Thor Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 (edited) This was on the TwC website, as it is still very useful I'm posting it here in hopes it will help people get a better understanding for configs and maybe enlighten a few others. In ET there are certain commands you can enter to change your game play. You can bind things, tweak things, and have some fun with it. I will try as best I can to explain some of this seeing as more and more players have become interested in tweaking lately. I will run down some basic tweaks, but also some tweaks to give you higher frame rates, and also tweaks to help with connection lag. Keep in mind that when I go over the graphics tweaks, my graphics settings are pretty bad looking since I run ET on a horrible video card. Lets get started with binds. When you want to enter a command such as a bind into the console, of course first you have to drop down your console with the ~ (tilde key), enter in /bind k say ^7HI!. Using (/bind) will bind your k key to output HI! in white letters. Now if you want to enter your binds into a .config file you would drop the / before bind. If you want to bind voicechats onto a key, instead of pressing v,5,5 to say bye, you need to put in /bind k vsay bye. Here is a list of keys you can bind in ET: * Alphabet: A-Z * Numbers: 0-9 * Function keys: F1-F12 * Punctuation: -[]/'.,;~= * SPACE, TAB, SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, ENTER, BACKSPACE * PAUSE * Arrow keys: UPARROW, DOWNARROW, LEFTARROW, RIGHTARROW * INS, HOME, PGUP, DEL, END, PGDN * Numeric keypad: KP_HOME, KP_SLASH, *, KP_MINUS, KP_UPARROW, KP_DOWNARROW, KP_LEFTARROW, KP_RIGHTARROW, KP_PGUP, KP_5, KP_PLUS, KP_ENTER, KP_END, KP_PGDN, KP_INS, KP_DEL * Left mouse button: MOUSE1 * Right mouse button: MOUSE2 * Middle mouse button: MOUSE3 * More mouse buttons: MOUSE4/MOUSE5 (some mice have extra buttons) * Mousewheel scroll up: MWHEELUP * Mousewheel scroll down: MWHEELDOWN If you want to bind a suicide command, slashkill, in your console you enter /bind k kill. If you would like to bind the playdead command, put in /bind k playdead. There are many different voicechats that you can bind to your keyboard. For binding voicechats the vsay command outputs the voicechat globally, but if you want the voicechat to only be heard by your team use vsay_team instead of just vsay. This also works the same way for text binds, say for global text and say_team for team text. For text binds and and naming yourself you can use different colors by putting in ^ followed by a key such as 1, ^1 will give you red. Back to the voicechats, here is a list of the available voicechats and the commands you need to put in to get them: EnemyDisguised: "Enemy in disguise!" PathCleared: "Path cleared." EnemyWeak: "The enemy is weakened." AllClear: "All clear." Incoming: "Incoming!" FireInTheHole: "Fire in the hole!" OnDefense: "I'm on defense." OnOffense: "I'm attacking." TakingFire: "Taking fire!" MinesCleared: "Mines cleared." NeedBackup: "I need backup!" CoverMe: "Cover me!" NeedEngineer: "We need an engineer!" NeedOps: "We need Covert Ops!" Medic: "Medic!" NeedAmmo: "I need ammo!" NeedTarget: "I need a target!" WhereTo: "Where to?" FollowMe: "Follow me!" LetsGo: "Let's go!" Move: "Move!" ClearPath: "Clear the path!" HoldFire: "Hold fire!" DefendObjective: "Defend our objective!" DisarmDynamite: "Disarm the dynamite!" ClearMines: "Clear the mines!" ReinforceDefense: "Reinforce the defense!" ReinforceOffense: "Reinforce the offense!" DestroyPrimary: "Destroy the primary objective!" DestroySecondary: "Destroy the secondary objective!" DestroyConstruction: "Destroy the construction!" ObjectiveDestroyed: "Objective destroyed!" RepairVehicle: "Repair the vehicle!" DestroyVehicle: "Destroy the vehicle!" EscortVehicle: "Escort the vehicle!" FireOnTarget: "Fire on my target!" CommandAcknowledged: "Command acknowledged!" CommandDeclined: "Command declined!" CommandCompleted: "Command completed!" ConstructionCommencing: "Construction underway!" ConstructionCompleted: "Construction completed!" ConstructionDestroyed: "Construction destroyed!" ObjectiveFailed: "Objective failed!" ObjectiveCompleted: "Objective completed!" Affirmative: "Yes!" Negative: "No!" Thanks: "Thanks a lot!" Welcome: "You're welcome." Oops: "Oops!" Sorry: "Sorry!" Hi: "Hi!" Bye: "Bye." Cheer: "Yeah!" GreatShot: "Great shot!" GoodGame: "Good game!" IamSoldier: "I'm a soldier." IamMedic: "I'm a medic." IamEngineer: "I'm an engineer." IamFieldOps: "I'm a field ops." IamCovertOps: "I'm a covert ops." FTMeetWaypoint: "Meet at waypoint!" FTAttackWaypoint: "Attack waypoint!" FTchecklandmines: "Check for landmines!" FTDefendWaypoint: "Defend waypoint" FTAttack: "Attack!" FTFallBack: "Fall back!" FTCheckLandMines: "Check for landmines!" FTCoverMe: "Cover me!" FTCoveringFire: "Soldier, covering fire!" FTMortar: "Deploy mortar!" FTHealSquad: "Heal the squad!" FTHealMe: "Heal me!" FTReviveTeamMate: "Revive team mate!" FTReviveMe: "Revive me!" FTDestroyObjective: "Destroy objective!" FTRepairObjective: "Repair objective!" FTConstructObjective: "Construct the objective!" FTDisarmDynamite: "Disarm the dynamite!" FTDeployLandmines: "Deploy landmines!" FTDisarmLandmines: "Disarm landmines!" FTCallAirStrike: "Call airstrike!" FTCallArtillery: "Call artillery!" FTMortarBarrage: "Call mortar barrage!" FTResupplySquad: "Resupply squad!" FTResupplyMe: "Resupply me!" FTExploreArea: "Explore area!" FTExploreAtCoordinates: "Explore at co-ordinates!" FTSatchelObjective: "Destroy satchel objective!" FTInfiltrate: "Infiltrate!" FTGoUndercover: "Go undercover!" FTProvideSniperCover: "Provide sniper cover!" You can do more in your console besides just voicechat and text binds. You can also bind a toggle to a key and toggle a command such as s_mute, to toggle sound on and off. To do this you would enter into your console /bind k toggle s_mute. A toggle is different from a cycle in that the command you want to toggle has to have only two states, 1 and 0. In the case of s_mute the states are s_mute 1 for mute and 0 for not muted. Now if you would like to bind a key to execute a simple cycle script such as a gamma cycle, gamma is the brightness in which you see ET, you would do /bind k r_gamma 1 3 0.5. This will make the "k" key cycle your gamma from 1 to 3 in increments of 0.5, so 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3. Since this is a cycle when you reach the last value it will go back to the first value at the next press of the key. Thats pretty much it for your basic binds. There are more complex scripts that you can create and run in ET. These commands are too long to enter into the console so you have to make yourself a "config" file (a .cfg file). In order to do this you can use notepad to create one. Creating a config file is also useful in keeping all of your settings how you want them, your settings can change when you play in different ET mods such as, ETPub, ETPro, Jaymod, and NoQuarter. The way ET works with different mods is that you have a settings file and a different profile for each mod you have played on. Your settings for ETPub would be located inside your ETPub profile which is in your ET directory at WolfET/etpub/Profiles/profile_name/etconfig.cfg. Also in the case of crashes, there is a possibility that your profile and/or your ET settings can get deleted, but if you have created a config file you don't have to redo all of your binds and settings again. When you create a config file through notepad you need to save the file as a .cfg file instead of saving as a standard notepad file (.txt). To do this, where it says filename enter in myconfig.cfg in the box below switch the Save File type As from Text Documents (*.txt) to All Files, this will ensure that your file is saved as myconfig.cfg instead of myconfig.cfg.txt. Once you have created your config file, in order to have it work in ET, it needs to be in your etmain folder, WolfET/etmain, this is the same folder where all your map files go in. When you have your config file in the appropriate place, you can execute your config file by putting into the console "/exec myconfig.cfg". Instead of having to enter in the command to execute your config file, what you can do is create an autoexec file. An autoexec will run as soon as you open up ET. An autoexec file also needs to be put in your etmain folder. You use the same steps to