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*Appel* last won the day on June 11 2013

*Appel* had the most liked content!

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    atm just school
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  • T-M
    ET: 1-1

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  1. a little 'hello' to all my lovely friends! miss u!

    1. ^SaTorI


      same here mate


  2. Time to say good bye and thank you!

    1. D..X


      not good bye cya soon :)

    2. Ol Smoke

      Ol Smoke

      Kume by Yah, brother.

    3. *Appel*


      hopefully to see u soon guys!

  3. In the end real life predominated ... Dear friends, mentor and compainons, after all I'd like to say thank You very much! For guiding and supporting me through my great time here. I've met only nice dudes, first of all the little family of NQ#3 (Fre*dom, Daniele, Foxboro, Jamesryan, D..X, Ecoban and so on), thanks a lot for the introduction in this great clan! Well, then some computer troubles cut all my connections to this server, that's why i focused on Jay#1 and i met polite killers and amazing mentors like blahq, DJ and menace. Thanks a lot, i'd like to call You my 'friends' now. Now i got to focus on my real life. In a few months i'm going to finish my school and start searching for some work, maybe an education in an hospital, to collect expierences for my big plan: medicine studies! However i have to collect lots of amazing results during my last months at my school to get a chance for attending a medicine studies. This is why i hope to get all of your sympathy if i have to leave the clan for an unknow period. In the end my top priority is my future, but i won't plan it without You! Hope to see you soon on battlefield. Faithfully, *Appel* Thanks for your attention and everything!
  4. Last winter with FA I'm sorry guys :(

  5. Champions League! ♥

  6. School took too much time sometimes... hopefully so see u soon guys!

  7. Thank you m8!
  8. Thats means: ... well no
  9. Hahaha papito ^^
  10. Thank you guys!!
  11. Thx felix!
  12. thank you!
  13. just trying to get you guys.. sorry if its too much
  14. thank you vector!
  15. oh thank you so much!
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