nAbish Posted February 4, 2023 Posted February 4, 2023 // generated by ET Legacy v2.81.0 win-x86 Jan 27 2023 do not modify unbindall bind TAB "+scores" bind ENTER "exec member.cfg" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind SPACE "+moveup" bind ' "!Listplayers" bind , "writeconfig nabish.cfg" bind - "vsay oops ^uN^7uuubs^z!^9!" bind . "mapzoomin" bind / "sv_fps 30" bind 0 "vsay hi ^1F^7|^1A ^7Is^1 Recruiting^7! Ask ^1ANY ^7Admin ^1For ^7Details^1!^7!" bind 1 "weaponbank 1" bind 2 "weaponbank 2" bind 3 "weaponbank 3" bind 4 "weaponbank 4" bind 5 "weaponbank 5" bind 6 "weaponbank 6" bind 8 "exec nabish.cfg" bind 9 "vsay cheer ^1Visit us @ ^7www.fearless^1-^^1!!" bind = "vid_restart" bind [ "vsay ftattack ^uA S^7nack^z!^9!" bind \ "vsay thanks ^uT^7hank ^uY^7ou^z!^9!" bind ] "writeconfig nabish1.cfg" bind ` "toggleconsole" bind a "+moveleft" bind c "+movedown" bind d "+moveright" bind e "+leanright" bind f "+activate" bind g "+mapexpand" bind i "vsay hi ^7Welcome to ^1F^7|^1A^7 RECRUITING ^1XP SAVE^7!!" bind j "vsay hi ^0H^9iii^zggg^7hhh^u!!!" bind k "vsay negative ^uN^7ein^z-^u9^z!!" bind l "openlimbomenu" bind m "vsay move ^9MOO^7! ^uY^7ou ^uC^7ow^o!!" bind n "vsay needbackup ^1EVEN TEAMS PLEASE ^7OR I WILL ^7PUT^0!!!" bind p "vsay FTattack ^uA S^7nack^9!^z!" bind q "+leanleft" bind r "+reload" bind s "+back" bind t "vsay FTcheckforlandmines :D" bind u "messagemode3" bind v "mp_quickmessage" bind w "+forward" bind x "+prone" bind y "messagemode2" bind z "vsay greatshot ^9N^7ice ^9S^7hooting^u!! ^u[d]" bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind CAPSLOCK "+speed" bind DOWNARROW "exec allies.cfg" bind LEFTALT "+stats" bind LEFTCTRL "+topshots" bind LEFTSHIFT "+sprint" bind DEL "vstr fieldop" bind END "vstr medic" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F3 "ready" bind F4 "scores" bind F6 "vstr startup" bind F7 "players" bind F8 "vsay needbackup ^3Panzer users ^5please announce when you pickup the ^3panzer and your map count. ^6Thank you" bind F11 "autoscreenshot" bind F12 "vstr demotoggle" bind KP_HOME "vstr soldier_start" bind KP_UPARROW "vstr engineer_start" bind KP_PGUP "vstr covertop_start" bind KP_LEFTARROW "set reset vstr allies_team; vstr allies_team" bind KP_5 "selectbuddy 4" bind KP_RIGHTARROW "set reset vstr axis_team; vstr axis_team" bind KP_END "selectbuddy 0" bind KP_DOWNARROW "selectbuddy 1" bind KP_PGDN "selectbuddy 2" bind KP_ENTER "mp_fireteamadmin" bind KP_INS "selectbuddy -2" bind KP_DEL "selectbuddy -1" bind MOUSE1 "+vstr shooton shootoff" bind MOUSE2 "+attack2" bind MOUSE3 "s_stop" bind MOUSE4 "+zoom" bind MOUSE5 "playdead" bind MWHEELDOWN "cg_fov 120" bind MWHEELUP "cg_fov 95" seta shootoff "-attack; sensitivity .24000000000; set vstr shooton" seta shooton "+attack; sensitivity .16750000000; set vstr shootoff" seta ui_browserShowETPro "1" seta ui_browserNQonly "1" seta vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp_norestart "1" seta cg_drawAccuracy "0" seta cg_drawKillSpree "2" seta cg_drawHUDHead "0" seta cg_drawObjIcons "0" seta hud_powerupSize "18" seta hud_skillBarX "44" seta hud_skillBarY "388" seta hud_skillBarAlpha "1.0" seta hud_rankX "112" seta hud_rankY "408" seta hud_rankAlpha "1.0" seta hud_drawPowerups "1" seta hud_drawAltHUD "1" seta cg_drawMuzzleFlash "1" seta cg_drawTracers "1" seta cg_fixedFTeamSize "1" seta cg_weaponBounceSound "1" seta cg_altHQVoice "0" seta cg_rtcwShake "0" seta cg_drawAuraIcons "1" seta cg_killAnnouncer "1" seta 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cg_simpleItemsScale "1.0" seta cg_popupFilter "0" seta cg_popupBigFilter "0" seta cg_graphicObituaries "0" seta cg_popupShadow "0" seta cg_fontScaleTP "0.35" seta cg_fontScaleSP "0.22" seta cg_fontScaleCP "0.22" seta cg_fontScaleCN "0.25" seta cg_quickchat "0" seta cg_drawUnit "0" seta cg_visualEffects "0" seta cg_bannerTime "10000" seta cg_chatX "160" seta cg_chatY "478" seta cg_chatScale "1.0" seta cg_chatBackgroundAlpha "0.66" seta cg_chatShadow "0" seta cg_chatFlags "1" seta cg_chatLineWidth "70" seta cg_activateLean "0" seta cg_healthDynamicColor "0" seta cg_drawBreathPuffs "0" seta sv_userInfoFloodProtect "1" seta sv_protectLogInterval "1000" seta cl_extrapolationMargin "1" seta ui_disableOssFilter "0" seta cg_customFont1 "" seta cg_customFont2 "" seta cg_scopedSensitivityScaler "0.6" seta db_uri "etl.db" seta db_mode "2" seta sv_master2 "" seta com_ansiColor "1" seta com_zoneMegs "128" 2 Quote