create the autoexec as you would to create any other config file, but as i pointed out earlier in a config file, as opposed to entering in commands in the console, you drop the slash from the beginning of the command. In the case of your autoexec.cfg file, you may want it to load your myconfig.cfg file, so on any free line in your autoexec put in exec myconfig.cfg. Something alot of people like to put into their autoexec, or any config file, is their ET name with the colors and tags just how they like them. To do this you would put on a line set name ^7ET^4Player. Now onto the tweaks, woot! I will try to explain as best i can what each command does, but with the amount of available commands in ET, there are very few people who now what every command does. I will introduce each command with my own settings first. These commands can be put into a config file or simply put into the console. If you enter in certain graphics commands in the console they will not take affect until you restart the game, but you can see these changes immediately by entering into the console /vid_restart. As for non-graphics changes, you can simply do a /reconnect in the console to have the changes take effect WARNING: Be careful what you set these to, some servers have different PB CVAR checks than other servers. When you logon to a server it will check your cvars against the settings that the certain server does not allow. You will have sometime to change the settings before PB kicks you. Not all of these settings will be helpful to you, but regardless use them at your own risk. /name ^0~^7TwC^0/^7Th^4o^7r^0! The name command is another way of renaming yourself without going through the limbo menu. I see alot of people get kicked by PB for clearing their name out in the limbo menu. PB kicks them of course for "Empty Player name". If you rename through the console you wont have to worry about that happening to you, unless of course you try to put a in your name, as its a character not allowed by PB. /cg_fov 115 Default: 90. This is the command for your field of view. Some people like being able to have better peripheral vision in ET, basically being able to see whats going on at the side of them better. The trade off for setting this command high is that the higher it is the harder it is for you to see things that are far. /com_maxfps 76 This setting will cap your frame rate at a certain number. There are certain numbers that if you cap your FPS at them, you will be able to jump higher. These numbers are 43, 76, 125, 333. Keep in mind that you should cap your FPS at the number that is closest to your average frame rate. /sensitivity 2.4 This is the command for your mouse sensitivity. /m_filter 0 This is the command for "smooth mouse". Set it to 1 to turn on mouse smoothing. /m_pitch 0.015 This settings lowers y-axis sensitivity. Your mouse movement up and down will be slower, the lower the value. Take note that this setting should not be lower than 0.015 and no higher than 0.022. /cl_mouseAccel 0 Setting this number above 0 will make you turn faster. /r_gamma 3 This is the brightness setting for ET. It can go from 0.0 to 3.0. /cg_atmosphericeffects 0 This will turn off rain/snow. /cg_blooddamageblend 0 This changes the opacity of blood splatter on your screen. it goes from 0.0 to 1.0. /cg_bloodfalsh 0 This allows you to cahnge the opacity of the flash on your screen you get when taking damage. /cg_brasstime 0 This settings effects how long, in seconds, things like bullet shells are rendered for. A setting of 0 turns them off completely. 0-10000. /cg_coronas 0 This settings has to do with the flare effect around lights. /cg_showblood 0 /cg_gibs 0 These settings turn off the blood and gore in ET. /cg_shadows 0 This will turn off the shadows under players. /cg_wolfparticles 0 This will turn of explosion effect details. /cg_marktime 0 This settings effects how long, in seconds, bulletmarks are rendered for. A setting of 0 turns them off completely. 0-10000. /cg_trailparticles 0 This will remove the smoke from panzers. /cg_impactparticles 0 This will remove impact particles. 