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About this blog

This blog mainly is about self-evident facts and different mindsets. Everyday subjects might come up.

Entries in this blog

Closing down.

I lost my common sense and am therefore closing this blog. No sense writing about something I don't have.   Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you anyways =) That much at least has to be said!   Best regards, Spaceballs



What The F*ck is Climate Change?!

Climate Change? Ever heard of it? You know, it's about polar ice caps melting, the rising sea level and countries such as the Netherlands disappearing into the wide oceans of this world. It is supposed to be a sad story of humankind, industrialisation and its severe consequences for the environment and why we should act now. Heartwarming. I am well aware of these problems and dangers.   Now, see here, I was one of those avid advocates that tried to do something for this planet. No, Greenpeace



Windows Phone and Surface, by Microsoft

Recently, I bought a Nokia Lumia 900. I really thought about it a lot, since the new 920 version with Windows Phone 8 and dual core support. However, I decided not to wait until November for two reasons: Firstly, the newest Nokia 920 will probably be very expensive and secondly, despite all the "not-so-good" reviews for the Lumia 900, it is working just fine and exceeding all my expectations. Prior to Nokia Lumia, I was running everything on my HTC HD2, but the Lumia surpasses it easily in every



Memories of Old

Today, I was browsing computer for old stuff, lost in the deep and dark places somewhere on the hard drive. Naturally, I found lots of stuff noone actually needs. There was a folder full of pictures I collected. You know, the kind of pictures or images you get through constructive chainmails from friends and acquaintances. These mails that tend to spam your email account, till the provider tells you to upgrade your account for more space to collect even more stupid shit. Still, it was really fun



Oldtimer PC Games

Hey all,... thanks to Krauersaut, I was motivated to write once more today. And I want to thank him and just so you know. I will repent for my sins and you may slap me if I don't. I hope to be able to write and publish on a daily basis from now on. By the way, while I am at it, I also would like to thank Scream, Yellow Flash, Madara, JayC, QuoVadis, Mango and GI-JOE for the time and work they have recently been putting into the new CS:GO section. They practically build it up from scratch and I r




Sports. Be it electronic sports, such as computer games, mental sports such as chess or physical sports. They all exert a sort of attraction on people and sometimes it can be hard to defy them. I feel this way. My body urges me to go to the limit and I can't help it. My favourite sport is cycling. Outdoor cycling. Since I live in an area with where there are a lot of slopes and hills, I use either my mountainbike or my treckingbike. I take my bike out for a ride two or three times a week. Unless



New Username - blablabla

I intended to write about my awesome supercool hobby. However, I spontaneously came up with the strange idea to change my user name on forums and servers. I really don't know why though... I just... came?! Perhaps it is the fault of someone I met on Jay 1 the other day. Don't remember his name, but what I do remember is the fact that he asked me why I was still having christmas colors in my name. That's it I thought. A little change won't hurt.   My new name is gonna be: =F|A=Thistle   Now d



Further Clarification

Today, I just want to clarify what I meant by conflicts in my first blog entry. I wrote that conflicts arise when different cultures meet and it was perhaps the wrong way to put it. This is exactly what I meant though. Misunderstandings arise. Sometimes it is due to the written word, which does not always convey feelings such as irony, sarcasm, humor, etc. Therefore, people simply might misunderstand what someone else wrote. Irony might be taken serious and thus cause damage. Unfortunately, thes



About this Blog, its Purpose and Common Sense.

At first I was hesitant whether or not I should open a blog of my own. You can guess by now that I decided in favour of a blog. However, in a first try I opened a testblog going by the name of "sssssss" - unfortunately I did not find the option to delete it. It will therefore remain as a ghostblog. RIP. On my second try I figured out the available options as good as I could and I started this blog with an introductory post (the post you're actually reading as a matter of fact). I will try to pos



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