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Need help with editing my config


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Hey there are a few things I need edited on my config. Someone else wrote it for me and don't know how to change it to the way I'd like it.

Changes to the following:

HUD display to default

Obituary to default

Sound to way lower than it is (like 1 instead of 9 out of 10)


Thanks in advance,


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so u can do most this from options menu in et.


hud u can change in mod options hud. sound u can change in  system options.


  u can  right click et icon  go to properties  open file location  et has profile in every mod that is where ur cfg is et config cfg left click it  open in note pad . 


/cg_obituary "0"

cg_obituaryLocation "0"
cg_obituaryFilter "0"
s_volume "1.000000"
cg_hud ""
 if we could just see ur cfg.. be simple!

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open the cfg file with a text editor like "textwrangler" and search for the values you want to change and save that file.


before looking into the cfg you can change the values via console and restart the game to see if theyre even stored in your cfg:

open console and type /s_volume 1 to change the sound volume to 1

about the other values somebody else might have to tell you since im not sure what values youre talkin about.


update: posted this at the same time the last post was made :D so i didnt take the last post into account

Edited by r3wind3r
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This is an ancient Italian forum, the first guide of the time, you can have a lot of information about Enemy Territory


-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------


Before listing the individual cvar of the game here is a brief guide on what to do to customize the configuration of the game:

ET creates a profile for each installed mod and saves you in the configuration of the player, to eg etpro config (the mod used in tournaments) will be \ etpro \ profiles \ profile_name \ etconfig.cfg , the latter is a text file and therefore readable via the windows wordpad (or any other text editor), any changes made through the menu or game console will be stored in this file. Go tothe \ etmain folder, create   

 a text document and rename it as you like, just long enough for the extension to be cfg (in my case I created s4n.cfg ), at this point enter all the variables you want to change from the default by adding anke your bindings and script. You can separate your + in-parts configuration by creating + .cfg files (for example, a file for cvar, a file for links, and a file for scripts). These files can be executed in the game by writing to console / exec file_name (it is not necessary to write the extension). Very useful are the files that are automatically executed by the game, you can create 2 types: a) autoexec.cfg (to insert the folder     

