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Settings and XP reset


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Hi guys,


i have ave been having issues with ET every so often. It will delete my XP fully reset my settings and overwrites my profile and config. So when I join a game everything is default including my name appearing as ETPlayer. Does anyone have any insight on why this is happening and ways I can prevent this from happening in the future? Please help! 





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Maybe, installing a fresh ET, and downloading an etkey from etkey.org and putting it in Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain directory.


Don't know of what would cause that issue :P

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You can right click on your profile etconfig.cfg and change the properties attributes to read only same with the etkey in etmain


C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\etkey

C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\jaymod\profiles\username\etconfig.cfg

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9 hours ago, NippleFlicker said:

Hi guys,


... It will delete my XP fully reset my settings and overwrites my profile and config. So when I join a game everything is default including my name appearing as ETPlayer.

"Losing" your xp should only happen if you 'lose' your etkey file from etmain (jay & NQ) or your silent.dat file from your Silent mod folder.  Save both of those files somewhere off of your computer so that you can easily restore your XP and FA-ID easily if tragedy should strike.

6 hours ago, Mordecai said:

Maybe, installing a fresh ET, and downloading an etkey from etkey.org and putting it in Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain directory.


Don't know of what would cause that issue :P

Neither do I.  I wonder if his file-paths are being messed up somehow?  @NippleFlicker what is your version of ET (2.6b or ETlegacy)  and what is your operating system?



5 hours ago, DoubleDragon said:

You can right click on your profile etconfig.cfg and change the properties attributes to read only same with the etkey in etmain


C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\etkey

C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\jaymod\profiles\username\etconfig.cfg

That might not work, as ET 2.6b seems to re-write the etconfig.cfg file during each session, with at least the ""seta r_lastValidRenderer "whatever GPU you have"" and perhaps other lines.  A read-only etkey file might work, but if it is in the default location, then only ET should have permission to change it, normally.

2 hours ago, captnconcrete said:

what programs do u use to clean ur pc .. sometimes this will delte some necessary stuff. 

That is a thought, but his etconfig.cfg files should be written to during each ET session and thus be a "fresh" file.

Nipple should at least protect his etkey, silent.dat and etconfig.cfg files from being "flicked".  I have automatic online backups and local manual backups of those files.  About every month, I copy my etconfigs to "etconfig#190815.cfg" (for a backup today, with the #date in 'traditional' computer-dating format).  My online-backup sets include all text files in my ET installation, which includes all /condumps and *.cfg files.


@NippleFlicker  If you ever do lose your W:ET and/or your S:ET GUIDs, then you will have to re-enter any new ones into your profile before being setleveled to 11 again on the servers.  Let us know immediately, so that we can unset your old GUIDs, too. 


Another thought:  if ET somehow cannot "read" your etkey and/or silent.dat files, you could seem to lose your xp that way.  I don't know if the FA server would try to download a new etkey or silent.dat file in that case or not. :hmm


I will go check Silent#1 for the GUID that I had set you level 11 on there with...

Here is the alias-history for the level 5 GUID that you had on Silent#1 yesterday, when I set you to level 11 there:


__#__|_____First Seen______|______Last Seen______|_____Time Played____|__Name__
   1 | 2019-04-08 20:05:25 | 2019-08-14 23:53:39 |          16min 57s | ETPlayer
   2 | 2019-08-14 23:46:22 | 2019-08-14 23:47:28 |           1min 17s | ********
   3 | 2019-05-10 18:25:53 | 2019-08-14 23:46:22 |    8d 7h 33min 18s | NippleFlicker!
   4 | 2019-04-08 20:11:16 | 2019-08-14 23:41:48 |   1d 21h 44min 56s | madm!ke
   5 | 2019-06-05 22:14:34 | 2019-06-05 22:18:57 |           4min 23s | |DOM|NippleFlicker!
   6 | 2019-06-04 22:35:59 | 2019-06-04 22:36:27 |                28s | jidkfhiosuaf
   7 | 2019-05-18 21:44:27 | 2019-05-18 21:44:32 |                 5s | madmike
   8 | 2019-05-07 19:05:03 | 2019-05-10 15:32:23 |          22min 16s | NippleFlicker

