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Can some one please help me, I'm making a map :D


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Hello Captn and thanks, hows the family doing sorry I have seen Bunker Community in a while if you see JohnX and his brother tell him I said hello :)


As for the the image being distorted when BSP is running you can do one of several things.


One would be to run (single) BSP- meta and (single test) -light -fast I normally use these two only when working with them. Typically this will give you a idea of how it will look most of the time.


What your seeing is probably the -vis part that's distorting the entity try the above and when your done and want the final view do the Old Style compression. The other 2 finals will cause some sort of problems there mainly for maps that have multiple coloring of lights it's hard to explain cause it's new settings made bye Ydnar for Jedi Academy some time back.


For scripts there is a limit on how many executable scripts I thank can be used . There's some what a limit on the inside workings of the scripts like how it functions but yes there is a limit not sure how many. I think the longest I've seen a script written is around 9000 lines but those lines are not all individual commands. I mean like a forum has X amount of directories but has a lot more sub categories trying to give a picture in mind. It's hard to say how many main scripts there can be used Im thinking it's around 250-300 range for each Main and Sub script inside and out. The only reason I know of the limit is cause of the x-amount of splines that are allowed per tank spline run. Meaning if the tank reaches the limit of X amount you have to start a new Spline count. and have to make the first model as setstate invisible and the make the 2nd model as setstate visible to continue.

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So, I'm going back and retexturing everything to make it more "real". When I finish this room, I will need to make a statue, that when you push on it, it moves backwards, revealing a secret passage. This will be the most complex script I've done so far. By the time I finish this one room I will have learned alot.  Certain textures are hard to come by, because nearly every texture requires a recreation, as I can't normally use 80s film stills for my map. The quality just isn't there. I have a few times, but I prefer to recreate textures instead. 


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How to add func_button back to radiant 1.5 only


I was thinking it's been many years sense I made a object that you can push. As far as I can recall for ET there's no sprite entities that can be pushed besides props_chair the last time I can recall making one was back for DukeNukem even then it wasn't a easy feat. Reason I say this is even if using a invisible_user entity it wouldn't be possible to script a activator sprite. I could be wrong only person I know that would know the answer is so old now he would decline to answer lol


But for one you can make triggers to activate such things to move when touched by a player or use a invisible button out of a trigger. But one thing for sure is all radiants are missing is the func_button entity.


If you decide you need to have a button to activate such a item to move to one side your going to have to use func_door with func_button and give it a angle probably going to get really annoyed with this but it is easy to work around also note you can trigger anything with it as long as it has a brush entity trigger.


From the cross over from Wolf Return to Wolf ET they removed the entity in radiant why I don't know. You can put it back and many people will take years to get around to figuring it out. Cause of the coding part can be time consuming to figure out.


Took some reading to find the proper script for the entity to be read by ET engine these are the steps to add the entity back to Radiant tho this only works on version 1.5 any other version would probably not have a et_entities.ent list to sort out.


In program files depending on which OS your running or if you have it on the desktop in the Radiant folder your going to have to go to this path and open this file " et_entities.ent " with a note pad .


gtkradiant folder/et.game/etmain/et_entities.ent


then in alphabetical order between the <---- codes ----> and add this line.

Go down to <group name="func_ find there the order to place it 

should be under <group name="func_constructible" I meant func_brushmodel hehe it happens