   \ etmain is executed each time the game is started, it is typically done this way: exec file1 exec file2 exec file3 where file1 , file2 , file3 are cfg files. b) autoexec_nomemappa.cfg (to be inserted in the \ etpro folder , for example \ etpro \ autoexec_goldrush.cfg , it is executed every time the specified map is loaded, useful to load specific settings for each map. Here is the list of cvar to insert your cfg: r_mode ................... resolution [3 = 640, 4 = 800, 6 = 1024, 7 = 1152, 8 = 1280, 9 = 1600]   
   r_colorbits .............. color depth [0-32] r_depthbits .............. buffer accuracy z [24-32] r_texturebits .. .......... frame quality [0-32] r_displayrefresh ......... monitor frequency r_swapinterval ........... if enabled limits fps to the monitoring frequency (v-sync) [0 for maximum performance ] r_ignorehwgamma ....... ... if enabled ignore hardware gamma support [0-1] r_gamma ......... ...... ... if r_ignorehwgamma = 0 changes the range, if r_ignorehwgamma = 1 adjusts the intensity of the colors (use vid_restart     
       in the latter case to note the effects) [0-3]  
r_mapoverbrightbits .... .. surface brightness of the plots in the game [0-3] r_overbrightbits ......... brightness level of the map [0 -1] r_intensity .............. brightness [0-1.5] r_ati_fsaa_samples ....... anti-aliasing fullscreen for video skins ati [0 = disabled] r_ati_truform_tess .. ..... rendering truform for skede video ati [0 = disabled] r_clampToEdge ........ .... this command is used to make progressively disappearing plots not shown or too far away (eliminates the so-called "fog effect" ") [0-1] r_detailtextures ......... use of detailed plots [0 for le  
maximum performance] r_dlightBacks ............ rendering of the dynamics of the lights through the walls [0 for maximum performance] r_drawsun ................ sun effect (ignored if r_fastsky = 1 ) [0 for maximum performance] r_dynamiclight ........... dynamic lights [0 for maximum performance] r_facePlaneCull .......... if enabled i polygons ke nn are in the player's view nn are drawn [1 for maximum performance] r_fastsky ................ if enabled remove the sky textures [1 for maximum performance] r_finish ........ .........  
 use of the gl_finish () function after each frame to ensure correct synchronization [0 for max performance]  
r_flares ................. use of lens flare effects on the lights [0 for maximum performance ] r_fullscreen ............. full screen [0-1] r_glIgnoreWicked3D ....... Wicked3D is used to enable opengl on video cards 3dfx Voodoo [0-1] r_highQualityVideo ... .... high quality movie in the game menu [0-1] r_ignoreFastPath ......... if enabled ignore optimized rendering paths [0 for maximum performance ] r_ignoreGLErrors ......... if enabled it ignores opengl errors [1 for maximum performance  
] r_inGameVideo ...... ...... movies in the game menu [0-1] r_lodbias ................ level of detail for the models [-2 = maximum detail, 2 = minimum detail] r_lodCurveError .......... distance at which objects should be drawn with less detail [60 for maximum performance] r_normallength ........... ? r_nv_fogdist_mode ........ [gl_eye_linear, gl_eye_plane, gl_eye_plane_absolute_nv, gl_eye_point_sgis, gl_eye_radial_nv] r_oldMode ................ ? r_picmip ................. texture detail [0 = maximum detail, 3 = minimum detail] r_primitives .............  
 graphic rendering method [0 = automatic selection, 1 = single gldrawelements, 2 = mutiple gldrawelements]  
r_rmse ... ................ texture quality [0 = highest quality] r_roundImagesDown ...... .. image resizing quality [0 = highest quality] r_simpleMipMaps ....... ... if enabled use mipmapping to increase texture quality [0 for maximum performance] r_stencilbits. ......... .. depth stencil buffer [0-32] r_subdivisions ........... quality rendering of curved surfaces [0 = maximum quality, 20 = minimum quality allowed] r_texturemode ............  
 [gl_nearest, gl_nearest_mipmap_nearest, gl_linear, gl_linear_mipmap_nearest, gl_linear_mipmap_linear]  
r_uiFullScreen ........... in rtcw if enabled removes the fog from the maps, in et nn seems to have special effects r_allowExtensions ....... .. . ...... use of extensions opengl [1 for maximum performance] r_ext_compiled_vertex_array ...... if enabled allows the blocking of vertices arrays to perform geometric calculations + fast [1 = maximum performance] r_ext_compressed_textures ... ... .. use of tablet texture [0-1] r_ext_gamma_control .............. if enabled the game will use the external gamma settings [0-1] 
r_ext_multitexture ....... ........ use of multitexture [1 for maximum performance] r_ext_NV_fog_dist ................ support for fog extension for skede video nvidia [0 = disabled] r_ext_texture_env_add ............ use of additional mixing in multitexture [0 -1] r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic. use of anisotropic filter [0 for maximum performance] cg_fov ................... visual amplitude of the game [90 = minimum amplitude / objects + neighbors / sensation of minimum speed, 120 = maximum amplitude / objects + away / feeling of maximum speed] cg_announcer ............. if enabled, you will hear the vocal announcements of the game  
cg_atmosphericEffects .... atmospheric effects cg_autoAction ... ......... [0 = disabled, 1 = demo at each round, 2 = screenshot at the end of each round, 4 = stats at the end of each round, 3 = demo + screenshot, 5 = demo + stats, 6 = screenshot + stats, 7 = demo + screenshot + stats] cg_autoReload ............ if enabled, automatically reload the weapon while emptying the loader cg_blinktime ............. duration in ms of flashes (apparently they are the mini-blackout when you are hit [0 = disabled] cg_bloodDamageBlend .. .... red when you are hit cg_bloodFlash ............ blood stains when you're hit  
cg_bloodtime ............. time display of stains blood com_blood ................ bloodstains when you hit the enemy cg_brassTime .... ......... cartridge expulsion display time cg_complaintPopUp ........ if enabled the complaint request appears for each team to kill cg_coronafardist ... ...... distance where the auras are still visible cg_coronas ............ light gold around the light sources [0 = disabled] cg_drawCompass ........... compass cg_deferPlayers .. ..... ...   
used in q3 to delay the loading of models of new players, in et models are fixed so I do not think it has any effect  
cg_descriptiveText ....... print video messages like "You killed [ player name ]" cg_drawBuddy .. .. ....... used to highlight teammates in play through a symbol ke appears on their head. [-2 = select all fireteam, -1 = deselect all fireteam] cg_drawFPS ............... frames per second made by the pc (if it falls below 30% of changes ) cg_drawGun .. ............ cg_drawReinforcementTime weapon . count down the remaining time to your respawn  
cg_drawRoundTimer ........ countdown of the remaining time in the map cg_drawSpreadScale ....... if enabled it shows dynamically the diffusion (dispersion) of the weapon, in et the display works during the movement but nn during the click [0 = disabled, 2 = enabled] cg_drawStatus ............ this variable nn seems to have effect in the variable et cg_drawTeamOverlay ....... used in rtcw to show information about the companions, replaced from the use of fireteam in et cg_drawTimer. ............ this variable nn seems to have effect in et cg_drawWeaponIconFlash ... graphical effects for the weapon in the HUD cg_fastSolids ............    
cg_gibs .................. broken body pieces  
cg_lagometer ............. cg_marktime connection status indicator ....... ....... time to display the traces left by the bullets cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch ... ... if enabled automatically changes weapon when the ammunition ends cg_noTaunt ............... if enabled not show insults (the mockery is the gestures made by the players) cg_noVoiceChats ..... ..... if enabled does not play the voice chats cg_noVoiceText ........... if enabled does not show the chat cg_popupLimboMenu ........ if enabled each time you die enter the limbo menu  
cg_printObjectiveInfo .... messages related to the objectives of the game  
cg_predictItems .......... if enabled the client will try to predict if an object was taken or not cg_quickMessageAlt ....... if enabled the menu for the voice chats will be transparent cg_shadows ............... shadows [0 = absence, 3 = maximum detail] cg_showblood ............. blood on walls and objects cg_teamChatHeight ... ..... Most of the team to display chat lines cg_teamChatsOnly ......... if enabled displays only the chat team cg_teamChatTime .......... time spent on the chat team's skermo  
cg_useScreenshotJPEG ..... screenshots are saved in JPEG format  
cg_voiceSpriteTime ....... moment of displaying the object icon (the icon is a ! blue) on the reader cg_weaponCycleDelay ...... delay before the 'weapon changes when the gearbox is used cyclical weapon (typically linked to the mouse wheel, ki uses the loop is a noob, bindatevi a key for each weapon ) cg_wolfparticles ....... .. effects particles such as smoke attacks and air cg_zoomStepSniper ..... ... zoom number (from minimum to maximum) for the sniper cg_bobroll ............... \ cg_bobpitch .... ..... ...... \ cg_bobup ...................    
 shaking your body while moving
cg_bobyaw ......... ........./ 
cg_runroll ................ /  
cg_runpitch .... ....... ... /  
cg_crosshairAlpha ..... ... transparency of the primary viewfinder cg_crosshairAlphaAlt ..... transparency of the secondary viewfinder cg_crosshairColor ........ color of the primary viewfinder cg_crosshairColorAlt .. ... color of the secondary viewfinder cg_crosshairHealth ..... .. if enabled, colors the viewfinder according to your health cg_crosshairPulse ........ if enabled, the viewfinder changes size when you move or shoot to show the accuracy of your shots cg_crosshairSize. ........  
 viewfinder size  
cg_crosshairX ............ horizontal position of the viewfinder [0 = centered]  
cg_crosshairY ............ vertical position of the viewfinder [0 = centered] cg_drawCrosshair .. ....... type of viewfinder cg_drawCrosshairNames .... if activated draw the name and status of the companions when they are under the viewfinder cg_cursorHints ........... if enabled it provides information on what you are doing (eg dynamo ignition / disengagement) cg_gun_frame ...... ..... here you can find a very complete description of this command. cl_allowDownload ......... if enabled automatically downloads the missing files from the server you are connecting to  
cl_anonymous ............. if enabled use anonymous login (generally disabled on servers)  
cl_autoupdate ............ if enabled the game is updated by automatically downloading the patches cl_doubletapdelay. ....... maximum double touch of delay to lie down [0 = disabled] (this means ke if you press 2 times quickly to go forward while you are inclined and you stretch out ) cl_freelook ........... ... to be enabled if you use the mouse to aim and move (mouselook) cl_language .............. text language of the game (nn works in et) cl_run ....... ............ continuous execution (autorun) cl_wwwdownload ...........  
if cl_allowdownload is at 0 this command opens an internet page where you can download the missing maps [1 = enabled]  
ch_font ......... ......... allows you to change the font of the written in the game, in et nn seems to have effect com_hunkMegs ............. allocates a certain amount of memory for the map and the com_introplayed objects .......... if enabled it should remove the initial of the film, in et nn seems to have the effect com_maxfps ............... limits the fps value to a maximum value [0 = disabled] (the optimal value is 125 , other recommended values are 76 and 43) com_recommended .......... ? com_recommendedset ....... ?  
com_soundMegs ............ allocate a certain amount of memory for the sound  
com_zoneMegs ............. allocates a certain amount of memory to send server and client commands (in my case the modifike done in cfg nn seems to have effect, I had to pass the value directly from the command line) logfile .................. if enabled it writes in the hard disk the log of the game in progress pmove_fixed ........ ...... the controversial pmove comes from the fact that the game engine does not allow certain jumps to users with poki fps, on servers where the pmove should allow jumps as if the player had 125 fps;  
 the secondary effects are ke lean all become snappy, the scuff movement and the sensitivity of the mouse is affected;  the pmove therefore remains little loved and never used at  the pro