0-2. /cg_drawmuzzleflash 0 /cg_muzzleflash 0 I'm not sure which one works because i have them both. This should remove the flash from your gun when it fires, as well as other players' guns. /cg_bobpitch 0 /cg_bobup 0 /cg_bobroll 0 /cg_bobyaw 0 /cg_runpitch 0 /cg_runroll 0 These settings smooth out gun movement and run movement, basically will keep your aim a little bit steadier. /cg_autoactivate 1 Sometimes ET gets screwy and you cant pick up ammo, guns, or health by running over them. If you set this to 1, you should not have that problem. /cg_drawgun 1 This controls whether you are able to see your own gun or not. This settings is only 0-1 in some servers, but it can go from 0-6 in many ETPub servers, 2-6 gives your gun different transparency effects. /cg_drawfps 1 This settings turns on your FPS counter. /r_mode 4 This settings refers to your the resolution at which your playing ET in. r_mode 0 Resolution is 320 x 200 r_mode 1 Resolution is 400 x 300 r_mode 2 Resolution is 512 x 384 r_mode 3 Resolution is 640 x 480 r_mode 4 Resolution is 800 x 600 r_mode 5 Resolution is 960 x 720 r_mode 6 Resolution is 1024 x 768 r_mode 7 Resolution is 1152 x 864 r_mode 8 Resolution is 1280 x 1024 r_mode 9 Resolution is 1600 x 1200 r_mode 10 Resolution is 2048 x 1536 r_mode 11 Resolution is 856 x 480 Wide screen. /r_fullscreen 1 This controls whether ET is full screen or windowed. /r_shadows 1 This will remove shadows from ET. /r_fastsky 1 This disables the rendering of textures in the sky. /r_picmip 3 This sets the size of game textures. Basically, the higher the number the smaller the textures and the more stretched across the models the textures are. This settings goes from 0-3. /r_lodbias This controls the level of graphics detail. It goes from 0-2, 0 giving it the best quality. /r_flares 0 Turns off the flare effect around rockets. /r_roundimagesdown 2 Self explanatory. /r_subdivisions 999 Controls the amount of geometric detail. 4-999. /r_primitives 2 Controls the amount of detail in player and vehicle models. It goes from 0-3, but I don't suggest going to as low as 3 as it is god awful. /r_detailtextures 0 Self explanatory. /r_mapoverbrightbits 2 /r_overbrightbits 0 These settings brightens up the dark areas of maps. 0-3. /r_finish 0 Settings this to 1 helps if you have mouse or keyboard lag. /r_dynamiclight 0 This eliminates excessive flashing in gun fights. /r_texturemode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST /ui_r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" This command has to do with your ET's texture filtering. The r_texturemode refers to all the game rendering, while the ui_r_texturemode refers to the rendering on your 2d graphic items. low quality: GL_NEAREST good quality: GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST great quality: GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR good quality: GL_LINEAR /r_dynamictextures 0 This is another settings to lower the quality of textures. /r_simplemipmaps 0 Set this item to 1 for better mipmapping (smoothing of distant textures). Set it to 0 for higher frame rate. Thats all for now, Thor! Edited March 30, 2018 by Fearless Staff Quote
F257 Posted November 19, 2009 Posted November 19, 2009 good thread, worthy of a bump. for part 2? Quote
Saizou Posted November 20, 2009 Posted November 20, 2009 * Punctuation: -[]/'.,;~= I had trouble with ; key while binding before, had to use /bind SEMICOLON instead or it wouldn't work. Don't know if it's the only problematic key out there. Hopefully it saves some pain. Very good guide, one can never have too many (at least when it comes to scripts). Quote
hobbit Posted November 20, 2009 Posted November 20, 2009 I had trouble with ; key while binding before, had to use /bind SEMICOLON instead or it wouldn't work. Don't know if it's the only problematic key out there. Hopefully it saves some pain. Very good guide, one can never have too many (at least when it comes to scripts). Yes ; and : (SHIFT + ; ) are the only ones I believe. / might be but it can be substituted with ? Quote
