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So, this is another topic to add to the 150ish current topics, many of which are overly pointless AND sometimes HILARIOUS but are also the ones I'm contributing to. lol


How do you play? Do you like to do the objective? Are you in for the kills? Having fun seeing how many people you can kill in one life with only knives while crawling on the ground backwards under enemy fire after having been poisoned and trying to see if you'll die first or be kicked because you just pissed off the wrong person? lol.

Also, what class do you prefer? Medics? Soldier? Cov ops?, etc. and why.


For me, it depends primarily on what map I'm on/what I have at the moment.

I've only been playing since January and this is the first online, multiplayer game I've been on.


If given the choice, Minas Tirith, Baserace, and Saberpeak are the only maps that I may sometimes not use flamethrower, given the distance between people on these maps, I think you can figure out why.

I used to be an "Objective Hoar." Until I got good enough to realize that it wasn't a big thing to be able to do the objective and killyounow threatened to kick me for doing the objectives too often/fast. (lol. learned a lot from that guy)


If I just want a lot of kills, I use either flamer or Panzer. Easy way to get a lot of fun kills. Being medic can be useful for this situation, depending on who you're playing against.

I also try to be a medic just as practice with the thompson. I've been told this game is nearly impossible on a touchpad. However, I don't need it enough to get a mouse. This should also explain why I love the flamethrower so much. lol


Very rarely do I ever use Field Ops. I use Cov Ops sometimes because the gun options there are so much better. I only use engineering when I feel like doing the objective, which isn't that often anymore/whatever weapon I have isn't available at the moment.


Last year, I was Cov. Ops and Engineer all the way. Over time, I've become more of a soldier/cov. ops, but I love being Field Ops when I'm the only one! I generally use flamethrower, scoped K43/Mauser, or grenade launcher. I usually play Axis simply because I hate running to get to the active fight zone, as it seems the Allies always do. (And did...we were assaulting them in WWII, and the game is true to history, as much as can be expected...except for the whole respawn thing.......um.....lol?)


Last year, I played on Weed Smoker Clan servers, but found FA this Jan., and switched instantly. I'm staying, without a doubt. No comparison.


Regards, roomie.

Logan W./Texas Gunner

Last year, I was Cov. Ops and Engineer all the way. Over time, I've become more of a soldier/cov. ops, but I love being Field Ops when I'm the only one! I generally use flamethrower, scoped K43/Mauser, or grenade launcher. I usually play Axis simply because I hate running to get to the active fight zone, as it seems the Allies always do. (And did...we were assaulting them in WWII, and the game is true to history, as much as can be expected...except for the whole respawn thing.......um.....lol?)


Last year, I played on Weed Smoker Clan servers, but found FA this Jan., and switched instantly. I'm staying, without a doubt. No comparison.


Regards, roomie.

Logan W./Texas Gunner



In RTCW its not considered respawn. You actually DIE in this game. You don't respawn...you are reinforcements (historically accurate indeed).


I usually play allies as engie/cov ops...but as I get better I'll practice more on defense, which is definately my weakest point. I like to go hunting instead of sitting on the obj. waiting for the inevitable attack. BTW...has anyone else tried to snipe using the peek-a-boo technique on beach invasion map? As allies, when crouched/straff underwater, the axis can't see you but you can still scope/zoom in and 'pop-up' for an almost 100% Hit on your target. Takes some practice...but is quite fun :D


You may hide in the water, but I'll still get you with my airstrike! I am always Field Ops on that map when I play Axis...which I do 85% of the time.


Me i honestly Prefer Field ops. back when i was all about stats and all that stressful malarkey i played medic 24/7.


Im always trying to push forward no matter what side im on because if you don't keep the enemy at bay you tend to lose the map.

