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Ranked Servers/Perk Restrictions

Cookie Monster

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I don't think you guys really understand the point of "ranked" servers. The only way ranking works is if everyone is playing the same game - that's why in MW2, they disallowed private servers, because that was the only way they could ensure it. They've opened it back up to private servers, but...you guys are really abusing that. How hard do you think it would be to write something so that they could block a specific perk on your server? That would take Treyarch like...30 seconds. They SPECIFICALLY didn't include it because it's not meant for that. Having pre-teen admins babysit your servers to make sure no one's using second chance is a pretty dumb way around that.


Football teams are ranked also - this is possible because they're all playing the same game with the same rules, the rules don't depend on who's field you're on.


It's a stupid restriction anyway, because:


1) Anyone using second chance is obviously not very good anyway, so it's not like they're gaining much


2) Anyone dumb enough to shoot someone, and:

-A) Not notice the score for killing them didn't flash

-B ) Not notice they're still moving

-C) Stand there for 10 seconds while the second chancer unloads their whole pistol into them (that's about much it takes) and not know what's going on

deserves to be second chance killed.


All you're doing is annoying EVERYONE on your server, when there are no admins the impossible-to-enforce (without an admin) rules still flash from Console, and when there ARE admins they constantly repeat and repeat that there's no second chance, and then kick people who mostly don't understand what they're talking about. If there was an admin mod or something from Treyarch that just disallowed it then it'd be whatever, but from playing on your servers, let me tell you, the focus is NOT on the game and letting people play, it's on enforcing that stupid rule on everyone.

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We have chosen these server rules based on the majority of all the members. We are currently building an admin system to warn and kick for this. Both our TDM and Nuketown servers are filled daily even with these rules in act and we have no problem with our members or anyone else. Second Chance ruins the ability to get kills on the server as the person is not dead and survives and haves a chance to kill you after they should be dead. Yes, Treyarch restricted the server dvars and rules but that is no reason for us to restrict and have rules that we want. We pay for these servers every month so we can have our own rules. The voting system is disabled on ranked servers so I created a voting system that will change the next map automatically based on in game votes.


Back on topic, we had this rule on COD4 with last stand and we have a very large player base and part of the reason why I played on that server. We did a poll a while back and I'm sure over 90% of the members do not want Second Chance on the server. We do not care about Treyarch's restrictions on ranked servers or MW2, that is the reason we purchased these servers. The PC developer at Treyarch confirmed that we can enforce any rule we want on our server and kick or ban anyone we want. If you do not like this, then feel free to play on another server.


Btw about your comments about pre-teen admins, we do not allow anyone under 16 to join our clan. We calculate this based on maturity and dedication to the clan.



Black Ops Leader

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Based on how I saw you act in game you seem like a troll. You complain and still play on our server. Someone talks about the rules and your like "WHINE MORE" and I tell you to please respect other players and you are like "OHH IM SCARED". Continued action like this and I will have you banned from the game and the forums.

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You have been banned from our server for wearing FA tags and ignoring admin after changing your name. This is not tolerated on our servers. Sorry your guid and ip do not lie.

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Banned on forums also.


He is famous in trying to hack our W:ET servers. He personally can't do shit so all he does is post shit on other clan forums. Sucks to be retard monster. :)


Later moron.

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