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Sup, peeps! Mmmm. It's been a while! I haven't been online here in something like a year, or more. With COVID and everything the way it is, i don't have a lot in the way of things to do that are especially meaningful at the moment. But, for those of you that do know me, i've got some pretty stellar news. Got me a proper publisher for the book I'm working on, a house and other miscellaneous nice shit. Not bad for a guy who was on disability last year. Anyway, just miss the old times with Timmy, S




Hey all. I know it's been awhile. Sorry if any of you were worried about me. I guess I needed some time to figure some things out, and what exactly I needed in my life. This year has been pretty rough. Everything decided to go almost as horrible as possible, and I lost sight of the progress I've made in light of that, and needed to think. Also, I'm avoiding modern war-games at the moment because they are a little to close to home while I'm working with veteran's affairs here in Canada to get tre



What =F|A= means to me

Hey folks. I just had a really god day and good workout. I'm feeling good so I wanted to share a little bit.   In the last 6 or so months I've been here, I've experienced a really powerful and positive change in myself. A lot of it has to do with the quality of the people here. It really feels like a family and that people genuinely care about each other here. Before F|A, I was struggling a lot in my personal life. My mom went into the hospital on christmas day and my dogs were sick an



Ingenuity of children

I've been thinking about something. I don't know how interesting this will be for people but I have a rhetorical question that I want to share: I wonder if the ingenuity of children is to do with their willingness to try new things? Children learn much faster than adults, it's well-known... Unless it's biological, this is my conclusion.   I know I used to be fearless with technology. I would press all kinds of buttons and turn knobs. I didn't care. I don't take as many risks with that



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