PHANTASM Posted November 22, 2009 Posted November 22, 2009 Thor (whoever he was) made a good start, and I thought this might make a good thread for teaching people how to make scripts and stuff. Everyone copies each other, so if you see your code in here, consider it a compliment. Here is a very simple toggle script using the mousewheel. This one lets you switch between your smg (or heavy weapon) and pistols easily using the mousewheel without scrolling through all the other weapons with the wheel. Some players prefer this. //gun toggle unbind MWHEELUP unbind MWHEELDOWN bind MWHEELUP "weaponbank 2" bind MWHEELDOWN "weaponbank 3" This is a different kind of toggle script. It allows you to change a setting by hitting a key and then restore it the next time you hit the same key. I am using the variable names map, mapon, and mapoff and assigning different values to each variable. This particular script is for keeping the command map open: //map toggle unbind g bind g "vstr map" set map "vstr mapon" set mapon "+mapexpand; set map vstr mapoff" set mapoff "-mapexpand; set map vstr mapon" Here is how to make a different type of script. This one adds an additional function to an existing key, in this case it adds "sprint" to the "S" key. I like to add sprint to "S" so I can always move backwards very fast when I need to, without holding down SHIFT. Note that it uses +vstr instead of just vstr because it is binding multiple commands to the same key. Like above, ssp1 and ssp2 are just temporary variables I made up within this script. They don't mean anything anywhere else. You can use any goofy name you want as long as it not already in use in your etconfig. //sprint backwards unbind s bind s "+vstr ssp1 ssp2" set ssp1 "+back; +sprint" set ssp2 "-back; -sprint" I actually disable my SHIFT key (with the unbind SHIFT command below), so I don't waste my sprint bar just running around, and can save it for when I really need to sprint. I can activate it with the "S" key (as described above) and with the left mouse key when I am shooting so I can move around faster in combat. Here is how I add this to my left mouse key: //attack bind unbind SHIFT unbind mouse1 bind MOUSE1 "+vstr atk1 atk2" set atk1 "+attack; +sprint" set atk2 "-attack; -sprint" This is just a sample of what you can do with scripts in ET. You can take these snippets of code and apply them to any button and any cvar you want. A lot of people use scripts for their vsays, fovs, sensitivities, and pitch. You can make separate scripts for each weapon. These can get really complicated. Your scripts should be saved in your autoexec.cfg file in your etmain folder. ET will run it automatically when you start ET. When you join a server you should run them again, some mods (like our jaymod) won't activate them until you are in the server. Just type /exec autoexec.cfg in your console. Quote
F257 Posted November 22, 2009 Posted November 22, 2009 Thor (whoever he was) made a good start, and I thought this might make a good thread for teaching people how to make scripts and stuff. Everyone copies each other, so if you see your code in here, consider it a compliment. ah thor still hangs round. your far more likely to see him in the etpub servers than in the jaymod/nq servers though. Quote
PHANTASM Posted November 22, 2009 Posted November 22, 2009 ah thor still hangs round. your far more likely to see him in the etpub servers than in the jaymod/nq servers though. OK. I didn't mean to hijack his thread. I just thought it needed some kind of basic "how to make a script" section. A lot of people ask about how to write scripts and I thought this was a good place to show the basic structure of the code. Most people don't like to share their scripts, they don't want new players to get better. I won't put in my personal fov/sens scripts because they were a lot of work to get them right for me, but I wanted to give people the tools to make their own scripts. Smart guys will see how to make their own, and you can't help the others. Quote
