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I hope everyone enjoyed the last 7 days of silence on Jay 1, which ends in a few hours. It was fair, I get pretty bitchy on there, but I don't know what lesson you think you taught me. Other than keep my feelings for YoYo inside me. You know, I thought I Had friends here. I thought that when I posted the history and why I feel the way i do, someone would reply with some understanding. BTW, thanks to the people that PM'd me, who don't want to face whatever consequences they thought they'd get from having my back in public. I seriously appreciate those PM's. You know who you are.


And sorry to those who tried to talk to me in the server and I couldn't reply. Maybe you didn't know I was muted.


You know, none of this was necessary and all could have been avoided. We never really had any problems until after my last app. Sure I was salty. I loved that people believed my story but I hated that an exception couldn't be made, although I understood why. I didn't like it, but I understood it. I was grateful for Clan Friend and I posted that, but when it got taken - and the reason Von Rantala gave me was for crying about my app - even though I wasn't crying about it, I was posting what others were saying to me - that drove the stake even deeper. I BEGGED for Lvl 10 back as I got more and more and more frustrated about playing at night and Allied regulars stacking allies every night. But nothing. Not even replies, mostly. That drove the stake even deeper, still. If you would have just listened for a change instead of pre-judging, things would have been different.


Then seeing Tipsy come back and get all this attention like some long lost friend was the final straw. All it took was no one, not ONE of you to show any understanding of MY feelings and the torch was lit. I thought after 7 years, I had friends here, man I was wrong. So I guess THAT was the lesson. 


I'd like to say that after 7 days of not saying anything, I no longer have anything to say on there, but people will talk and I'll want to reply, but other than that, I guess I'm just a lone man on an island... A Castaway.

So be it


Leaders were chosen for a reason. If they decided you were "crying" about your app, you sure were. Deal with it. Isn't mentioning it now is crying as well?


Friendship is one thing but rules are one for everyone, if you can't understand that you'll get punished accordingly.


Sis gave you a very useful tip: If you hate someone, ignore them instead of starting to insult them.



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I already was 15 min with my post but got locked 10seconds before i was finished

First of all we never punish anyone for having a opinion 
if people support you and they do that in the proper place (forum) and in normal words they are free to do that.

then between you and tipsy 

we dont want to teach you a lesson it's very simple and that is to stop herrassing him.
when you made your post months ago and mentioned you had difficulty's with the return of tipsy you had more then enough support i think
you twice were herrassing him and dispite that you didn't got muted instead of that i talked to you about it
but even the person that was duped the most didnt make as much issues about it and to tipsy then you did
about your demotion i dont know much about i do know you once abused you commands by putting me in a team because you didnt like i was so much in spec
what i do know and you maybe won't like me saying this after it you clearly had a grudge and anger towards F|A
you complained a lot about the clan but not just that every admin abuse topic of topic directed against F|A you were liking the posts from those that made it and supported them all the time i dont know if this was the same during your apply but i think it made you lose support from many of your friends that are here 

in anycase all this is no reason for admins ignoring you on purpose and let people stack i dont know if you pm'd for example me but if so i was defently afk 
but i hope i can assume that no other admin did this and that they were afk and it was a bad timing then i guess

srry for a new post i was busy with it for a while to think about what to post and a nice reply back 

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