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  1. First learned of Burning Man way back in the 80's when a student of mine presented some images of the event in a seminar course...this was before they started selling tickets. Thought about going, as it's only a few hundred miles from my home, but my son (f/a Lulu) was born and I thought it wiser to hang with him...now ya gotta have a ticket.
  2. oh... sorry doctor, still pretty impressive not to get whacked...keep trying
  3. Cici, anything about assisting 10.7 and up users who purchased the app store version of COD4 and are having difficulty finding their recorded demos because they default to an invisible file? Lulu and I managed to figure it out some time ago and have forgotten how we (he) did it...??
  4. Thank you for moving it...sorry for putting where it didn't belong. It's =FlA=Dr.Watson that pulled off this bit of skullduggery BTW...and I suspect he or she is also a shape shifter.
  5. I have no idea where to stick this...Doc pulled off a reasonable KDR a couple of days ago and I know there are prizes for such and stuff but where to submit it for him is a mystery to me so ... here it is. doc high score.zip
  6. It can make for an interesting career path. Journalism, commercial, fine art; there are not many talents that can incorporate such a vast and varied source of venues.
  7. nice seeing. I looked through your work on flicker and get the impression that this is more than a hobby? you currently a student of the field or are you out in the world doing?
  8. deadauntbob


    It arrived. A 1943 Springfield Arms M1 Garand /.30-06 version. A few parts have been replaced and the barrel looks either pristine or new. All in all the CMP did a wonderful job putting this together. Sucker groups very well but after being accustomed to the .30 Carbine, this thing is a monster.
  9. I'm about 30 miles from you too. I hatched him from an egg, nurtured him these many years, taught him everything I know and then the laboratory made me give him back. But I still think of him as my son...because he is.
  10. Smoke, somehow camping and TV just seem to contradict one another...but I get your point. I have been hinting at spouse (now that Lulu has flown the coop) that we ought to sell the farm, buy an big bus thing and see how long it takes the property tax people to track us down.
  11. no, nearly every other provider is that way. It's their stuff, but you have to pay for taking care of it. Did they tell you that the new DVR they are sending comes with a two year service commitment? That you will be stuck with them for two years if you plug it in? Read the fine print if that is of any concern to you as I stumbled upon similar language when I had an issue with Dish. I too have been a customer of both Dish (former) and Direct (current). I can find nothing really positive to say about either. I dumped Dish when they stopped carrying AMC and IFC a year ago and was glad to be rid of them. When my current agreement with Direct expires a year from now I will happily send them packing and be content with the airwaves, netflix and hulu.
  12. oh....! okay...yeah, what a.pirate said...i have seen that done once; again, lulu can provide a tutorial. there is some trick to the jump, you have to be on a railing or something to hit the landing spot right.
  13. I think that that looks like the spot that is behind the blown out building with the outdoor stairway? if it is, you get there by going out onto the corrugated roof and doing a run jump off the end while angling toward the wall. if you hit it right, you'll be able to climb up and into that back area... xfire lulu for a tutorial.... i still can't do it with any regularity. The crash is a spot looks like it's the balcony of the building that serves as the starting spawn point for the Marines...just go inside and up the stairs....is all...at least I think that is what you have a shot of.
  14. deadauntbob


    The real world aimbot has arrived: http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2013/05/15/184223110/new-rifle-on-sale
  15. Fixed. Lulu will pipe in and describe the method better than I. From what I witnessed, he manually created a new library folder and manually inserted it into game folder rather than try to copy it...which simply created an alias. My thanks to all of you for your interest and my gratitude to Apple for the excellent method of creating puzzles to solve.
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