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Can some one please help me, I'm making a map :D


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In theory it doesn't really matter how big the download is it's more of how playable it is with a lot of people on it.


Mostly what affects people the most is the vis portal or visible distance it's best to detail everything but the ground and make where people are shooting structural or clip details.


I think you need to read this first it is good lesson to learn to start off instead of how to build walls but actually where to place them in general with hint's and skip's you will get a bigger picture reading this.




In open area maps you can cull the visible distance or use the skip shader if not mistaken. You can't use entities in skip you have to hint those far as I can recall.

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But as for skip brush try to ignore it cause it's a old brush that should have been discontinued back in Q2 crossover to Q3 was used I think mainly like a caulk for hint brush this is old thinking Hint brush would be all you need. The hint brush doesn't need to be real thick just has to be at 90 or 180 degrees if I remember as well. I guess you'll figure it out. But if you use skip use it on something that wont be seen from afar it is what you call a caulk but not really a drawn shader not sure if ET switched back sense moving on from Q3 to Q3map2.

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Trying not to spam sorry.


If you need a idea of what range of map size you think you want to do I believe MLB_Egypt is the largest in vis data size you can look at the maps on here and see how they rated them. http://wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&cat=1&scat=12

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This I did for fun maybe give you a idea how to make pcx and import map in radiant. You have to assign a texture to alpha its just click on color then click on textures on the top then add folder it must have 1 tga file you can apply and look on bottom left and click on image. The rest is in the video on how to save as and export map and pcx that is all you must save as first before exporting so you have to save project to use the export cause it writes a .gen file and you have to add a texture to the layout for it to export map or alpha map


Do note if you use pcx for terrain you will have to put it in etmain like in the video and when you make map.pk3 final you just add it to the pk3 as if it was etmain cause it's what you called system written image in text.


I used all the short cut keys and skipped the first 2 models and made the last one to show you to maybe broaden your prospective of terrains sorry don't use mic so I put subliminal messages and hand gestures.


You don't have to use the shader file from EasyGen you can use radiant textures and use the pcx as a model which that is what it is a detailed model some what of a entity as long as you Caulk everything. Vertices count so you see how I made the lay out with rows bigger is better the wider you make the squares the more pcx files you can create.


It's not all that fancy it's raw input sorry. 30+ mins long took a few hours to compile and upload.





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The thing that now scares me the most about mapping is file size. The actual making of the map doesn't scare me at all. It scares me enough that I'm not sure I can do this. I just don't know if I will be able to compress my map file size. Or is this easy to do? Because it really scares me.  :unsure: 

But, other than that. That video is extremely helpful and I will refer to it when I make terrain, possible the mine, so on.

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When I tried to convert my TGAs to gifs and back to TGA, not exactly what you said. But when I tried that it, it didn't work, it said that , ET only accepts format 3, and something else and something else. 
I wasn't able to get it last night, I tried but I couldn't figure out how to do it right. :D

My TGAS can be really large in size, unfortunately. 

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I only use xnview to swap back and forth from extensions. Very fast program hardly stays open it's so fast.

Download for xnview http://www.xnview.com

Surf for the image in the left column click on path then click on the image in the right side. Once it is highlighted.

There's a convert key on the tool bar hold mouse over a folder till you read convert.


You want to only change the format and replace in original path the directory should be blank unless you want a specific location to save and it will format to the TGA to the 2nd power.


Image for reference to format.



You can also resize the image to fit with this no need for photo shopping.







You can also do more then one picture at a time hold control and click individually or hold shift and go by rows like click the top one then go to the bottom and select them all.

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I don't mean to be dramatic, I just worry some times and get discouraged. :D I want to finish this map, I'm just looking at the size of some of my files and don't see how the map can be a reasonable size when I'm finished. I'll try to convert it again. I think I see my mistake. I'll also try what you've shown above. Thank you again.

