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Technology or Headache

Mr. X

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Day by day our need increasing and many technology are really helpful in that, but some people say Technology is really good thing and because of that people are living a good life etc, but another side people are against of that technology because they believe now days mostly people are busy in using technology and they are not giving time towards their family members, mostly people find out busy in Cellphones and any update technology and because of that they are also getting ill and eyes weakness any many other deceased.

What you believe what technology is? is helping people to living a good life?


Is running human race or his entire life? 

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change will happen, with you or without you. I dont think technology is something bad. It is different. The tricky part is to accept it, adapt to it and use it.

There are so many jobs and cool inventions in technology atm. Like Tesla. Such a great company. Works on electric cars but thats not all they do. They have solar projects and products that will help million of people and the environment.

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just from my experience im only 29 but when I was young and saw star wars it was mostly all fantasy and imagenation but now 20 years later I realise exept the aliens ... and the current speed we can travel.
it soon will be reality and eventually it would be the only way to survive as human race because at some point either a disaster war or natural force will destroy the earth so if we dont find a way to go to new habital places even this is millions or billions years away from happening we wont survive the sun will burn up the earth will be destroyed

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the grandkids just stare at their tables a and phones All day and night..little interaction with family and real people..I also expect life expectancy to drop even as they want to make social security start at higher ages..they get no exercise..we ran around,swam and rode bicycles all day when I was young and only came home for lunch or before dark and i lifted weights and cut the lawn..my kids say they exhausted working 40 hours a week and just lay around on off days..they complaint they are tired!? I call my son a pussy..lol..they never get their heart rates up..that's very bad..I worked 50+ hours a week almost all my life with a very physically and mentally demanding job..and on off days rode bicycles and went offshore fishing.. .do I think they will be as good of shape as me later in life?no I don't

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Technology makes life more efficient as well as putting more distance between individuals. At one point or another this distance will be so great that there will be some sort of technological revolution.

Enjoy the "retro" technology that will try to bring back the good old days in the nearby future :P

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technology is good. i like to improve in my work to become more efficient, so im using it. but sometimes its weird i just read an article about a software which plays civilisation against humans. they teach him articificial intelligence. e.g. alpha go who won against european  chess player

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  • 4 weeks later...

Technology will prevail as long as we do and that's a good thing, right?   It really depends on how it is used.  I have heard that humans are actually living longer now mostly because of advances in tech. Hey, if that means more mouths to feed in the long run, I guess it would be to our advantage to keep advancing in tech. I am interested in the tech that will enhance the lives of generations to come. Not the new smartphone or its ilk. I think those types of consumer tech are pretty much as good as they are going to get for now.  


Now, that being said, if we keep saying hello out there in outerspace with our rockets and satellites, eventually something may answer. :unsure:

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