scr_conspeed level ............. vertical scrolling speed of the cl_mouseAccel console ............ acceleration of the m_filter mouse . . .............. if enabled interpolates the data to soften the movement of the mouse (smooth mouse) m_pitch .................. vertical mouse sensitivity (for inverted mouse use negative values) m_yaw .................... horizontal sensitivity of mouse sensitivity ........... ...    
 the general sensitivity of the  s_doppler mouse ..... ........... enables the doppler effect, which amplifies the volume or not for each speaker, so as to make it easier to identify the origin of one shot [0 for maximum performance] s_khz. ................... audio quality (very high = 44 [only with patch2.60], high = 22, low = 11) s_musicvolume ....... ..... music volume of the game s_separation ............. stereo channel separation s_volume ................. volume effects of the game installments. .................... maximum number of bytes that the server must send to the client [7000-> 25000] snap .......... .. ........
 number of snapshots sent to the client in a given period of time [20-> 40]  
cl_maxpackets ............ maximum number of outgoing packets to avoid problems of installments between client and server [30-> 100] cl_packetdup ......... .... number of duplicates sent for each outgoing pack cl_timeNudge ............. number of ms ke the client tries to predict for each received snapshot so as to virtually reduce the delay from the server [locked to 0] pb_Sleep ............. defines the period of time (in ms) in which the PunkBuster "sleeps" between a process and the other;  
 lower values result in an increase in the number of processes per second, this sometimes leads to a greater demand for free bandwidth by the PB [recommended values: 250-500]  

