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Making My Own Rig: Power Supply, DVD Drive, Extra Fan and Sector 5 Ram

Okay so I got some more money thanks to Chinese New Years =D.   First thing I bought was Patriot Sector 5 4GB (2 x 2 GB) DDR3-1333 RAM for 119.99. I was considering some value ram for 25 bucks less but I asked around and learned if I wanted some dependable and stable ram that won't die on me, it is worth the $25 bucks more. Another thing I bought was a new PSU. Antect Earthwatts 650 watt PSU was definitely what I need and for 60 bucks it was a bargain for me.   Installing a PSU is easy lik



Making My Own Rig: The Case

Alright so here is the case. It costed me $17 and came with a 480W power supply. First thing I am planning to do is huck the power supply out the window because this shitty 480W PSU actually only puts out 300W. But for $17 I can't complain right?     So the first thing to do is put the fans in. It is important which way you want the fans to be placed. If you don't know what is the intake and outtake sides of the fan, most fans have an arrow on the side indicating the air flow directi



Making My Own Rig: Cathodes and Fans

EDIT: All prices are in Canadian =)   LOL okay so I am finally building my own rig now. First thing I did was go buy myself some pretty colored fans and cathodes =). I know you could find a cheap 5-pack of fans but i only needed 2 for the case, so I got the prettiest fans i could find lol.     Also if you hold the cathodes real close to yourself, you can scare the shit out of someone =P (looks freaky).     Tomorrow I will take a picture of the cheap 17 dollar case LOL



The $600 dollar canadian gaming rig

Both of us are complete noobs so when we actually got this to work, we were honestly surprized.   Here is the computer me and my friend built under $600. Was it the best rig? No definitely not. $600 dollars Canadian was his budget so DDR3 ram and compatible motherboard was out of the question he said (only would have costed him an extra $50 bucks more for a ddr3 mobo version of this and ocz 4gig ddr3 ram). The motherboard though was said to be pretty decent for a low end board (its not ASUS ma




GNILLEY - You will Shit Your Pants While Screaming On the Toilet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYPwYfbi8jA One of the top games this year in Global Game Jam 2010 is a Zelda Nes Clone called GNILLEY   Developed by newcomer, Glen Forestter, GNILLEY is a game where you yell into your microphone to attack enemies and blast walls. The more noise you make the more damage you do and the longer you yell, the longer the damage stacks over a period of time. The game is around 7 mins long but



Fingersss jammed thanks to xbox 360

Okay okay okay ....okay...okay okay okay Shut up   My fingers got messed because the last week I have been playing 50 hours of Bayonetta, Borderlands, Saints Row 2 and Dirt 2. Ever since I got my xbox 360 modded i have been downloading 15 gigs per day. Anyways was playing Bayonetta, tried to do a YBYY then YB +BBBBBBB For punishment attack. Then magically my finger crack and hurt like hell lol.   So hardcore button mashing twists your fingers. I hope you all learn something today, because



Gamer Nightz #2: Age of Empires II The Conquerors

Gamer Nightz #2: Age of Empires II The Conquerors     Age of Empires II is a strategy game based on the dark ages --> medieval ages. The objective of the game is build your civilization and your army. To win the game though you have to:   a.) Make allies and take out a common enemy. You can also backstab your allies if you like b.) Protect your king. The game isn't over until the King "unit" is found and killed. c.) Collect all the Holy Relics around the world. The first



UPDATE Gamer Nightz #1: Diablo 2 for Everyone

Gamer Nightz #1: Diablo 2 For Everyone         Gamer Nightz is just a fun idea of having once every week (or 2 weeks) a new set of games to play with everyone from FA community. It gives the chance for people to play different games on a friday night with people they know =D (not some random strangers and help introduce people to more games out there ). Anyone can suggest a game, and I will post a poll in the gaming discussion thread to organize future gatherings for diffe



My Tribute to the PS2: Goodbye Beautiful

My Tribute to the PS2: Goodbye Beautiful This has blog post is relayed from my mmosite account     Goodbye Beautiful.   You lived so long it must be your time. You are the last of your kind right now, while your competators died the day their successors arrived, you kept on living. "A decade and beyond" you say, "I can still push one more" is what you are telling me, but your time is up.   I had great times with you and upon my youth you were my foundation. You brought



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