I'm just worried that I won't be able to figure out how to get my map to a reasonable size, that's the most discouraging thing so far. 

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I use this one its on the bottom of the page 



The extended version includes:
Languages: All languages.
Plugins & Addons: All
Extras: NConvertShellEx, Media Detector.

 XnView Ext. Setup XnView Ext. Zip

It's okay was the same way when I started just go with it Im sure there's always a work around.

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I don;'t want to be a pest but I can't few any of your google images. :D LOL. I'm going to go take a short break, maybe put in a few job apps in case I don't get this job I interviewed for and then I'll try it again. Thanks again

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Alright, I think I'm going to design a little further ahead and then put it out there for test runs. I know it's very incomplete and there's alot of glaring flaws. But, I'm starting to question myself and wonder what looks good or what works and what doesn't. I might have to even start from scratch because I'm not sure I'm doing anything right :D 

I'll keep at it, but I'll be open to suggestions soon.

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yes you can use a script_mover with the objective to script it, would require advanced knowledge of scripting to pull it off it's like putting it on the back of the truck and moving it but yep can be done


Sorry to bring up the limits thing but it's best to be aware of such things before getting to a error


here's a simple prefab generator for a tank to understand script movers you must first conquer the tank and barricades it is not advanced as building a CP but it is technical to understand it is a good insight to understand moving entites in the game http://www.ruizzz.nl/prefabgenerator/index.php


in modding this is a time frame I think it will take you to undestand it.


No experience new guy will take 1-2 weeks

Moderate Coder of CSS 3-5 days

Advanced Coder 1 day


This is just a observation over my time period of helping people it's possible you could figure it out in a hour or two if know gtkradiant short cuts.


ET is build mainly of scripting this will be the hardest of them all modeling is like 10% of the work.

This is where I'm currently at. Break downs from interviews and unemployment aside and stress making me TEMPORARILY wanting to stop working on this and extremely insecure because I'm almost 30 and living with my mom as a recent graduate... the map looks great and progress is going great. 


I'm getting ready to move the pillar.


I've figured out transparencies. Etc. This script is different because it has triggers and things like that. But, it will be important to learn because later I'll have to script mining carts. 

Edited by laggermcjagger
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:D How is it that there are NO youtube tutorials how to script a moving truck or tank in GTK Radiant? All I need to do is move this like 5 feet. I'm surprised that a game that is over 10 years old doesn't have a single tutorial online how to move a truck, tank or anything. :D 

I'll keep at it. But, I'm amazed. 

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The part about moving things yeah your not going to find detailed information about it that would be current with the new Radiant that just come out.


In order to move a model with a script your going to have to do a lot of extra learning. The hardest for new people to figure out is the x,y,z locations of a origin in a entity to get it to move. With no origin set correctly you will not get any movement or if it's set wrong it will move to the wrong location.


To get some what of a idea of how to move objects would be to download this water pump from Oasis and look at the water in radiant and it comes with the part of the script you may need. This has a trigger to a constructiable object it's just a trigger with a couple of path_mover_2 path_corner_2 ( still tired lol ) with directions in the script on how to move it up and down same would be from side to side if the origin in the path_corner_2 was set accordingly. Tho this is the advanced way to do it this would be the way to make a object move but it isn't the only entity that moves things. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8gNLkPANLuxU2RtSWpWN0p1Sms


func_train is a way way street

script_mover is like path_corner and path_corner_2 multiple uses but uses the model it self can be assigned to a md3


Meaning you will have to either path it or script the model and if it was to change the water from a path_corner_2 to a script mover you will have to still add targets.


There is maybe some information online but really doubtful anyone that has got this advanced in it has either retired or no longer around and doing something similar in a different game or none at all.


I can try to make a video on how to do this will take some time I just got off of a 2 day veng of no sleep so Im still tired will try tonight or tomorrow to do a simple model instead of shader.  

Edited by DoubleDragon
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