Apollonius Posted February 4, 2023 Posted February 4, 2023 I see my shooting script there 😄 What DPI are you using? Those are very low sensitivities. 1 1 Quote
Valk Posted February 4, 2023 Posted February 4, 2023 I seen some stuff in there you could take out, too make it look cleaner, plus a nice suggestion I got with my cfg, is to group everything up, so it's easier to find. For example, all the /cg_ commands together. But nice anyways. 1 1 Quote
nAbish Posted February 4, 2023 Author Posted February 4, 2023 (edited) 44 minutes ago, Apollonius said: I see my shooting script there 😄 What DPI are you using? Those are very low sensitivities. .1675 and .2200 lmao DPI 5500 Edited February 4, 2023 by nAbish 1 Quote
HarryAimpotter Posted February 4, 2023 Posted February 4, 2023 (edited) Very interesting config indeed. What caught my attention was r_swapInterval "1" and r_finish "1". Which basically means you have v-sync on in ET. Meaning your game will only render the amount of frames that your screen is able to display (166 in your case). I understand the reasoning behind that and I havn't done a lot of testing, but others have. Linus Tech Tips did extensive study on this issue ( and what they found was that running your games as high fps as possible is always better, even when your monitor can't display all of the frames your GPU produces. So having 200 fps with 60 Hz monitor is better than having 100 fps on 60 Hz monitor. Even tho you still only see 60 frames, the game will have less latency and input lag, and will feel overall more responsive. Like I sayd I havnt tested this out myself, but I am wondering if you have and what do you think about that? I also did timedemo on your config and I got 100 fps less, then with mine. If you are interested, I can send you my cfg, to see what results you will get. Edited February 4, 2023 by HarryAimpotter 1 Quote
nAbish Posted February 4, 2023 Author Posted February 4, 2023 9 hours ago, HarryAimpotter said: Very interesting config indeed. What caught my attention was r_swapInterval "1" and r_finish "1". Which basically means you have v-sync on in ET. Meaning your game will only render the amount of frames that your screen is able to display (166 in your case). I understand the reasoning behind that and I havn't done a lot of testing, but others have. Linus Tech Tips did extensive study on this issue ( and what they found was that running your games as high fps as possible is always better, even when your monitor can't display all of the frames your GPU produces. So having 200 fps with 60 Hz monitor is better than having 100 fps on 60 Hz monitor. Even tho you still only see 60 frames, the game will have less latency and input lag, and will feel overall more responsive. Like I sayd I havnt tested this out myself, but I am wondering if you have and what do you think about that? I also did timedemo on your config and I got 100 fps less, then with mine. If you are interested, I can send you my cfg, to see what results you will get. Please do! I am very new at this .cfg stuff and doing my best to get a badass cfg setup. I will tell you right now for the life of me I could not figure out why I couldnt get above 165 fps! You just found it, (which is the reason for posting here) I wanted to see if there was any discrepancies or something I should change! Thank you!!!! @HarryAimpotter 1 Quote
nAbish Posted February 4, 2023 Author Posted February 4, 2023 FPS a SOLID 201!!! Thank you Harry! Quote
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