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  1. Happy Birthday Gluecksbaerchi007!

    1. Leichensammler


      alles jute und prost:)

  2. yeeees it works...but not with xfire
  3. everytime with et shortcut?
  4. the same error...i open the game with xfire?!....hmmm....
  5. the same error..it doesn't work....
  6. hmm... it comes..unknown command "vid" ?! ups..i forgot the _ ok i have to wait for the map..and then i will try, i hope it works.. thanks all
  7. it comes: com_hunkMegs is 56 default 56 latched 256...
  8. it doesn't work..i cant play fueldump! its very annoying..last option map change, to another map but thanks for the help and sry for the late answer from me
  9. haha Joske i was a soldier!
  10. Na da musste ich doch jetzt glatt mal gucken wer dem armen Joske das Leben immer so schwer macht. :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jefke


      cause it's the internet and I don't speak german.. Just assuming it is

    3. Strobel


      Let me translate the initial post for you: "Well, now I've had to look who's the person who gives Joske a hard time."

    4. Jefke


      you see bs... Ah the internetz, never proving me wrong :P (btw german is kind of readable for dutch speaking people, so I guessed it => although the messed up use of caps is retarded)

  11. spielst gut ;) Hat Spaß gemacht :D

    1. Gluecksbaerchi007


      danke gleichfalls..dachte zuerst du wärst auch ein Mädchen :D

    2. =FA=BeNcH


      haha ne sorry muss da wiedersprechen :D


      Nur der Name klingt etwas weiblich :D

    3. Gluecksbaerchi007


      ja :) weiß ich für das nächste mal bescheid,wer du bist...

  12. i love this song
  13. the song is a cover..
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