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Scary :S


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Hello everyone :) ,


Earlier on in the week I went to the doctor because I had notice something on my tonsil that looked out of place. The doctor told me that it was called a "papilloma". As i researched and spoke to my doctor, my understanding of it is, it is basically a benign tumor. As an 18 year old i am a little nervous about it becoming mobile and spreading throughout my body, which the doctor informed me is a possibility. I am going to the states to see if i can possibly get it frozen off instead of having surgery, but more than likely it will have to be done via surgery. I feel fine and am acting normal and doing my everyday thing, but i still have this "tumor" in my throat and thats a little weird to say at 18 years old lol. I just thought I would let everyone know just incase something serious were to happen.



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I hope you have a good trip and a good freeze session mate its natural that you are worried thats our defence against shit like this,

else you woold not have been gone to dr . It will make you come out stronger as ever .


Hope you will be ok and next post shoold be very possitive hang in there mate .

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