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    Beginners #2
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    Snowboard, Longboard, StreetSurf, Old Bike BMW, Alfa-Roméo, Softmod console Xbox Ps2 Psp Wii, Martial Arts

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  1. Daniye'l = God is my Judge

  2. Daniye'l = God is my Judge

  3. Last Snowboard Day tomorrow in Switzerland at 3000 meters

  4. SgtDan


    5 may at les Diablerets Switzerland 2550-3000 meters, 2 days after my birthday, The 43 years old SgtDan in freeride session with my best friend Snowboard Instructor Gilles. the last image is me.
  5. Switzerland: les Diablerets 2550-3000 meters. Incredible conditions at 5 may, 40 cm of powder snow : amazing
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgXGgcSRGyA
  7. Morgan Priest : freemason become Christian Biblical...
  8. History of Valentine's Day- Including St. Valentine's skull: The History of Valentines Day: Pagan Roots of Valentine's Day:
  9. Hello and Welcome nVIDIA_ I play with you on F|A Begin#2 Nice Guy, never do problem on map.... Good Wolf ET Player See you on Servers
  10. Ip Man defends his country and his Honor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCoH4FVgi7M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymcF8uB57fQ
  11. Coluche sketchs 1979 - 86 contre les politiciens = faux-prophètes = marchands de paroles, d'avenir, de vent, de promesses vaines... This video is dangerous for French Gouvernement, censured ! around the world ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL9X6gRjjsQ
  12. SgtDan

    Le Samou

    Amitié & Garde Divine Royale. Historique: 124 ans d'amitié entre Thailande & Japon.
  13. Réalisé par Giulio Base Avec: Daniele Liotti, Dolph Lundgren, Mónica Cruz, Hristo Shopov Langue: Francais Nationalité: Américain , espagnol , italien , bulgare Quand un tremblement de terre et une éclipse solaire bouleversent l'empire romain en l'an 33, l’empereur Tibère envoie son conseiller pour enquêter sur ce mystérieux phénomène qui semble avoir son origine à Jérusalem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLET0gSWsMw
  14. Renaud is back.... Come back versus Médias, papparazzi
  15. autoexec_fieldops (for the cfg field ops) autoexec_covertops (for the cfg covert ops) autoexec_medic (for the cfg medic) autoexec_engineer (for the cfg engineer) autoexec_soldier (for the cfg soldier) Scripts : Fast Knife (for all class) Take out the knife very quickly // Smg & knife switch set smg1part1 "weaponbank 1; wait 3; +attack" set smg1part2 "-attack; wait 5; weaponbank 3; weaponbank 2" (you can inverted 2-3) bind x "+vstr smg1part1 smg1part2" (x or mouse 3-4-5) Scripts : Field Ops Fast AirStrike // Select "Airstrike canister" by press a touch // Launched when she is released // script independent of FPS set Fo3part1 "cg_drawGun 1; weaponbank 5" set Fo3part2 "+attack; ; wait 5; -attack; cg_drawGun 0" unbind x (or mouse 3-4-5) bind x "+vstr Fo3part1 Fo3part2" Fast Artillery //one clic for zoom on the target //released for start the command //script indendent of FPS set Fo1part1 "+zoom" set Fo1part2 "+attack; -attack; wait 5; -zoom" unbind x (or mouse 3-4-5) bind x "+vstr Fo1part1 Fo1part2" Fieldops Altruist // Distribution of packs through the body // Packs are released as long as the touch (here x or mouse 3-4-5) is pressed (is in a hurry) // Return to the weapon in charge of (pistol or machine-gun) when she is released( // script independent of FPS set Fo2part1 "cg_autoactivate 0; weaponbank 6; wait 5; +attack" // Packs cross the body set Fo2part2 "-attack; wait 5; cg_autoactivate 1; weaponbank 3" (or weaponbank2) unbind x (or mouse 3-4-5) bind x "+vstr Fo2part1 Fo2part2" Scripts : Covert Ops Fast Satchel // Thrown satchel on pressure of touch // Explode as soon as the touch is released // Depends on FPS (replace 125 by personal value) Set cov1part1 " weaponbank 6; wait 10; +attack; wait 125;-attack " Set cov1part2 " +attack;-attack " Unbind x (or mouse3-4-5) Bind x " +vstr cov1part1 cov1part2 " Smoke grenade rapids // Selection of the smoke and the activation of the détonnateur // Thrown to the end of the discount or when we release the touch // Return to the weapon in charge of (pistol or sten / FG / rifle) // script independent of FPS set autosm1 "weaponbank 5; wait 5; +attack" set autosm2 "-attack; wait 5; weaponbank 2; weaponbank 3" (you can inverted 3-2) unbind x (or mouse3-4-5) bind x "+vstr autosm1 autosm2" Scripts: Medic Take out the syringe more quickly // a click to prick and find its weapon // independent script FPS Set med1part1 " weaponbank 5; wait 5; +attack " Set med1part2 "-attack; wait 5; weaponbank 2; weaponbank 3 " (you can inverted 3-2) Unbind x (or mouse 3-4-5) Bind x "+vstr med1part1 med1part2 " Distribution of heal packs // distribution of packs // packs are released as long as the touch (here x) is pressed (is in a hurry) // return To the weapon in charge of (pistol or machine-gun) when she is released // independent script of FPS Set med2part1 " weaponbank 6; wait 5; +attack " Set med2part2 "-attack; wait 5; weaponbank 3; weaponbank 2 " (you can inverted 2-3) Unbind x (or mouse 3-4-5) Bind x "+vstr med2part1 med2part2 " Scripts: Engineer Fast dynamite // place the dynamite and begin it by pressing a touch // return To the weapon in charge of (pistol or smg / rifle) if released // depending on FPS (to replace 125 by personal value) Set engi2part1 " weaponbank 6; wait 10; +attack; wait 46;-attack; Wait 46; +attack " Set engi2part2 "-attack; wait 5; weaponbank 3; weaponbank 2 " (you can inverted 2-3) Unbind x (or mouse 3-4-5) Bind x " +vstr engi2part1 engi2part2 " Fast landmines // put an landmine and begin it of a pressure of touch // return To the weapon in charge of (pistol or smg / rifle) if released // independent of fps Set engi3part1 " weaponbank 7; wait 5; +attack " Set engi3part2 "-attack; wait 5; weaponbank 3; weaponbank 2 " (you can inverted 2-3) Unbind x (or mouse 3-4-5) Bind x " +vstr engi3part1 engi3part2 " or 1 other one: Take out the tools more quickly // a click to build and find its weapon // script independent of FPS set engi1part1 "weaponbank 5; wait 5; +attack" set engi1part2 "-attack; wait 5; weaponbank 3; weaponbank 2" (you can inverted 2-3) unbind x (or mouse 3-4-5) bind x "+vstr engi1part1 engi1part2" Scipt : Soldier (+ all Class) Take out the knife very quickly // Smg & knife switch set smg1part1 "weaponbank 1; wait 3; +attack" set smg1part2 "-attack; wait 5; weaponbank 3; weaponbank 2" (you can inverted 2-3) bind x "+vstr smg1part1 smg1part2" (x or mouse 3-4-5) i hope this post help you for me the fast knife is important + fast syringe (only medic) Enjoy ET!!!!!
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