I go to whatever class/weapon is needed at the moment. unless im just having fun. also i don't use panzer i consider it easy mode.





i don't ever play medic. i think of medic as a crutch - getting kills while having 20-30+ more hp that constantly replenishes itself is just not satisfying. i'd much rather be on the other end, being an engineer with 65hp from running through arty and getting camped by 3 medics. getting kills in that situation is just way more satisfying.. to hell with self-healing to keep up killing sprees. i'm much more likely to just /kill for than to run around looking for it.

a medic backrages an engi while standing on a pile of medpacks = whoop-t-do. an engineer kills 2 medics when he only had 85 hp to start with - now that's something totally different.


so i am almost always engineer unless i am xp-whoring, but even then i never get any med xp. just a principle.


i like to play allies. camping is boring and i've played this game long enough to not give a #### about kill/death - so i am the suicidal engi getting the job done to win the map. i try to switch teams for axis-attack maps like lighthouse or caen.. i just hate sitting around sk the attacking team or camping objectives. BORING.


if i want to frag, i play FOP so i can keep feeding myself ammo and call the occasional arty. it sucks to run out of ammo lol because i am terrible with pistols. anyone who's played this game for a bit knows the easiest way to rack up 100+ kills in a match is to spam artillery - it's a sucky thing to do but.. it's #### effective. sorry.


i like mg42 and mortar -- it's fun to just set either up in unexpected places. "WTF how did i just get mortared inside frostbite???" is just great to hear -- also either of those are perfect for one handed play - so you can drink beer with the other hand and not be afk or go spec.


i am a panzer nub. i actually miss sometimes and don't get too many multikills. so i play with it sometimes to practice. IMO if you kill only 1 person with a panzer shot you are nub. you only get 4 shots and you should try to kill about 10 ppl with those 4 shots. anything less and you suck at it. IMHO. so sometimes i practice it..


i dunno i play alot of different styles depending on my mood - i've played a long time so i know pretty well what to do most maps/classes.





I also try to be a medic just as practice with the thompson.

& going back to what i said before -- playing medic is not a good way to get good at smg. you get lazy with it because you have big hp advantage. you want to get good at smg, play fop or engi so you have less hp and maybe you can feed yourself ammo if you live long enough. when you are the underdog in a 1v1 vs a medic, you learn to be a better shot or you die. running away to heal yourself half the game teaches you NOTHING in the way of shooting skill.


Good points.


I do medic, cause I'm not good enough to last long enough yet, and running clear across the map because the allied spawn point is 4 miles away from the action takes way too much time for my sometimes impatient self.


You've been playing this long, I'm surprised you still put so much attention on the objective.


We need objective ho's on some maps...it's a pain to be Allies on MLB Temple and have only one person trying to do the objectives...I usually see this from the Axis side...when I snipe any engi that comes near the tank! Then once they get the tank rolling, it's a self-kill and off to be a Field Ops and take out the tank over and over again... :D


my style is somewhat different from everyone elses, i play by a different rule book most of the time its what keeps my kill ratio at least 2-3x better then my death ratio.. if that doesnt work i dont want to know.


my style consists of,


1.being sneaky (thinking of setting up a guide)

2.knife throws

3.poison needles(ive done it far too frequently on too many players :P)

4.mortar range spamming

5.artying anyone out of existance.


infrequent styles that work when the primaries dont,


1. molo'ing people

2. landmines

3. hiding & kill

4. sniping

5. playing support engy role


ther adaptive styles i use when all else fails,


1. Sabotarge

2. Spying

3. Sneak attacks


it varies a great deal and depending in what mood i like to play in.


I like using panzernoob/molotovs when I can. I like getting 2-3 kills at a time, or just nailing that one guy nobody else can seem to finish off.


I am also a very capable engineer. I'm well rounded as a medic, covert sniper, and probably play field ops the least right now. That's because I basically can never use the airstrike and arty because someone else is spamming it elsewhere.


I do play for the objective, because I think that's what is meant to NATURALLY generate the fight in the game. If the axis plays proper defense, and the allied team plays proper offense (geared toward an objective), you should naturally produce a lot of fighting and kills.


well let see i started playin mmorpg with world of warcraft but that game is too time absorbent i mean id gett sucked in for hrsssss lol...but this game allows clan use and team use like AvP online.


i like both camp. and obj. i enjoy after couple hours of school to come home and shoot some fake people and take my anger ot lol (not really anger) just bein tired of school work needs to have sum stress reliever other han liqour and herb lol. i enjoy all the maps as long as theres big groups of people. i use any class where they need to be used if i hd a fav. its cov. op sniper k3....or soldier mg42/mortar gives me the lee way the kil and be relaxed lmao.......




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