start my ET. I open console and paste that comment there. If its not proper(proper is /connect [iP:Port]; password [password] for example /connect; password runo) then I modify it to proper or I just put /connect [iP] and press enter, but then I need to type password manually. However, when I'm on server, we just wait that everyone are there and everyone are ready to play. Game starts, we play, game ends and we win. We play second map which we win too, so we win 4-0 and then we just disconnect from server. esSe asks if we want to play another one but Hexagon needs more weed and Nips needs to eat something. Also dTEC7's internet connection just lost, so we decide to wait some time and then let see if we are playing more.


If you have a team, you probably have practise times when you are playing together, making and trying tactics etc. For example monday, wednesday and thursday 21:00 CET.





Indicator of good player?



Answer: He does his job in team. He fits good to that team. However, if you want to do your job and fit to team, you need to be able to win 1on1 situations, have a "brains" etc. So general indicator of good player is his damage given / damage received section (to see every players dmg given / dmg received, type /scores in console). But as mentioned, its not the absolute truth.


© BossHK 6/2010

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