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some suggestions for Hardcore

anal bomb

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spawntimes need to be fixed on axis attacking maps like warbell. Atm the axis have 18 sec respawn time and allies 14 sec.


Fix: write 2 cfgs: 1 default. cfg, where u put: g_useralliedrespawntime 14 and g_useraxisrespawntime 18

1 warbell cfg, where u put g_useralliedrespawntime 18 and g_useraxisrespawntime 14



2) chargebar should be full after you get killed by enemy


3) vote_allow_putspec: voting to put some1 spec should be allowed (its always the same ppl who are afk over several maps)


4) Teamkiller sound instead of "hold your fire": i have written that somewhere before. I think its more effective to avoid your teammates shooting in your back: teamkiller.wav


5) !howfair command should be available for level 0 users, to decide what team you should join


thats all for the moment :lol:

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+ 1 for 4


- 1 for 3 that what members and higher levels are for they need to do there job


we don't have the !howfair command at all no levels have it but i do +1 that i think the !howfair is a fun and easy thing to help out the team that need the most help

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The afk players are multiplying. I've already made a suggestion to have them put after 30 seconds of inactivity, theres no reason why this wont work, you don't lose your stats when you go spec.


I had already changed the time to 65 seconds. 30 sec is to low and will never happen. If am camping at one place waiting for someone to come for obj or let's say even sniping and looking through scope, I will be moved to spec after 30 sec.


30 sec = less then 2 spawn time. Our general rule applies 3-4 spawns. 3 spawn is good enough. World is not going to end if someone is afk for 60 sec.


Team killer sound is fine. Some newbies don't even understand difference between sound and hold your fire, tells something better.


No, !howfair command will not be available to level 0. Newbies spamming !howfair every 2 sec because sometimes they are getting owned gets annoying.


Things which need fix is:

1. Inactivity

2. Warbell spawn times.


Report the issues on tracker and I will fix it on weekend. I am swamped with real life work so weekend is the only time and if you will report it on tracker, it will be fixed or by weekend, I will forget it.

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