add a new row for this to divide it for general neatness 




<group name="func_button" color="0 .5 .8">
When a button is touched by a player, it moves in the direction set by the "angle" key, triggers all its targets, stays pressed by an amount of time set by the "wait" key, then returns to it's original position where it can be operated again.
-------- KEYS --------
<direction key="angle" name="Direction">determines the direction in which the button will move (up = -1, down = -2).</direction>
<target key="target" name="Target">all entities with a matching targetname will be triggered.</target>
<real key="speed" name="Move Speed">speed of button's displacement (default 40).</real>
<real key="wait" name="Return Delay">number of seconds button stays pressed (default 1, -1 = return immediately).</real>
<real key="lip" name="Lip">lip remaining at end of move (default 4 units).</real>
<real key="health" name="Activate On Damage">(default 0) if set to any non-zero value, the button must take damage (any amount) to activate.</real>
<real key="light" name="Model Light Intensity">constantLight radius of .md3 model included with entity. Has no effect on the entity's brushes (default 0).</real>
<color key="color" name="Model Light Color">constantLight color of .md3 model included with entity. Has no effect on the entity's brushes (default 1 1 1).</color>
<model key="model2" name="Model File">path/name of model to include (eg: models/mapobjects/pipe/pipe02.md3).</model>
<real3 key="origin" name="World Origin">alternate method of setting XYZ origin of .md3 model included with entity (See Notes).</real3>
<boolean key="notfree" name="Hidden For FFA">when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.</boolean>
<boolean key="notteam" name="Hidden For Teamplay">when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.</boolean>
<boolean key="notsingle" name="Hidden For SP">when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode).</boolean>
-------- Q3MAP2 KEYS --------
<targetname key="_targetname" name="Target Name">Used to attach a misc_model entity to this entity.</targetname>
<real key="_lightmapscale" name="Lightmap Scale">Floating point value scaling the resolution of lightmaps on brushes/patches in this entity (default 1.0).</real>
<integer key="_castshadows;_cs" name="Shadow Caster Level">Allows per-entity control over shadow casting. Defaults to 0 on entities, 1 on world. 0 = no shadow casting. 1 = cast shadows on world. > 1 = cast shadows on entities with _rs (or _receiveshadows) with the corresponding value, AND world. Negative values imply same, but DO NOT cast shadows on world.</integer>
<integer key="_receiveshadows;_rs" name="Shadow Reciever Level">Allows per-entity control over shadow reception. Defaults to 1 on everything (world shadows). 0 = receives NO shadows. > 1 = receive shadows only from corresponding keyed entities (see above) and world. < 1 = receive shadows ONLY from corresponding keyed entities.</integer>
<texture key="_celshader" name="Cel Shader">Sets the cel shader used for this geometry. Note: omit the "textures/" prefix.</texture>
-------- Q3MAP2 TERRAIN KEYS --------
<texture key="_indexmap;alphamap" name="Terrain Blending Map">Path/name for the art file used to guide the mapping of textures on the terrain surface.</texture>
<integer key="_layers;layers" name="Terrain Layers">Integer value is the number unique root shaders that will be use on the terrain.</integer>
<texture key="_shader;shader" name="Terrain MetaShader">Path to the metashader used to assign textures to the terrain entity. Note: Omit the "textures/" prefix.</texture>
-------- NOTES --------
Setting the origin key is simply an alternate method to using an origin brush. When using the model2 key, the origin point of the model will correspond to the origin point defined by either the origin brush or the origin coordinate value.

Target this entity with a misc_model to have the model attached to the entity (set the model's "target" key to the same value as this entity's "targetname").

If you want to figure out how to add a button this would be some what a general idea to work around in this video. Tho this is Jedi Academy it is the same program just with a added feature that was missing before.
Please note I take no credit for the code it's off of Warchest straight out of Radiant 1.2.2 - 1.3.7 I just knew what it was but not where it was so it ended here.
reference link 
Just trying to save you some time is all. Have fun ;)
Edited by DoubleDragon
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I care about accuracy, so I still have to work on lighting, placement textures, and sizing. I want it to be as accurate as I can make it. But this gives you some idea of progress. There's a couple obvious things I need to work on. I will be working hard to re-create the map as accurately as possible. There's a few things that are obviously not done yet, tweak quite right. It'll be a pain to try to get everything the right size. This is a good shot of the room from this angle that I've used for my mapping project, it's a little off, because I've mapped the room from every angle using film stills. So, I'll have to tweak things as I go along. I've changed this room several times to try to match every angle at which it was filmed. 