F257 Posted November 22, 2009 Posted November 22, 2009 OK. I didn't mean to hijack his thread. I just thought it needed some kind of basic "how to make a script" section. A lot of people ask about how to write scripts and I thought this was a good place to show the basic structure of the code. Most people don't like to share their scripts, they don't want new players to get better. I won't put in my personal fov/sens scripts because they were a lot of work to get them right for me, but I wanted to give people the tools to make their own scripts. Smart guys will see how to make their own, and you can't help the others. oh i know, just poinitng out he still exists unlike some of our other mia members The only script i ecver used was a 180 script and that was more for having fun whilst playing glider than anything else Quote
wreck Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 hey seen as you found the guide i wrote thor, maybe you can find the other part to it? eh? Quote
Thor Posted November 25, 2009 Author Posted November 25, 2009 Yeah, I have it stored somewhere in my archives of ET stuff. I'll see if I can dig it up and get it posted. That was some excellent work. Quote
Shaky >:D Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 I very like you take the time but maybe check out other tut's b4 posting one: Quote
PHANTASM Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 This is a script that switches to your grenade, waits four seconds, and throws it for you. Then it switches back to your smg or whatever you have in weaponbank 3. It's nice if you aren't very good at timing your grenades and don't want your enemy to just run away when you throw them. I use the "q" key but you can switch to whatever key you want, like CAPSLOCK or MOUSE2 or whatever. I wrote this myself, I didn't copy it from anyone, but I'm sure someone has written something similar if you looked hard enough. //nadechucker unbind q bind q "com_maxfps 50; weaponbank 4; wait 10; +attack; wait 325; -attack; wait 10; weaponbank 3; com_maxfps 76" //reset your fps at end. This script introduces the use of the "wait" command, combined with changing "com_maxfps" to perform timed actions. The "wait" command tells the computer how many frames to wait, so I set com_maxfps to 50, that way I know it will be consistent and it's easy to do the math. I usually use 76 during the game, but if my fps is bouncing around it may be less than that, so I lower it to 50 for this script. If you don't set the fps low it might be bouncing around and that will make your timing inaccurate, and you will blow yourself up. "Wait 325" should be a 6.5 second delay, but it takes a second to pull the grenade out so it seems to be just the right time. The grenade will blow up as soon as it hits the ground, if you throw it five yards/meters. They won't have time to run away. You can lower the hold time from 325 downward to throw it earlier if you want. Each 50 is one second in theory. Set your com_maxfps back to 76 or 125 or whatever with the "com_maxfps" at the end of the script. The only drawback to this script is you can't move while you are waiting to throw the grenade. You can move the mouse as normal, so you can aim your throw, you just can't use WASD keys. You could add a +moveleft or +moveright or some other scripted movement if you want to hide around a corner and move out as you throw it. Enjoy. Quote
PHANTASM Posted November 28, 2009 Posted November 28, 2009 Here's the same nadechucker script modified for hiding around corners and throwing it automatically at the last second. These add another "wait" command to the script to move left or right. This shows you how to program timed movements. //To move right then throw grenade unbind q bind q "com_maxfps 50; weaponbank 4; wait 10; +attack; wait 300; +moveright; wait 25; -moveright; -attack; wait 10; weaponbank 3; com_maxfps 76" //To move left then throw grenade unbind e bind e "com_maxfps 50; weaponbank 4; wait 10; +attack; wait 300; +moveleft; wait 25; -moveleft; -attack; wait 10; weaponbank 3; com_maxfps 76" Q and E work for me because I never use them to lean, so they are available. If I am hiding in the left-hand side of a corridor, I can hit Q to jump to the right to toss the live grenade. Since the E key is on the right of W, it's easy to use for hiding in a right-hand side corner (from which I would move to my left and throw the live nade with this script). This script is good if you are an engineer with eight grenades, otherwise I use those keys for other binds. Quote
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