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    trying to be happy ... photo and Designer
  • Location
    The hell... Venezuela

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  1. Thank you
  2. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, Daniëlle so very beautiful
  3. Thx to all
  4. First name: Alexander H. Any sort of Nickname?: El kulo Age: 25 What country are you from?: Venezuela = mierdezuela = the hell Are you a Parent?: Yeah 5 kids How many siblings do you have?: 4 What's your shoe size?: 8 What do you do for a living?: graphic design, photography, developing android / ios, programmer c + c / Java applications, Linux is my bible. Greatest Fear?: cannot leave on time of venezuela, and they kill me here ... Most Exciting thing you've ever done?: Throw parachute, shooting a 47 ak Most embarrassing thing you've ever done?: (Don't be shy!) I was caught having sex in an elevator First thing you look for in a new friend?: Loyalty Farthest you've been from home?: When I made a trip to New york What brought you to the Fearless Assassins servers/forum?: Loneliness Cat or Dog?: Dog, I have a pitbull called Little Kulito What are your hobbies?: Macro photography, astro space photography, reading codes, schedule, study of color and sensations it produces. Read everything related to design. Shoot. What kind of Sports do you like?: football What's your favorite color?: Black How about your favorite type of music?: slipknot Favorite Song?: Psychosocial What's your favorite TV show?: Mr.Robot What kind of movies do you like? (Scary, comedy, drama etc): All Favorite Movie?: Inception, Pulp Fiction, fighting club, Source code, Kill bill, memento, Favorite Book?:Ignore Everybody What do you like most about yourself?: All What do you hate most about yourself?: The people who hurt me, always get their comeuppance. What makes you very happy?: Hacking What makes you very sad?: Living in Venezuela What's your favorite beverage?: I do not drink, since I pull out a window from the 4th floor in a fit of depression What you're favorite food/snack?: all Favorite actor/Actress?: Scarlet Johanson Favorite season? Why?: Although there is no winter here, when I met him I fell in love, I love the cold. Favorite subject in school?: No, I really liked studying, when I made my 3 university courses that study what I liked, I detest school Favorite thing to learn about?: Photographs, and creativity. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: Japon. What are your top three games of all time?: last one us, Battlefield, call of duty Besides shooters, what is your favorite genre of gaming?: all Name one game in your collection you'd be embarrassed to tell your friends about: N/A How many games do you own?: 142 Do you play console?: Yes What platform do you spend most of your gaming on? (PS, Xbox, Steam, Android etc): Ps, Xbox What's your favorite internet site (That is not FA ;P): cebolla chan THX to all mys kulovers
  5. Hi my name is El kulo, and say hellou to all my kulovers, I am in any order, if you need a graphic designer, retoucher or android or ios developer. I play when I can, because lately my connection to the network stinks and not lower my pin 999. I like FA, is a super-community. FA is cool Bye

  7. el kulo sad, bad_ui_001, how fix?
  8. El Ku lo for FA

    1. ELKULO



  9. Thanks to all who knew him well ..

  10. WHY WHY WHY :(

  11. el kulo sad :( FA is bad

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tipsy


      el kulo homo

    3. =Plat00n=


      Kulot00n where you been hiding I need free headshots :)

    4. ELKULO


      Kuloootoonn :( I was banned me without explanation for two years


  12. i very sad. my unique happiness is blocked for 6 months ..

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