main variables ET Pro 3.2.0  

b_altHud .... ... .......... alternative display of the HUD [0-2] b_altHudFlags ............ bit mask for various HUD settings [0-7; 1 = move the stopwatch, 2 = do not show your rank, 4 = position the RTCW style message (top)] b_antilag ................ check if the interval of hits is offset by the server [0-2] b_chatAlpha .............. transparency chat b_backupcvars ............  
 if enabled every time the server imposes the change of the value of a cvar a file is created containing the whole modifikate cvar with the relative value  
vekkio b_chatFlags ........ ...... if enabled it shows the flag of the team following each chat line b_descriptiveTextscale ... font size of messages b_drawclock .............. look b_drawranks ...... ........ if disabled, remove the player degrees from the popups with the names of the players b_drawspeed .............. displays the speed meter [0-5;  
 0 = disabled 1.5 = display the velocimeter 2,4 = display the speed meter and the maximum speed reached 3,4,5 = display the speed meter if the  hyperbar ]
b_fireteamAlpha ........ .. transparency of the fireteam b_fireteamLatchedClass ..... shows in the fire the classes selected for the next spawn b_goatsound .............. enables the goat's direction in case of kill with knife [0- 1] b_hitsounds .............. enables the acoustic signal for each shot and reaches a player [0-2; 0 = disabled 1 = enabled 2 = enabled only for headshot] b_hudYoffset ............. vertical position of HUD  
b_lagometerAlpha ......... lagometer transparency  
b_locationMode .... ....... sets the behavior of the destination location name [0 = disabled 1 = position name 2 = location coordinates] b_locationMaxChars .. ....... check the maximum length of the names of the positions in the fire team b_muzzleflash ............ enable the weapons flash [0-1] b_noactivatelean ....... .. disable the combo strafe + activate = lean [0- 1] b_numPopups .............. maximum number of messages to display at the same time b_optimizeprediction .....  
if enabled the game memorizes the operations related to the physics of the game of the previous 64 frames (necessary to understand where the player will be at the next frame) and possibly re-use this information anzikè redo each time the calculations, this should ensure an increase in performance, especially in the case of high ping [0-1]  
b_panzerhack ............. if enabled the MP40 / Thompson secondary weapon (for a soldier of level 4 in heavy weapons) is moved to the weapons stand 2 [0 -1] b_popupFadeTime .......... fade effect of the message [0 = disabled] b_popupStayTime .......... message permanence b_popupTime ......... .... latency between one message and another  
b_shovesounds ............ enables the sound for thrusts  
b_simpleitems ............ objects that can be collected (weapons, pakki) are drawn with 2D icons b_speedinterval. ......... time in milliseconds between 2 updates of the speedometer b_speedunit .............. the unit of measurement of the velocimeter [0-2; 0 = UPS 1 = mi / h 2 = km / h] b_tracers ................ enables the tracers of the projectiles [0 = disabled, 1 = displays the tracers of all 2 = does not show its tracers] b_votetextscale ...... .... font size of the votes b_watermarkAlpha .........  
 transparency of the watermark (the watermark is the logo that the owner of the server can decide to insert)
b_weapaltreloads ......... if enabled the weaponsalt button has the side effect of reloading the weapon (of course only if the weapon does not have an alternative shooting mode) [0-1] b_startround ... ......... \  

