Administrators Popular Post daredevil Posted May 29, 2011 Administrators Popular Post Posted May 29, 2011 (edited) Anyone can make a request not only clan member, so don't be shy and ask. To create an autoexec.cfg* we can help you, but to create one we need to know some details about your hardware, Internet connection and how you wanna play the game (graphics) * Autoexec.cfg is a small file that is placed in ETMAIN folder to load automatically preferences (binds, voice-chat, various configuration settings) Fill this form: (*) --> must be filled CPU: Model + speed of the cpu --> (*) RAM: How much memory on your PC or Laptop --> (*) Graphic Card: Model --> (*) Monitor: Size of your screen + Resolution + Refresh Rate Internet connexion and speed: xdsl or cable or modem --> (*) Game graphics: High or ugly (you want to see all graphic details in the game Or you don't care cos you looking only for better performance.) What resolution you play with: Not your Monitor resolution but game resolution) --> (*) What Sensitivity: you want for your mouse between 0.1 to 30 (default is 5) --> (*) What Crosshair: see the picture below --> (*) What FOV you want: see the picture below --> (*) and if you want some specific binds please tell us what and with what key you want? For Crosshair you may choose which one you want: For cg_fov you can select between 90 or up to 120 allowed by PunkBuster: Original Author: medic. You can also find player configs here. You can also submit your config at above location with minimum 4-5 screenshots so other players know what type of graphics they will get from your config. DareDevil's General Tips post from 2008 : Edited February 6, 2018 by RedBaird Add DD link 13 1 2
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