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DF mod abuse


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Hi all Finger here,


Well i am going to make this short and sweet ,been playing on ET recruiting for years during (Joes tenure) got to know quite a few of FA members in that time had fair share of laughs and good times with most over the years. But now its getting pointless to play there with DF sitting out all day and micro managing the server and generally abusing players as though he is some kind of god (muting people when only HE doesn't like what they say and then making shitty comments about them after he has muted them which is just a wind up for the person involved.) This is not just me who he has had run ins with him i have watched him do it to  a number of other players too with his abrasive modding. he seems to like drama to fill his day and also likes moving people without asking to even teams first and in my opinion uses this option to create conflict with the player he doesn't like or is pissed with that day for whatever reason. He just muted me again today without any explanation for no reason as soon as he logged in. I will stress that YOU can have a laugh and a joke with other mods butterz ,buck,Eazy,fisticuffs tipsy to name a few, in contrast its always like walking on egg shells with DF just sitting out all day looking for the next  drama he can create ( he seems to prefer the power of modding than actually playing.)


Anyways i could go on but i wont, so will be out now for the foreseeable future will log on periodically and play when he is not around because the whole point of playing online is to have a laugh

and not to worry about someone like DF being offended every 5 mins and getting into an argument and yes i am not an angel.


wasn't sure where to post this so sorry if its in wrong place.

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the correct section is here and below you see how to file a proper admin abuse topic: https://fearless-assassins.com/forum/71-admin-abuse/

If you feel any admin i.e. member of our community or regular is abusing his level/command for bla bla bla reason then give us below info by creating new topic.


Server IP:
Server Name:
Name/Alias of admin:
Your in-game name:
Appx Date and Time:
Any proof? SS or Demo (Must):


1. Remember in the end it's just a fun e-game which we all play together to have fun. Don't be too serious for e-games.
2. All spamming or bitching post for no reason will be deleted without any prior notice.
3. Make sure you have submitted your GUID in your profile so we can easily investigate logs. Read here how to do it: https://fearless-assassins.com/tutorials/article/142-how-to-submit-your-guid-with-pics/


All complains without proof i.e. screenshot or demo will be deleted without any prior notice or solution.


Failure to provide above info and especially note #3, will result in no action or investigation and topic being closed immediately.

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