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Reviving FA ETPro community


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How would you like to play some games on ETPro? Are you dreaming of a team of active FA members and regulars playing ETPro on regular basis, allowing our ETPro pub servers become a popular choice? Would you like to be a part of that group of people which could give you an opportunity to play random internal scrims or even create a team to play vs some opponents?


While we're all having many various ideas, plans and strong support from management, we still need YOU, regular players filling up our ETPro publics, making important suggestions and just showing the world of ET players that you're there! Official ETPro community made a great step this year and I think it's the best time for us now to go with the flow.

During the whole time I spent on FA forums, servers and chats, I've met considerable number of players that play or used to play ETPro and/or would like to play for fun if there were enough active players to play with. I believe the biggest issue here is the lack of a decent communication method between ETPro players scattered all over FA servers and other places.


So, that's what I'd like to start with. What do you think would be the best way to gather all eager players in one place with an option to notify them when the games are played? Obviously, the platform we're gonna be using is Discord as it's one of the best gaming community apps (if somehow you haven't tried that yet, I'd suggest you do it now).

For now, I see 3 options:

  1. Adding a new role on our Discord server called eg. 'etpro' so that everyone who'd like to play can join and be notified (we can, of course, create several roles like 3v3 6v6 etc. in future but right now the most important thing is to know how many people we've got). All roles and other functionalities would take effect only on ETPro channels, so it would be like a little server on our main server.
  2. Creating a new FA Discord server specifically for ETPro pla.. Never mind, we've already got one (https://discord.gg/Ay4P3m) so it would be just a matter of reworking it a bit.
  3. Making a private chat, add everyone by hand, keeping it clean and simple. For our current needs this would work, but keeping it private many people wouldn't even know we sit there. With 20 people or more it could become a complete mess.


I'd be grateful if you could share your opinions. Should you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to post, I'm always open for discussion. 

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Please don't forget about @ScoOfi and his efforts to promote FA and create a new ETPro league:



I will do my best to support this project, although it's probably matter of autumn/winter due to the fact less people play during summer and also, I think Scoofi's been having less time recently (please comment on it if you can bro, I don't wanna speak for yourself :)). (Btw. I might go inactive in a couple of weeks/months for a longer period, but I'm not taking that further here.)


Right now I'll focus on making our ETPro pub popular + getting all ETPro players from FA servers in one place. For the server, we'll need to set up a group of active members and regulars that would be able join our server together at certain hours, and the other players will join as well etc. 1v1 is minimum, even sitting on spec might help. If we can get 4-10 of 'our' players to connect every day, it would be perfect - people will start joining in no time.


Check out this topic:




This server's been deserted for months. All it needed was 3 members to get 6 more players joining in a couple of minutes. We are still working on the server configuration - if you have any suggestions, please send them in that topic. /connect sw1.clan-fa.com:27970

Server info: https://et.trackbase.net/server/46547/

This server is also mentioned on Schnee's Discord server (official ETPro community) after sending !status public.


If you read this and you think you can play any ETPro, please comment with answers to following questions:

1. Can you play? Will you play on FA ETPro public server? Will you play mixed scrims? Both?

2. What times of day/week can you play? example: Friday-Sunday, 6-10 p.m. CET

3. Your names on ETPro and on Discord, unless they are the same on the forums.


Edited by kajto3
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Just joined the Server and everything is set up well. Players have freedom voting for maps/shuffle/restart map etc. and classic maps are on.


So only one problem is getting players on our server. My suggestions:


Promote on ETPro Communites: i.e Crossfire.nu or schnee Discord. Is it possible, that our Discord-Bot promotes our ETPro Server like every evening once on our Discord Server with an attractive message? Since most active ETPro players are from EU, I'd set the bot to automatic message around 18 CET or later, when most activity time is and ppl come back from work or w/e. And this should be every day! Maybe if its possible, we can try to ask schnee if she would do the same on her discord server!


Promote on Reddit ET Community https://www.reddit.com/r/EnemyTerritory/ 

Steam ET Community https://steamcommunity.com/app/9010/discussions/

SplashDamge ET Community https://forums.splashdamage.com/c/wolfenstein-enemy-territory


I would even make keyword research so search engine optimization will make our promo for free - i.e make good research what people would search nowdays to come back to ET or search active ET communities/Server lists etc. and your post will go on Top of google when we post one decent promo header and subtitle on Reddit/Steam/Splashdamge.


As you can see my Discord promo was successfull and google put my post on 1st page when you type"wolfenstein enemy territory discord"


This was my post when I promoted ETPro Community https://forums.splashdamage.com/t/wolfenstein-enemy-territory-discord/233708



Secondly I would try to run Facebook Ads on the 33k Fanpage of W:ET. We can cross-promote FA|Community and next to it ETPro in one ad. We can easily run for 3-5$ / day and can stop whenever we want. Lets go for Conversion Ads so we can get even more members on our forums. But for first, @daredevil has to install the FB Pixel. When you need any help feel free to pm me on discord since I have learned this stuff and im still using good strategies for my online business (dropshipping and affiliate marketing) and we can easily use the strategies to get more new players and a bigger community.


Youtube and Twitch are also strong, so we have big potential to grow there too with free traffic if we post good content i.e fragmovies (maybe make something like frag of the week or teasers of tournaments?) Videos go more viral than Pictures!


IG - also use Instagram since a very decent marketing tool. See below:



so i.e hashtag wolfenstein is very active and we can get from there with good content and high quality posts decent comeback's or newcomers too! If you need a marketing guy, I can make this for us! But I need a writer since my english isnt perfect :P


Last thing  as I said, make ETPro competitive again. ESL / Clanbase are gone, so there is no option for players/teams to challenge each other and play for rankings. Make something similar and make each season some great tournaments.

Maybe go next level and make an Tournament where teams have to pay for each player 5€ fee and whole money will be put on prizepool - Top 3 Teams earn the money.

Or teams can challenge each other and play for 50eur i.e they decide if they play for money or not.


Make a main place where people can meet each other since ET is so f split and there are so many players out there who maybe never heard of etpro / competitive ET. 

Make it simple for players, since so many people are lazy! 


Crossfire.nu was the biggest ETPro Community site and still in mind of some players out there. Maybe talk to TosspoT to take over the Site? Since they cant fix the register bug- the captcha is out of date. So no one can register anymore and many guys forgot their PW. And no body of CF Admins care about this I already pmd them and no one can do this. So maybe @daredevil should I contact them and try to ask if you can get the backup/ or rights and we host it trough FA Servers and you can fix this site?













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