By that history, you have had the same Silent.dat file and S:ET for moths.  Your XP should be saving on Silent#1 okay, UNLESS you have not connected to the server for 30 days.  All of us can "lose our XP" that way. OKAY:  It looks like there is a connection-gap between "2019-06-05 "  and "2019-08-14 " on Silent#1, which would cause you to lose your XP thereYou might have different names when you connect to an FA Silent server if you had just came there from another Silent server after playing on that one with a "not NippleFlicker" name.  (Now that you are a level-11 FA Trial member, you should not use your FA-GUID to play on other clans' servers, where it could be "stolen".)

 XP is saved on each server and not across all FA servers.  (Except for a situation with the NQ servers.)


This jumbled reply is typical of me.  I tend to use such posts as a "trouble-shooting" record.




(* BTW, DoubleDragon 'reacted' to this post before I had finished.  He can 'retract' his reaction if he is now disappointed. :D *) 

Edited by RedBaird
jungle-jumbo reply, possibly with an explanation??
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Hi guys, 


here to update and answer questions. 

I use nothing recently to clean my pc. I have not changed or messed with any settings in my ET folder prior to this happening. I also only play on FA. My GUIDs still match both ET and Silent. (Confirmed last night) I was mistaken my XP was not reset. Just my stats and also I couldn’t look up my stats on the forum stats page either. I guess I’ll just start fresh. For I have no idea how this can happen. But moving forward I’m taking y’alls advice and now have made moves to prevent this in the future... bye bye KD and PRW :( 


thanks for the help.





Edit: my version is 2.6B

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5 hours ago, NippleFlicker said:

bye bye KD and PRW :(

Let us know if you ever notice any other symptoms...


Does anyone know how someone could lose their stats (KD & PRW) but not their XP on a Silent-mod server?  (other than a server DataBase error?)


BTW, NippleFlicker could not make his tagged-up name 'fit', so he plays as =F|A=NipFlick now.



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1 hour ago, RedBaird said:

Let us know if you ever notice any other symptoms...


Does anyone know how someone could lose their stats (KD & PRW) but not their XP on a Silent-mod server?  (other than a server DataBase error?)


BTW, NippleFlicker could not make his tagged-up name 'fit', so he plays as =F|A=NipFlick now.



I think the !resetmystats command does the trick

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48 minutes ago, Mordecai said:

I think the !resetmystats command does the trick

I checked my !help on Silent#1 just now and found:


help: help for 'resetmystats':
Description: Reset your statistics: SMG kills and deaths, K/D rating and PRW rating.
Syntax: !resetmystats

Uh, I just checked the Nipper's info and his smg kill/death was not reset, unless he got 13199 / 7810 very quickly??? :hmm 

Edited by RedBaird
smg stats
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If your playing on other servers that use silent mod your silent.dat shouldn't change in silent mod folder because that is your assigned silent guid like your etkey is

A servercache.dat will change in silent/profile folder each time you connect to a silent server if by chance you have one of these


try opening your profile folder in silent mod and delete servercache.dat file it wont affect your stats this file can be corrupt


related to tests with

Using ET 2.60c Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\silent\profiles\playername a servercache.dat file is create

Using ETL 2.76 ETLegacy\silent\profiles\playername a servercache.dat file isn't created 


The bug might just be related to the servercache.dat file only



This bug can also be related to your profile not creating a profile.pid when you connect to the server which assigns a profile ID to the user connected if this file is not created that will also create the issue you wouldn't notice this profile.dat file if you are disconnect because it is not present when you are offline cause it's supposed to be deleted on exit and it is recreated each time you reconnect to a silent server and a new ID is provided on each connection


This can be checked by server admins by !finger user command and check for the ID


Edited by DoubleDragon
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