through these commands it is possible to define a series of commands that must be executed at the beginning / end of each round.  
(example:  silk b_endround "say gg; screenshotjpeg")

b_endround ............. /  

Spawntimer integrated into the  timer ET Pro

Set ................. initializes the timer with the desired number of seconds (usually 20 or 30s) openTimerInput ........... opens a ui to manage the reset timerTimer ............... returns the timer to 0 (ergo starts it )  


CONTROL CONSOLE AND RELATED EXPLANATIONS: (thanks to Frauz and Rico ) + stats ............. holding down the key to which it is associated, overlay a screen with its own statistics + topshots ... ....... holding down the key to which it is tied, brings back overlay the best players for each weapon until then autorecord ......... starts recording a demo naming it with time and l 'current day autoscreenshot ..... as per autorecord but makes a screenshot instead of the bottomshots demo ........ lists the worst so far for each callvote weapon ...........     

call a vote (ex: callvote map oasis -> call a vote perke 'change map in oasis)  
commands ........... show a list (partial) of the commands available in real time ..... ... shows the current time and day followed ............. followed by a customer ID, specifies the corresponding player; for the list of customer IDs related to players just use the player blocking command ............... prevents subsequent entries from the other players in the team notready ......... .. in the pre-heating phase signals the unavailability of the player to start the game break ..............  
suspends the current game (if used by a player has the value of a timeout, if instead an arbitrator uses the number of timeouts still available remains unchanged) the  
players ............ show the list of the players with some information (status [ready / notready], ID player, timenudge, rate, maxpackets, snap, at the bottom of the row REF appears if the player is referee) ready ............. . in pre-warmup it signals the availability of the player to start the game readyteam .......... in pre-warmup he noticed that all the ke players have used the command team 'ready to start the match ref. .............. command relative to the referee (use: ref password )  
say_teamnl ......... chat with your team without giving the coordinates of your  position
scores ............. show console the scores of the team specinvite ...... ... followed by an ID player, allows him to show a team spect-lokkato speclock ........... prevents you from showing your specunlock team ......... allows you to show the statistics of your team ... .... ... show in the console the stats of all the players statsdump .......... save a txt with the current statistics team .... ........... followed by  
  a or b, joins the team of the axes or the team allied respectively (s to return the spectators)   
timein ............. command to exit the timeout  
timeout .......... .. call a break for the topshots of your team ........... lists the best players for each weapon unlocked ..... ...... .. after a block, allow the of players entering the Shooting team ............ remove the call drop with the command pause unprepared ......... ... like weapons to fire NOTREADY .. ......  
  shows the console's statistics on the use of various weapons


Bind vocal
the syntax to use for these bindings is:
bind x "VoiceChat or Vsay [voicechat]" (chat audible to all) bind x "VoiceTeamChat or Vsay_team [voicechat]" (chat audible only by the team) bindings x "VoiceFireTeamChat or Vsay_buddy [voicechat]" (chat audible only from fireteam)here is an example: bind F9 "VoiceGhat GoodGame" Quick chat menu 1. Declarations 11 - Path deleted. - [ PathCleared ]12 - The enemy is weakened. - [ EnemyWeak ]13 - Everything is clear. - [ AllClear ]14 - Coming soon ! 