With that, I've had to resize everything several times. I have to resize the mural, the pillars and there's a few other things I have to do.  The statues being the most work, in which I'll have to resize and remodel. The pillars need a slight texture. There's alot of work to be done...


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If the pillars and statues are the same texture from default library from ET pak0.pk3 you can apply these textures to these models by setting the path to them inside the ms3d file when exporting the model so lighting wont look different on them.


This is a simple light shader script .



qer_editorimage textures/filename/lightname.tga
q3map_surfacelight 1000   //<----- Here is the amount of light to cast adjust this
surfaceparm nomarks
map $lightmap
rgbGen identity
Also note adding a custom texture will cast light color according to the texture color.
This one here is a blend light to cast the color of a different shader if you texture is a image with a specifc light you want it to cast. Like if its a image of say a computer with a blue button and you want it to be blue light casted.
qer_editorimage textures/filename/lightname.tga
q3map_surfacelight 1000
surfaceparm nomarks
map $lightmap
rgbGen identity
map textures/filename/lightname.tga
rgbGen identity
map textures/filename/lightname.blend.tga  //<----- Note this is the texture to cast the color I think if not mistaken this can be a solid color not image.
blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
In all the best way to cast a light is to use Radiant to add a light entity if you want a specific color press K
if you want a pointed spot light you have to put a Light and a Light Jr and target from Light to Jr and connect it. It use to be press shift+k to connect in the old radiants.
For instance when you put Light in radiant put key: target and name: light_1 then when you put Light Jr give key: targetname and name: light_1
if you targetname more then one entity target from one target the same they will connect not sure how it would look but that is how you connect two entities in 1.4 and up.


If you need to know more about lighting go here.


http://toolz.nexuizninjaz.com/shader/    4.5 - 4.7



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Yes, they are similar textures, but for some reason they look very different. I'll try what you suggest. Those are under construction. There's alot that needs to be done to them yet. But, they are very mismatched in color for some reason. 

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It's going to be easier to retexture and remodel the top of the pillar. I know I have issues, that I'm addicted to this now because it's the day of the wedding and I'm still trying to work on the mapping project. I need therapy. I might even be serious about that. 

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Doing this all the time will make you addicted. And dancing is okay gives you a break :)


Try this one here if not mistaken it will do if you prefer to use your own.

q3map_shadeangle 90
implicitMap textures/filename/texturename.tga

light reading from here chapter 3 I think scroll down. http://q3map2.everyonelookbusy.net/shader_manual/ch1.htm By Obsidian and ydnar | Version 2.5.15 (02.09.04)

Instructs Q3Map2 to merge any adjacent triangles that don't lie in the same plane into a non-planar triangle soup. This allows shadows to be cast correctly across non-planar edges. It is typically used on lightmapped terrain shaders.
Add the model in radiant then using N set key and path in entity as to force it to skin model in game and it will work fine.
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you have to apply .skin file not tga image my mistake will start going to bed first from now on mind is slipping when as I get older :/


the shader file will take care of the tga.


here is what the skin file looks in side .


upper_torso, "models/mapobjects/heman/upper_torso.md3"

upper_torso, "models/mapobjects/heman/upper_torso.tga"
cross, "models/mapobjects/heman/cross.tga"
suit, "models/mapobjects/heman/suit.tga"
I also want to note when I said when you write the ms3d I meant when you write the .qc but I think you can figure that one out the skin is different here I will upload the top part of the model I made
add the correct content in the .skin file this is to clear up my mistake 
also note that it shows the .md3 and the .tga file formats when you use the skin name it is the same as the md3 your going to apply it to this is used on models/players/temperate/  player model no skeleton file in this sorry


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Awesome, thank you. It's going to be extremely helpful, haven't had much time to work on anything lately with family visiting and the wedding but I've been working it out in my head. So I do have ideas how I am going to execute things. 

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