A working weekend just beginning
So. It is official. This weekend sucks. 8 hour work days leading into a strand of 16 straight days of maybe a total of 100+ hours. no overtime. yeah i'm salty about it. Playing DOI on our awesome server though helps blow off steam. Sometimes i wonder if what i'm doing really has an effect on my future. Like.... Is this really what i want to be known for? working with no real social life outside of the people i work with?.... ugh the sound of that frustrates me. Oh well shit happens. Wedding planning with the fiance via skype/facetime definitely adds to the stress level... anyone got any good tips for stress that dont involve a green plant or excess alcohol? i get out of work after the gun ranges close up. i have to work to early to really go out anywhere.... im going insane. day by day i try for more activity but i'll be damned if that can happen. well rant completed. listening to some chill music right now. EDM really has a great expanse of styles to help relax the mind. maybe tomorrow wont be so bad and i'll get home before lunch.
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