- [ Incoming 15 - Fire in the hole! - [ FireInTheHole ] 16 - I'm in defense. - [ OnDefense ] 17 - I'm attacking. - [ OnOffense ] 18 - Taking Fire! - [ TakingFire ] 19 - Mines canceled. - [ MinesCleared ] 2. Requests 21 - Medic! - [ Doctor ] 22 - I need ammunition! - [ NeedAmmo ] 23 - I need backup! - [ NeedBackup ] 24 - We need an engineer! - [ 

  NeedEngineer ] 25 - We need Covert Ops! - [ NeedOps ] 26 - Cover me! - [ CoverMe ] 27 - Where? - [ WhereTo ] 3. Commands 31 - Follow me! - [ FollowMe ] 32 - Let's go! - [ LetsGo ] 33 - Move! - [ Move ] 34 - Delete the route! - [ ClearPath ] 35 - Defend our goal! - [ DefendObjective ] 36 - Disarm dynamite! - [ DisarmDynamite  

] 37 - Clear the mines! - [ ClearMines ] 38 -

Strengthen the crime! - [ ReinforceOffense ] 39 - Reinforce the defense! - [ ReinforceDefense ] 4. Attack 41 - Destroy the primary objective! - [ DestroyPrimary ] 42 - Destroy the secondary objective! - [ Destroy Secondary ] 43 - Destroy the construction! - [ DestroyConstruction ] 44 - Objective destroyed! - [ ObjectiveDestroyed ] 45 - Repair the vehicle! - [ RepairVehicle ] 46 - Destroy the vehicle! - [ DestroyVehicle ]     

47 - Escort the vehicle! - [ EscortVehicle 5. Objectives 51 - Command recognized! - [ CommandAcknowledged ] 52 - Command rejected! - [ CommandDeclined ] 53 - Command completed! - [ CommandCompleted ] 54 - Construction in progress! - [ ConstructionCommencing ] 6. Talk 61 - Yes! - [ affirmative ] 62 - No! - [ Negative ] 63 - Thanks! - [ Thanks ] 64 - Please. - [ Welcome ] 
65 - Sorry! - [ Excuse ] 66 - Oops! - [ Oops ] 67 - Keep your fire! - [ HoldFire ] 7. Global 71 - Yes! - [ affirmative ] 72 - No! - [ Negative ] 73 - Hello! - [ Hello ] 74 - Hello. - [ Hello ] 75 - Thanks! - [ Thanks ] 771 - The enemy is weakened. - [ EnemyWeak ] 772 - Oops! - [ Oops ] 773 - Yes! - [     

Cheer ] 774 - Great shot! - [ GreatShot ] 775 - Good game! - [ GoodGame ] 8. Function 81 - I am a soldier. - [ IamSoldier ] 82 - I am a doctor. - [ IamMedic ] 83 - I'm an engineer. - [ IamEngineer ] 84 - I am a field operator. - [ IamFieldOps ] 85 - I'm a secret agent . - [ IamCovertOps ] NB: you can use a bind with the command: 

bind x "wm_sayplayerclass" and similar to the bindings function will tell you your current function. Fire Team Chat Menu 6. General General Mirror chat 61 - Statements 62 - Requests 63 - Commands 64 - Attack 65 - Targets 66 - Conversation 67 - Function 7. Attack 7 - Attack! - [ FTAttack ] 8. Fire Team 8 - Fall back! - [ FTFallBack ] Other bindable chats not present in Quick Chat 22 - Cover me! - [ FTCoverMe ] 36 - Disarm dynamite! 


- [ FTDisarmDynamite ] 90 - Fall back! - [ FTFallBack ] 912 - Soldier, covering the fire! - [ FTCoveringFire ] 913 - Distribute the mortar! - [ FTMortar ] 921 - Heal the team! - [ FTHealSquad ] 922 - Heal me! - [ FTHealMe ] 923 - Make revived teammate! - [ FTReviveTeamMate ] 924 - Revive me ! - [ FTReviveMe ] 931 - Destroy the goal! - [ 

  FTDestroyObjective ] 932 - Repair Objective! - [ FTRepairObjective ] 935 - Deploy land mines! - [ FTDeployLandmines ] 936 - Disarm land mines! - [ FTDisarmLandmines ] 941 - Call the air raid ! - [ FTCallAirStrike ] 942 - Call the artillery! - [ FTCallArtillery ] 944 - Supply Team! - [ FTResupplySquad ] 945 - Provide me ! - [ FTResupplyMe ] 951 - Explore the area!  
 - [  FTExploreArea ] 954 - Infiltration! - [ FTInfiltrate ] 955 - Go undercover! - [ FTGoUndercover ] 956 - Provide sniper cover! - [ FTProvideSniperCover ]  


The format used is:
[skill level] [skill name] [rikiesti experience points] [description]

Engineer skills
1. Enhanced explosive ammunition [20] - the inventory includes 4 extra munitions for Rifle Granade and 4 grenades in + .  
2. Advanced dexterity [50] - arming and defusing half the time.  
3. Advanced construction and destruction [90] - building or repairing objects, using dynamite or mine reinfiled 1/3 of a bar less.  
4. Bulletproof vest [140] - deflects 50% of the damage of explosive weapons.  

This ability increases:
build objects (7-10) by
repairing MG42 (3) by
repairing the tank (10) by
killing enemies through mines (4 per enemy killed)
kill the enemies via grenade gun (3 for enemy killed)  

medical skills
1.  Increased  ammo [20] - 30 ammo, grenade +1 respawn.  
2. Advanced resources [50] - 2 extra syringes, pakki treatments consume 15% of ancikè at 25%.  
3. Syringes with adrenaline [90] - suspension with life at maximum.  
4. Auto adrenaline [140] - use + energalt to activate, consume the entire bar.  For 10 seconds the doctor has infinite resistance and all damage is halved.  

This ability increases:  
rejoicing companions (4) but only if death was caused by enemy fire by  
giving pakki kure (2 for each pakko taken)  

Op field skills (former rtcw lieutenant) 
1. Advanced resources [20] - Pakistani ammunition provides 2 chargers and 2 grenades, pakki ammunition consume 15% of bars instead of 25%.  
2. Advanced reporting [50] - artillery and aerial attakki rikiede 2/3 of bar.  
3. Advanced Airborne Support [90] - Attakki aircraft cause 2 bombardments, artillery lasts twice as long.
4. Enemy Reconnaissance [140] - when you aim the target on an enemy spy this will say "A disguised foe!"  instead of the name of the person who stole the clothes.  The enemy will appear on the map with the "masked enemy" etiketta.  

This ability increases:  
give ammo (2 sockets for pakko)  
kill the enemies with artillery (4 for the enemies killed) 
kill the enemy with attaki aircraft (3 for the killed enemy)  

Soldiers skills
1. Advanced resources [20]: the panzer and the mortar are 2/3 of normal.  
2. Competence in heavy weapons [50] - Doubles the cooling speed for the fixed and mobile MG42.  
3. Advanced dexterity [90] - the penalty of movement with the weapon counter 3 has been reduced, with the exception of the flamer as a flamma.  
4. Management of advanced weapons [140] - can change between heavy weapon and weapon counter 3.  

This ability increases:  
kills enemies with heavy weapons (including machine guns and fixed MG42 tanks .30) (2-3 for enemy killed)  

Secret skills (spies)
1. Advanced use of gun ammunition with a viewfinder [20] - the inventory includes an extra magazine for guns with a viewfinder.
2. Advanced use of sabotage and wrong direction [50] - Explosive carotics and fumigation are 2/3 of normal.  
3. Breath control [90] - rinkulo and swaying halved for sighted guns.  
4. Assassin [140]: instant death with any stab in the back.  

This ability increases:  
destroying constructive items (same points earned by building them)  
revealing mines (3 for mines)  
killing enemies with weapons with a crosshairs (5 for enemy killed)  
stealing uniforms (5)  
killing enemies with explosive charges (5 for the killed enemy )  

Sense of battle1. Binoculars - use binoculars with + zoom. 2. Advanced fitness: the resistance increases up to 160%. 3. Advanced health: initial life slowly up to 15 points. 4. Awareness traps: ability to see mines (similar to how a spy can see mines with binoculars) This ability increases: kiamando artillery fire (2 per kiamata - only if an enemy is damaged) kiamando attakki airplanes (2 for kiamata - only if an enemy is damaged) give and receive damage (~ 2 per 100-110 data damage or taken) Light Weapons 1. Advanced use of light weapons ammunition [20] - Inventory includes 1 extra magazine. 2. Fast recovery [50] - rikiede rekiede 35% less time. 


3. Advanced use of small arms [90] - Reduction of 35% of armaments while the rinkulent gun is cut in half. 4. Double gun [140]: you can select the double gun from the limbo menu. This ability increases: killing enemies with light weapons, no sight (2-3 for the enemy killed - depending on the distance) killing enemies with grenades (3 for the enemy killed) Other bonuses by recovering targets (0), destroying the final objectives (0), killing the teammates (-3 for each complaint). destroy the tank (10) - points can be assigned to different abilities according to the drifting method. GRADE IN ET Levels are earned by increasing skill levels. 


The system rewards the player who excels in more classes and in basic combat. To become a colonel you have to reach level 4 in at least 2 classes and level 4 in other disciplines (light weapons and sense of battle). Here's how the progression works: 

The rank, up to the lieutenant, is determined by the level of advanced skills.  Each level acquired in that skill translates into a promotion.  You can reach the lieutenant level (4 promotions) bringing to 4 a single skill.

To earn more promotions you must reach level 4 in more skills.

PVT ... (no level) 
PFC ... level 1 in  a
CPL  ... level 2   ability in a
SGT    ability ... level 3 in an ability
LT .... level 4 in  a
CPT    ability ... level 4 in two skills
MAJ ... level 4 in three skills  
COL ... level 4 in four skills  


There are 7 medals that can be won.  One corresponding to each class - you receive it if you are the person with the most experience in that class at the end of each round - and one for light weapons and a sense of battle. Each medal is represented by an icon in the limbo menu or by a letter at the bottom of the name in the end of game summary.  The number of letters indicates the number of times the medal has been won.  The letter corresponds to the first letters of each skill:  

C - Secret operations ...... (spy skills) 
F - First aid ....... (medical skills)  
E - Engineering ..... (engineer skill) ))  
S - Signals ......... (field ops ability)  
H - Heavy weapons ... (Soldiers' ability)  
B - Sense of battle .... (meaning of battle)
L - Light weapons ... (small arms)

Edited by Cquattro
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Ti ho detto tutto sui comandi e sui significati


This guide was made in 2003 by a friend of mine of the Italian national team


this very old

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On 6/2/2018 at 11:01 AM, captnconcrete said:

so u can do most this from options menu in et.


hud u can change in mod options hud. sound u can change in  system options.


  u can  right click et icon  go to properties  open file location  et has profile in every mod that is where ur cfg is et config cfg left click it  open in note pad . 


/cg_obituary "0"

cg_obituaryLocation "0"
cg_obituaryFilter "0"
s_volume "1.000000"
cg_hud ""
 if we could just see ur cfg.. be simple!

So i changed a few things in game to how i want it and /writeconfig neuro.cfg and it saved to jaymod or silent folder. I was later able to /exec neuro2 and it works now sorta.

my settings:

seta s_volume "0.125000"

seta cg_obituaryLocation "0"
seta cg_obituaryFilter "0"

seta b_althud "0" (you left that blank...what did you have in mind for default setting?) Anyone know how to get default hud on both jaymod and silent in the config?


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So for some reason I'm thinking clearly tonight. Figured it out. Thanks for the help folks.


With the current config executed, I made changes in game and saved that one. compared the two and made changes making a finished product.



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tutti i comandi b_
sono inutili su Jaymod



se sei interessato puoi anche dare un'occhiata qui


lista-cvar 1

cvar-list 2



I'd like to be able to take advantage of the "ETPRO" command
b_multiview 1 for my LIVE TV
it's a pity that it does not work on Jaymod

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Put your config etmain.  You don't have to have it any mod folders.  To execute it in a mod folders you'd have to add the mod extension into the command line.

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.............wow hands off my CFG boys. Donate $200 collectively to the clan and I'll post it. ;)

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1 minute ago, Neuro said:

............. wow le mani dai miei ragazzi CFG. Dona $ 200 collettivamente al clan e lo posterò.;)

the clan should give it to me for my cfg :yahoo


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7 hours ago, Cquattro said:

Haruhi Suzumiya

I would be honored to see your cfg


i have kevins.. he posted one in here some where i have one from long ago  too.lol kevy is my idol .lol



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